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Last active July 24, 2020 10:47
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XALT2 configuration for SJTU Pi^2 Supercomputer
# This is the config file for specifying tables necessary to configure XALT:
# The patterns listed here are the hosts that can track executable with XALT.
# Typical usage is that compute nodes track executable with XALT while login
# nodes do not.
import sys
# Note that linking an executable is everywhere and is independent of
# hostname_patterns
hostname_patterns = [
# cas[001-656]
['KEEP', r'^(cas0*([1-9]|[1-8][0-9]|9[0-9]|[1-5][0-9]{2}|6[0-4][0-9]|65[0-6]))\.pi\.sjtu\.edu\.cn$'],
# vol[1-8]
['KEEP', r'^(vol0[1-8])\.pi\.sjtu\.edu\.cn$'],
# huge[1-2]
['KEEP', r'^(huge[1-2])\.pi\.sjtu\.edu\.cn$'],
# mass01
['KEEP', '']
# This "table" is use to filter executables by their path
# The value on the left is either KEEP or SKIP. If the value
# is KEEP then if the path matches the regular expression then
# the executable is acceptable as far as the path test goes.
# If the value on the left is SKIP then if the path matches
# the regular expression then executable is not acceptable so
# no XALT tracking is done for that path.
# This "table" is used to generate a flex routine that processes
# the paths. So the regular express must follow flex rules.
# In particular, in order to match the pattern must match the whole path
# No partial matches allowed. Also do not use $ to match the
# end of the string. Finally slash is a special character and must
# be quoted with a backslash.
# The path are conceptionally matched from the first regular
# expression to the last. Once a match is found no other later
# matches are checked. The upshot of this is that if you want to
# track say /usr/bin/ddt, but ignore everything in /usr, then keep
# /usr/bin/ddt first and skip /usr/.* after.
# If a path does not match any patterns it is marked as KEEP.
# Programs like R, MATLAB and python* are marked as PKGS. These programs
# can optionally track the internal "import" that are used.
path_patterns = [
['PKGS', r'.*\/R'],
['PKGS', r'.*\/MATLAB'],
['PKGS', r'.*\/python[0-9.]*'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/cp'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/mv'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/gawk'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/sed'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/perl'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/grep'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/bzip2'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/gzip'],
['KEEP', r'^\/usr\/bin\/tar'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/cp'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/mv'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/gawk'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/sed'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/perl'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/grep'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/bzip2'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/gzip'],
['KEEP', r'^\/bin\/tar'],
['SKIP', r'^\/usr\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/sbin\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/bin\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/etc\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/root\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/intel\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/tacc\/bin\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/cray\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/mpi_wrapper\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/slurm_wrapper\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/intel\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/cuda\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/lua\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/lmod\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/shell_startup_debug\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/tacc_tips\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/l\/pkg\/xalt\/'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/l\/pkg\/lua\/'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/l\/pkg\/lmod\/'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/xalt\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/git\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/cmake\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/autotools\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/intel[0-9][0-9_]*\/mvapich2\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/intel[0-9][0-9_]*\/cray_mpich\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/intel[0-9][0-9_]*\/impi\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/gcc[0-9][0-9_]*\/mvapich2\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/home1\/apps\/intel\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'^\/opt\/apps\/gcc\/.*'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/git'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/lua'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpiCC'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpicc'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpicxx'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpif77'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpif90'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpifort'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpifc'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpigcc'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpigxx'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpiicc'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpiicpc'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpiifort'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/mpiexec.hydra'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/hydra_pmi_proxy'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/ompi_info'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/opal_wrapper'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/orterun'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/vtwrapper'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/conftest'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/CMakeTmp\/cmTryCompileExec[0-9][0-9]*'],
