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Created July 19, 2024 18:52
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my kanata conf
process-unmapped-keys yes
macos-dev-names-include (
"Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad"
"Bluetooth USB Host Controller"
concurrent-tap-hold yes
q w e r u i o p
a s d f j k l ;
(deflayer base
@chr @chn @cht @chs @chs @cht @chn @chr
@cho @cha @chi @chel @cher @chi @cha @cho
;;(deflayer sym
;; @ch" @ch: @ch; @ch! @ch! @ch; @ch: @ch"
;; @ch' @ch. @ch, @ch? @ch? @ch, @ch. @ch'
(deflayer enavr
_ _ pgup _ _ up _ _
_ _ pgdn _ left down rght _
(deflayer enavl
_ _ up _ _ pgup _ _
_ left down rght _ pgdn down rght
tap-timeout 100
hold-timeout 200
tt $tap-timeout
ht $hold-timeout
;; NAV
navr (layer-while-held enavr)
navl (layer-while-held enavl)
enavr (tap-hold $tt $ht e @navr)
enavl (tap-hold $tt $ht e @navl)
osmeh (multi ctl alt sft)
nalt (tap-hold $tt $ht n lalt)
tmet (tap-hold $tt $ht t lmet)
asft (tap-hold $tt $ht a lsft)
ictl (tap-hold $tt $ht i lctl)
chr (chord base r)
chn (chord base n)
cht (chord base t)
chs (chord base s)
cho (chord base o)
cha (chord base a)
chi (chord base i)
chel (chord base el)
cher (chord base er)
;; SYM
;;ch" (chord base ")
;;ch' (chord base ')
;;ch: (chord base :)
;;ch. (chord base .)
;;ch; (chord base ;)
;;ch, (chord base ,)
;;ch! (chord base !)
;;ch? (chord base ?)
(defchords base 500
(el ) @enavr
(er ) @enavl
( i ) @ictl
( a ) @asft
( o ) o
( s ) s
( t ) @tmet
( n ) @nalt
( r) r
(el i ) d
(el a ) l
(el o ) g
(el t ) c
(el n ) m
(el r) w
(er i ) d
(er a ) l
(er o ) g
(er t ) c
(er n ) m
(er r) w
( i a ) u
( i n ) k
( a o ) b
( a s ) z
( a t ) h
( o s ) j
( o n ) x
( s t ) f
( s n ) y
( s r) q
( t n ) p
( n r) v
(el i a ) spc
(er i n ) tab
(er i a ) spc
(el i n ) tab
( i a s ) caps
( i a o ) ret
;;( a s t ) (layer-switch @sym)
;;( s t n ) (one-shot 200 @osmeh)
( s n r) bspc
( t n r) esc
(defchords sym 500
;;(? ) ?
;;( , ) ,
;;( . ) .
;;( ' ) '
;;( ! ) !
;;( ; ) ;
;;( : ) :
;;( ") "
;;(? , ) (
;;(? . ) {
;;(? ' ) <
;;(? ; ) &
;;(? : ) /
;;(? ") -
;;( , . ) [
;;( , : ) @
;;( . ' ) =
;;( . ! ) \
;;( ' ! ) _
;;( ' : ) +
;;( ! ; ) )
;;( ! ; ) )
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