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Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
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Lecture Notes, CS3281 AY 1415, Lecture 5

On Software Implementation

CS3281/CS3282 Lecture Notes

Semester 1, AY 2014/15

10 September 2014

Programming is not just about implementing a software. It is about communicating with other developers using code, comments, commit messages, API documentations, developers' guide etc. Getting the code to compile and run correctly is just a small part of the process. Take time to communicate properly.

Writing Professional Quality Code

  • Your reputation as a software engineer depends on your code (extreme case: github is your resume).

  • Review your CS2103's Handouts/Slides on Good Code, Bad Code.

  • Properties of Good Code:

    • Correct
    • Cheanglable
    • Readable (by human)
    • Extensible
    • Maintainable (Boehm's curve; common to have a cost of 100:1 after delivery)
  • Check out Page 1-2 of the Clean Code Cheat Sheet for the dos and don'ts for writing clean code.

  • Advices:

    • Don't try to be clever or terse
    • Make your code self-explanatory (write as little comment as possible)
    • Comments are for high-level descriptions (what and why)
    • Use English
    • Don't be afraid of long names (thanks to autocomplete) (e.g., StudentViewController *studentViewController = [storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"StudentViewControllerID"])
    • Use tools to indent/format your code
  • Don't underestimate the importance of indentation (see Apple's goto fail bug)

  • Learning to write good code

    • practice: write and rewrite
    • read good code from others

Test-Driven Development, or TDD

  • Advocated by Kent Beck (as seen in CS2103): Red-Green-Refactor
  • DHH thinks that TDD is dead. Martin Fowler questioned that.
  • Nachi Nagappan studied TDD usage in four industrial team and showed that TDD reduces defect density by 40-90%, with 15-35% increase in development time.
  • We will do TDD-redux in CS3281/2:
    • automated testing process
    • write test cases early;
    • perform testing concurrently with development.
  • Goal: to have a peace of mind that your changes did not break anything.

Code Review

  • "Rigorous inspections can remove up to 90% of errors from a software product before the first test case is run." -- “Facts and Fallacies of Software Engineering,” Robert Glass.
  • "The average defect detection rate is only 25% for unit testing, 35% for function testing, and 45% for integration testing. In contrast, the average effectiveness of design and code inspections are 55 and 60%." -- - “Code Complete,” Steve McConnell.
  • Best practices by SmartBear
    • review small chunk (<400 lines) at a time
    • take you time
    • author should make sure code is ready before review (self-review, tested, make code readable)
    • keep a checklist of common errors
    • be positive (finding bugs is a good thing)

Using Git

Putting Everything Together

  • At the end of every iteration:
    • Clean up code as needed
    • Pass test cases written for work done in that iteration
    • Have code written reviewed by another peer
    • Merge code into the main branch
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