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Created June 18, 2020 02:46
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generate gprof-like stats (work in progress)
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import json
import collections
import multiprocessing
import typing
dirp = '/tmp/prof'
def iter_files(dirp):
for fn in os.listdir(dirp):
if fn.endswith('.json'):
yield os.path.join(dirp, fn)
def parse_name(name):
tokens = name.split(':')
if len(tokens) >= 3:
return tokens[2]
return name
def traverse(d):
frames = d['shared']['frames']
for event in d['profiles'][0]['events']:
frame = frames[event['frame']]
if event['type'] == 'C':
frame['close'] = event['at']
elif event['type'] == 'O':
frame['open'] = event['at']
for f in frames:
yield parse_name(f['name']), f['close'] - f['open']
class CallCount(typing.NamedTuple):
count: int
cost: int
def empty():
return CallCount(0, 0)
def process_one(fn):
rec = collections.defaultdict(CallCount.empty)
with open(fn) as fp:
d = json.load(fp)
for func, cost in traverse(d):
(count, cost_) = rec[func]
rec[func] = CallCount(count + 1, cost_ + cost)
return rec
def show_percentage(v):
if v < 0.000001:
return '0.0%'
return '{:.2}%'.format(100 * v)
def show_float(v):
return '{:.2}'.format(v)
def display(items, sort_func=None, limit=25):
total_cost = sum(call_count[1] for _, call_count in items)
if sort_func is None:
sorted_items = sorted(items, key=lambda cc: cc[1], reverse=True)
sorted_items = sort_func(items)
longest = max(len(func) for func, _ in sorted_items[:limit])
print('name'.rjust(longest + 4), 'calls'.rjust(8), 'cumula'.rjust(12),
'per call'.rjust(8), ' %')
for func, cc in sorted_items[:limit]:
print(func.rjust(longest + 4),
show_float(cc[1] / cc[0]).rjust(8),
show_percentage(cc[1] / total_cost).rjust(8))
def main(dirp):
rec = collections.defaultdict(CallCount.empty)
pool = multiprocessing.Pool()
it = iter_files(dirp)
for each_rec in, it):
for func, call_count in each_rec.items():
call_count_ = rec[func]
rec[func] = CallCount(call_count[0] + call_count_[0],
call_count[1] + call_count_[1])
if __name__ == '__main__':
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