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Last active April 16, 2022 16:32
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Helpers for automatic retrying of sketchy processes. Linear delay or exponential backoff. by @wellcaffeinated
<pre id="log"></pre>
// ---
// Helpers for automatic retrying of sketchy processes.
// Linear delay or exponential backoff
// Made by @wellcaffeinated
// No copyright
// ---
// Throw an instance of this in order to continue retrying
class Retry extends Error {}
// Use this to wrap a function that may fail. If the function
// throws an instance of Retry, it will be attempted again
// until it resolves or throws anything else
const withRetry = (fn, {
maxTries = false,
dt = 1000,
expBackoff = false,
maxDelay = 60000,
onRetry = null
} = {}) => async (...args) => {
let tries = 1
while (true) {
try {
return await fn.apply(this, args)
} catch (error) {
if (!(error instanceof Retry) || maxTries && tries >= maxTries) {
throw error
const waitTime = expBackoff ?
Math.min(maxDelay, Math.pow(2, tries - 1) * dt) :
if (onRetry) { onRetry({ error, tries, waitTime }) }
tries += 1
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime))
// --- Usage examples: ---
(async () => {
const log = msg => document.getElementById('log').innerHTML += msg + '\n'
const delay = (dt = 1000) => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, dt))
const onRetry = ({ tries, waitTime }) => log(`Attempt number ${tries} failed, waiting: ${waitTime}ms`)
let startTime
const sketchyFunction = async (msg) => {
await delay()
if (( - startTime) <= 8000){
throw new Error('Something went wrong')
} else {
const linearDelay = withRetry(
(msg) => sketchyFunction(msg).catch(e => Promise.reject(new Retry)),
{ onRetry }
const expBackoff = withRetry(
(msg) => sketchyFunction(msg).catch(e => Promise.reject(new Retry)),
{ onRetry, expBackoff: true }
log('Linear delay')
startTime =
await linearDelay("hello world")
log('Exponential backoff')
startTime =
await expBackoff("hello again")
name: Retry Utilities Example
description: Helpers for automatic retrying of sketchy processes
- Jasper Palfree @wellcaffeinated
normalize_css: no
wrap: b
panel_js: 2
// ---
// Helpers for automatic retrying of sketchy processes.
// Linear delay or exponential backoff
// Made by @wellcaffeinated
// No copyright
// ---
// Throw an instance of this in order to continue retrying
export class Retry extends Error {}
// Use this to wrap a function that may fail. If the function
// throws an instance of Retry, it will be attempted again
// until it resolves or throws anything else
export const withRetry = (fn, {
maxTries = false,
dt = 1000,
expBackoff = false,
maxDelay = 60000,
onRetry = null
} = {}) => async (...args) => {
let tries = 1
while (true) {
try {
return await fn.apply(this, args)
} catch (error) {
if (!(error instanceof Retry) || maxTries && tries >= maxTries) {
throw error
const waitTime = expBackoff ?
Math.min(maxDelay, Math.pow(2, tries - 1) * dt) :
if (onRetry) { onRetry({ error, tries, waitTime }) }
tries += 1
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, waitTime))
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