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Last active August 28, 2016 04:12
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Generate SpatialPointDataFrame based on dataset in Xitou
#!/usr/bin/env Rscript
# ----- For NTU Forestry 3049 Course Only -----
# Generate SpatialPointDataFrame based on dataset in Xitou
# This Gist:
# Mail:
# Author: Weihang Lo
# Date: 2016.08
# Helper Functions
# general function: affine transformation
affineTransform <- function(v11, v12, v21, v22, v31, v32, pts) {
transMat <- matrix(c(v11, v12, 0, v21, v22, 0, v31, v32, 1), ncol = 3)
(transMat %*% rbind(pts, 1))[1:2, , drop = FALSE]
# general function: coordinates transformation (using affine transform)
coordRotate <- function(coords, origin, angle) {
ang <- angle / 180
coords_t <- t(coords)
if (dim(coords_t)[1] == 1)
coords_t <- t(coords_t)
translated <- affineTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, -origin[1], -origin[2], coords_t)
t(affineTransform(cospi(ang), -sinpi(ang), sinpi(ang), cospi(ang),
origin[1], origin[2], translated))
# helper function: cleaning dirty excel data
cleanDataFrameToDataTable <- function(x, na.rm = FALSE) {
if (na.rm)
x <- x[complete.cases(x), ]
setnames(x, sapply(names(x), function(x) gsub("\\s|\\.", "_", x)))
# helper function: enlarge bounds of spatial object for rotating grid
generateCirCularBounds <- function(spgeom) {
midPt <- rowMeans(spgeom@bbox)
midPt <- SpatialPoints(matrix(midPt, ncol = 2),
proj4string = spgeom@proj4string)
gBuffer(midPt, width = dist(t(spgeom@bbox))/ 2, quadsegs = 256)
# helper function: sample valid points in spatial polygon
samplePts <- function(spgeom, ntree, type, iter = 20) {
if (type == 'natural') {
pts <- spsample(spgeom, ntree, type = 'random', iter = iter)
pts@proj4string <- spgeom@proj4string
bounds <- generateCirCularBounds(spgeom)
sampleSize <- max(gArea(bounds) / gArea(spgeom) * ntree, 1)
i <- 0
result <- NULL
resultDelta <- NULL
while (i < iter) {
pts <- spsample(bounds@polygons[[1]], n = sampleSize,
type = type, iter = iter)
pts@proj4string <- spgeom@proj4string
midPt <- rowMeans(spgeom@bbox)
pts@coords <- coordRotate(pts@coords, midPt, runif(1) * 359)
pts <- pts[rowSums( %over% spgeom)) == 0, ]
delta <- abs(length(pts) - ntree)
if (is.null(result) || delta < resultDelta) {
result <- pts
resultDelta <- delta
if (resultDelta < min(10, ntree * 0.95))
i = i + 1
# helper funciton: sampling dbh with normal distribution
sampleDBH <- function(f, s, size, data) {
dataDBH <- data[forest == f & stand == s,
.(dbh_mean, dbh_sd, dbh_min, dbh_max)]
newDBHs <- dataDBH[, .(rnorm(size, dbh_mean, dbh_sd))]
setnames(newDBHs, "dbh")
newDBHs[dbh < dataDBH$dbh_min, dbh := dataDBH$dbh_min]
newDBHs[dbh > dataDBH$dbh_max, dbh := dataDBH$dbh_max]
# helper function: final aggregate function for generate trees
# param spgeom: spatial object
# param data: forest/stand data
# param type: natural or plantation
# param compData: species composition data
generateTrees <- function(spgeom, data, type, compData) {
coordList <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(data))
for (i in seq_len(nrow(data))) {
cat("index ", i, "\n")
isNatural <- type == "natural"
f <- data[i, forest]
s <- data[i, stand]
randPts <- samplePts(spgeom[i, ], data[i, ntree],
ifelse(isNatural, "random", "regular"))
spdf <- data.table(x = randPts@coords[, 1], y = randPts@coords[, 2])
spdf[, c("forest", "stand") := list(f, s)]
spdf[, dbh := sampleDBH(f, s, length(randPts), data)]
if (isNatural) {
comp <- compData[forest == f & stand == s, .(species, proportion)]
spp <- sample(comp$species, length(randPts), TRUE, comp$proportion)
spdf[, species := .(spp)]
} else {
spp <- data[i, species]
spdf[, species := .(data[i, species])]
coordList[[i]] <- spdf
coords <- rbindlist(coordList)
trees <- SpatialPointsDataFrame(coords[, .(x, y)],
data = coords[, -c("x", "y"), with = FALSE])
trees@data <- cleanDataFrameToDataTable(trees@data, na.rm = TRUE)
# Handle Real Dataset
# Calculate area per polygon in hectare (ha)
xitou <- readOGR(dsn = "Data/GIS/", layer = "xitou")
xitou@data$area <- sapply(xitou@polygons, function(x) x@area / 1e4)
# Set Coordinate Reference System
TWD97_TM2_ZONE121 <- CRS("+proj=tmerc
+lat_0=0 +lon_0=121
+k=0.9999 +x_0=250000 +y_0=0 +ellps=GRS80
+towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs")
xitou@proj4string <- TWD97_TM2_ZONE121
# Natural Forest -----------------------
naturalExcel <- "Data/Xitou/xitou_natural.xlsx"
naturalData <- read_excel(naturalExcel, "base data")
naturalData <- cleanDataFrameToDataTable(naturalData, na.rm = TRUE)
naturalComp <- read_excel(naturalExcel, "species composition")
naturalComp <- cleanDataFrameToDataTable(naturalComp, na.rm = TRUE)
# join spatial data
naturalData <- merge(naturalData, xitou, by = c("forest", "stand"))
naturalData[, ntree := tree_ha * area]
# generate points in polygons
naturalTrees <- generateTrees(xitou, naturalData, 'natural', naturalComp)
naturalTrees@proj4string <- TWD97_TM2_ZONE121
writeOGR(naturalTrees, ".", "naturalTrees", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
# Plantation Forest --------------------
plantationExcel <- "Data/Xitou/xitou_plantation.xlsx"
plantationData <- read_excel(plantationExcel, "base data")
plantationData <- cleanDataFrameToDataTable(plantationData, na.rm = TRUE)
plantationData[] <- 1.1
# join spatial data
plantationData <- merge(plantationData, xitou, by = c("forest", "stand"))
plantationData[, ntree := tree_ha * area]
# generate points in polygons
plantationTrees <- generateTrees(xitou, plantationData, 'plantation')
plantationTrees@proj4string <- TWD97_TM2_ZONE121
writeOGR(plantationTrees, ".", "plantationTrees", driver = "ESRI Shapefile")
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