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Created September 24, 2013 12:03
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(import '(javax.sound.sampled AudioSystem DataLine$Info SourceDataLine
AudioFormat AudioFormat$Encoding))
(def popular-format
(AudioFormat. AudioFormat$Encoding/PCM_SIGNED
48000 ; sample rate
16 ; bits per sample
2 ; channels
4 ; frame size 2*16bits [bytes]
48000 ; frame rate
false ; little endian
(defn open-line [audio-format]
(doto (AudioSystem/getLine (DataLine$Info. SourceDataLine audio-format))
(.open audio-format)
(defn sine [sample-rate freq]
(let [term (/ 1 freq)
samples (* term sample-rate)
factor (/ (* 2 Math/PI) samples)]
(map #(Math/sin (* % factor))
(range samples))))
(defn amplitude [sample-size]
(Math/pow 2 (- sample-size 1.1)))
(defn quantize [amplitude value]
(int (* amplitude value)))
(defn unsigned-byte [x]
(byte (if (> x 127) (- x 256) x)))
(defn little-endian [size x]
(map #(-> (bit-shift-right x (* 8 %))
(bit-and 255)
(range size)))
(defn big-endian [size x]
(reverse (little-endian size x)))
(defn sine-bytes [format freq]
(let [{:keys [sampleSizeInBits frameSize
sampleRate bigEndian]} (bean format)
sample-size (/ sampleSizeInBits 8)
ampl (amplitude sampleSizeInBits)
tear (if bigEndian big-endian little-endian)]
(->> (sine sampleRate freq)
(map (partial quantize ampl))
(map (partial tear sample-size))
(map cycle)
(map (partial take frameSize))
(apply concat)
(defn recalc-data [{:keys [line] :as state} freq]
(assoc state :data (sine-bytes (.getFormat line) freq)))
(defn play-data [{:keys [line data playing] :as state} agent]
(when (and line data playing)
(.write line data 0 (count data))
(send-off agent play-data agent))
(defn pause [agent]
(send agent assoc :playing false)
(doto (:line @agent)
.stop .flush))
(defn play [agent]
(.start (:line @agent))
(send agent assoc :playing true)
(send-off agent play-data agent))
(defn change-freq [agent freq]
(doto agent
(send recalc-data freq)
(defn line-agent [line freq]
(let [agent (agent {:line line})]
(send agent recalc-data freq)
(play agent)))
(defn tone-freq [x]
(-> (Math/pow 2 (/ x 11)) (* 440) (/ 512)))
(def mountain-king
[[0 1] [2 1] [3 1] [5 1]
[7 1] [3 1] [7 2]
[6 1] [2 1] [6 2]
[5 1] [1 1] [5 2]
[0 1] [2 1] [3 1] [5 1]
[7 1] [3 1] [7 1] [12 1]
[10 1] [7 1] [3 1] [7 1]
[10 2] [-2 2]])
(defn play-melody [agent base-tone base-duration melody]
(doseq [[tone duration] melody]
(change-freq agent (tone-freq (+ base-tone tone)))
(Thread/sleep (* base-duration duration)))
(pause agent))
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