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Last active August 21, 2018 20:26
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import SimpleITK as sitk
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from neverfault.resample import resample_new
import numpy as np
def test(im):
""" Use Simple ITK to random deform (elastic deform) an 2D image. Can be easily
used for 3D. There are two ways of elastic deforming an image. One is to define
a sparse control points, and use B-Spline to interpolate the deformation field.
Another is to directly define the deformation field. For data augmentation purpose,
both methods work. This function use the first method. """
# Create the transformation (when working with images it is easier to use
# the BSplineTransformInitializer function or its object oriented counterpart
# BSplineTransformInitializerFilter).
itk_im = sitk.GetImageFromArray(im)
# (20, 20) define the number of control points. Large number will have more control points.
bspline = sitk.BSplineTransformInitializer(itk_im, (20,20), 3)
# Random displacement of the control points.
originalControlPointDisplacements = np.random.random(len(bspline.GetParameters())) * 10
# use the original input image as the reference image for resampling.
itk_im_resampled = sitk.Resample(itk_im, itk_im,
bspline, sitk.sitkLinear, 0)
im_resampled = sitk.GetArrayFromImage(itk_im_resampled)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows = 1, ncols = 2, figsize = (15, 10), sharex = True, sharey = True)
ax[0].imshow(im, interpolation = 'nearest', cmap = 'bwr')
ax[1].imshow(im_resampled, interpolation = 'nearest', cmap = 'bwr')
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