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Created March 19, 2015 10:45
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MassMailerHTML - Inform users from ActiveDirectory per Mail with Send-Mailmessage Cmdlet
# Script to inform multiple users via Mail
# Two datasources
# 1. Old Firewall VPN Config -> Exported as XML
# 2. Active Directory Accounts
$date = (get-date)
# Which file should be send with the mail as an attachment?
$attachment = "C:\Users\xyz\Documents\beispiel-anhang.txt"
# Text for HTML Body
$body = @"
<p>Aufgrund der Umstellung einer Netzwerkkomponente wird <b>ab TT.MM. 12.00 Uhr</b> die VPN-Verbindung über den XYZ-Client nicht mehr unterstützt.</p>
<p>Als Übergangslösung dient die Verbindungsdatei im Anhang.</p>
<p>Bei Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an <a href=""></a></p>
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,<br>
# Read XML-Config-Extract from old Firewall
$xml = [xml](get-content "C:\Users\xyz\Documents\WatchGuard\config\Usernames_export.xml")
$members = ($xml.SelectSingleNode("/profile/user-group-list/user-group[name='IPSECUser']/member-list")).member
$user_komplett = @()
foreach ($user in $members) {
try {
$user_komplett += @(get-aduser -identity $user -server HOSTNAME -properties EmailAddress,accountexpirationdate,accountexpires|? {($_.enabled -eq $true) -and (($_.accountexpires -ge 0) -or (($_.accountexpirationdate -gt $date) -or (($_.accountexpirationdate -eq 0) -or (-NOT($_.accountexpirationdate -like "*")))))}|select-object samaccountname, surname, givenname, emailaddress)
} catch {
write-host "User $user not found in Directory."
# Second part users from AD group
$user_komplett += @(Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "ADGroupName" -recursive -Server HOSTNAME |get-aduser -server HOSTNAME -properties EmailAddress,accountexpirationdate,accountexpires|? {($_.enabled -eq $true) -and (($_.accountexpires -ge 0) -or (($_.accountexpirationdate -gt $date) -or (($_.accountexpirationdate -eq 0) -or (-NOT($_.accountexpirationdate -like "*")))))}|select-object samaccountname, surname, givenname, emailaddress )
# Output as file
$user_komplett|?{($_.surname.length -gt 0) -and ($_.emailaddress.length -gt 0) -and ($_.givenname.length -gt 0)}|sort surname, emailaddress -unique|ft * -a|out-file ".\user_komplett.txt"
write-host $user_komplett.count
# Surname and Givenname in first row
$anrede = "<p>Sehr geehrte(r) " + $user_komplett[0].givenname + " " + $user_komplett[0].surname + ",</p>"
$strBody = $anrede + $body
Send-MailMessage -To "" -From "Support <>" -Subject "Änderungen VPN-Zugang" -SmtpServer "" -Body $strBody -BodyAsHtml -Attachment $attachment -encoding ([System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8)
start-sleep -s 3
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