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Last active January 10, 2024 12:30
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AArch32 relocation notes

Run test arm-fpic-got.s (simplified ouput):

$ bin/llvm-lit --filter=arm-fpic-got -a tools/lld/test
RUN: at line 2: llvm-mc -filetype=obj -triple=armv7a-none-linux-gnueabi arm-fpic-got.s -o arm-fpic-got.s.tmp.o
RUN: at line 3: ld.lld arm-fpic-got.s.tmp.o -o arm-fpic-got.s.tmp

Input object:

$ llvm-objdump --disassemble --section=.text arm-fpic-got.s.tmp.o
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <_start>:
       0: e59f0008      ldr     r0, [pc, #0x8]          @ 0x10 <_start+0x10>
       4: e79f0000      ldr     r0, [pc, r0]
       8: e5900000      ldr     r0, [r0]
       c: e12fff1e      <unknown>
      10: 04 00 00 00   .word   0x00000004

$ llvm-objdump -r arm-fpic-got.s.tmp.o
OFFSET   TYPE                     VALUE
00000010 R_ARM_GOT_PREL           val

$ llvm-objdump --syms arm-fpic-got.s.tmp.o
00000000 g       .text  00000000 _start
00000000 g     O .data  00000004 val

Linked binary:

$ llvm-objdump --disassemble --section=.text arm-fpic-got.s.tmp
Disassembly of section .text:
00020114 <_start>:
   20114: e59f0008      ldr     r0, [pc, #0x8]          @ 0x20124 <_start+0x10>
   20118: e79f0000      ldr     r0, [pc, r0]
   2011c: e5900000      ldr     r0, [r0]
   20120: e12fff1e      <unknown>
   20124: 08 00 01 00   .word   0x00010008

$ llvm-objdump --full-contents arm-fpic-got.s.tmp
Contents of section .got:
 30128 2c010400                             ,...

$ llvm-objdump --syms arm-fpic-got.s.tmp
00020114 g       .text  00000000 _start
0004012c g     O .data  00000004 val


20114: (pc + 0x08) + 0x08 == 0x0002011c + 0x00000008 == 0x00020124 --> r0 = 0x00010008
20118: (pc + 0x08) + r0   == 0x00020120 + 0x00010008 == 0x00030128 --> r0 = 0x0004012c (little-endian of 2c010400)
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