['SKIP', r'.*\/CMakeTmp\/cmTC_[a-f0-9][a-f0-9]*'],
# XALT samples almost all executions (both MPI and scalar)
# based on this table below. Note that an MPI execution is where
# the number of tasks is greater than 1. There is no check to
# see if there are MPI libraries in the executable. Note that
# the number of tasks are MPI tasks not threads.
# Any time there are a number of short rapid executions these
# have to be sampled. However, there are MPI executions with large
# number of tasks that are always recorded. This is to allow the
# tracking of long running MPI tasks that never produce an end
# record. By default MPI_ALWAYS_RECORD = 1. Namely that all MPI
# tasks are recorded.
# The array of array used by interval_array has the following
# structure:
# interval_array = [
# [ t_0, probability_0],
# [ t_1, probability_1],
# ...
# [ t_n, probability_n],
# [ 1.0e308, 1.0],
# The first number is the left edge of the time range. The
# second number is the probability of being sampled. Where a
# probability of 1.0 means a 100% chance of being recorded and a
# value of 0.01 means a 1% chance of being recorded.
# So a table that looks like this:
# interval_array = [
# [ 0.0, 0.0001 ],
# [ 300.0, 0.01 ],
# [ 600.0, 1.0 ],
# [ sys.float_info.max, 1.0 ]
# ]
# would say that program with execution time that is between
# 0.0 and 300.0 seconds has a 0.01% chance of being recorded.
# Execution times between 300.0 and 600.0 seconds have a 1%
# chance of being recorded and and programs that take longer
# than 600 seconds will always be recorded.
# The absolute minimum table would look like:
# interval_array = [
# [ 0.0, 1.0 ],
# [ sys.float_info.max, 1.0 ]
# ]
# which says to record every scalar (non-mpi) program no matter
# the execution time.
# Note that scalar execution only uses this table IFF
# $XALT_SAMPLING equals yes
interval_array = [
[ 0.0, 0.0001 ],
[ 1800.0, 0.01 ],
[ 7200.0, 1.0 ],
[ sys.float_info.max, 1.0 ]
# Sites can also define a different sampling specification
# for mpi programs different from interval_array. If no
# mpi_interval_array is given then the interval_array is used
# for both scalar and mpi programs.
mpi_interval_array = [
[ 0.0, 0.0001 ],
[ 900.0, 0.01 ],
[ 1800.0, 1.0 ],
[ sys.float_info.max, 1.0 ]
# XALT filter environment variables. Those variables
# which pass through the filter are save in an SQL table that is
# searchable via sql commands. The environment variables are passed
# to this filter routine as:
# env_key=env_value
# So the regular expression patterns must match the whole string.
# The value on the left is either KEEP or SKIP. If the value
# is KEEP then if the environment string matches the regular
# expression then the variable is stored. If the value on the left
# is SKIP then if the variable matches it is not stored.
# Order of the list matters. The first match is used even if a
# later pattern would also match. The upshot is that special pattern
# matches should appear first and general ones later.
# If the environment string does not match any pattern then it is
# marked as SKIP.
env_patterns = [
[ 'SKIP', r'^MKLROOT=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MKL_DIR=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MKL_INCLUDE=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MKL_LIB=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MPICH_HOME=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_COMM_WORLD=.*'],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_DEFAULT_TIME_OUT=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_IBA_HCA=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_NODE_ID=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_NUM_NODES_IN_JOB=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_USE_HUGEPAGES=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_USE_OLD_BCAST=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_USE_RING_STARTUP=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^MV2_USE_UD_HYBRID=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^OMP_NUM_THREADS=.*' ],
[ 'SKIP', r'^__.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^I_MPI_PIN_INFO=.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^I_MPI_PIN_MAPPING=.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^LAUNCHER_JID=.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^LD=.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^LD_LIBRARY_PATH=.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^MKL.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^MV2_.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^OFFLOAD.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^OMP.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^PATH=.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^PYTHON.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^R_.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^LAUNCHER_TSK_ID=.*'],
[ 'KEEP', r'^_LMFILES_=.*'],
# Python pattern for python package tracking
# Note that sys, os, re, and subprocess can not be tracked due to the way that python tracking works.
python_pkg_patterns = [
{ 'k_s' : 'SKIP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^[^/]" }, # SKIP all built-in packages
{ 'k_s' : 'SKIP', 'kind' : 'name', 'patt' : r"^_" }, # SKIP names that start with a underscore
{ 'k_s' : 'SKIP', 'kind' : 'name', 'patt' : r".*\." }, # SKIP all names that are divided with periods: a.b.c
{ 'k_s' : 'KEEP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r".*/.local/" }, # KEEP all packages installed by users
{ 'k_s' : 'KEEP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/scratch/projects" }, # KEEP all packages the system project directories
{ 'k_s' : 'KEEP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/scratch1/projects" }, # KEEP all packages the system project directories
{ 'k_s' : 'KEEP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/scratch2/projects" }, # KEEP all packages the system project directories
{ 'k_s' : 'KEEP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/scratch3/projects" }, # KEEP all packages the system project directories
{ 'k_s' : 'KEEP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/work/projects" }, # KEEP all packages the system project directories
{ 'k_s' : 'SKIP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/home" }, # SKIP all other packages in user locations
{ 'k_s' : 'SKIP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/work" }, # SKIP all other packages in user locations
{ 'k_s' : 'SKIP', 'kind' : 'path', 'patt' : r"^/scratch" }, # SKIP all other packages in user locations
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