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Created April 11, 2017 17:05
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Example of using Eff monad
package catssandbox
import aiyou._
import aiyou.implicits._
import cats._
import org.atnos.eff._
import org.atnos.eff.all._
import org.atnos.eff.syntax.all._
import IOEffect._
object GuessTheNumber extends App {
case class Config(min: Int, max: Int)
case class Context(num: Option[Int])
type ConfigReader[A] = Reader[Config, A]
type LogWriter[A] = Writer[Vector[String], A]
type ContextState[A] = State[Context, A]
type GTN = Fx.fx5[ConfigReader, LogWriter, ContextState, Eval, IO]
type _configReader[R] = ConfigReader |= R
type _logWriter[R] = LogWriter |= R
type _contextState[R] = ContextState |= R
def guess[R : _configReader : _logWriter : _contextState : _eval](n: Int): Eff[R, String] = for {
_ <- tell(Vector(s"n = $n"))
config <- ask[R, Config]
Config(min, max) = config
_ <- tell(Vector(s"min = $min, max = $max"))
context <- get[R, Context]
Context(Some(num)) = context
_ <- tell(Vector(s"num = $num"))
} yield
if (n < min || n > max)
s"$n is out of range of $min and $max"
else if (n == num) s"you guessed right, the number is $n."
else if (n < num) "you guessed wrong, the number is bigger."
else "you guessed wrong, the number is smaller."
def readLine: IO[String] = IO.primitive(StdIn.readLine)
def randomNum(min: Int, max: Int): IO[Int] = IO.primitive(new util.Random().nextInt(max - min + 1) + min)
def guessIO[R : _configReader : _logWriter : _contextState : _eval : _io]: Eff[R, String] = for {
_ <- fromIO(IO.print("please guess a number: "))
n <- fromIO(readLine)
r <- guess(n.toInt)
_ <- fromIO(IO.println(r))
} yield r
def guessTheNumber[R : _configReader : _logWriter : _contextState : _eval : _io]: Eff[R, Unit] = for {
r <- guessIO
_ <- if (r.startsWith("you guessed right")) ().pureEff[R] else guessTheNumber
} yield ()
def startGame[R : _configReader : _logWriter : _contextState : _eval : _io]: Eff[R, Unit] = for {
config <- ask[R, Config]
Config(min, max) = config
num <- fromIO(randomNum(min, max))
_ <- put[R, Context](Context(Some(num)))
_ <- guessTheNumber
} yield ()
val resultIO = startGame[GTN].runReader(Config(0, 100)).runWriter.runState(Context(None)).runEval.detach
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