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Compute complexity metrics from Universal Dependencies
"""Compute complexity metrics from Universal Dependencies.
Usage: python3 [OPTIONS] FILE...
--parse=LANG parse texts with Stanza; provide 2 letter language code
--output=FILENAME write result to a tab-separated file.
--persentence report per sentence results, not mean per document
Reported metrics:
- LEN: mean sentence length in words (excluding punctuation).
- MDD: mean dependency distance (Gibson, 1998).
- NDD: normalized dependency distance (Lei & Jockers, 2018).
- ADJ: proportion of adjacent dependencies.
- LEFT: dependency direction: proportion of left dependents.
- MOD: nominal modifiers (Biber & Gray, 2010).
- CLS: number of clauses per sentence.
- CLL: average clause length (clauses/words)
- LXD: lexical density: ratio of content words over total number of words
- POS/DEP tag frequencies (only with --output)
$ python3 UD_Dutch-LassySmall/*.conllu
dev.conllu 14.182 2.461 0.926 0.500 0.459 0.052 2.223 9.190 0.603
test.conllu 11.434 2.192 0.807 0.547 0.412 0.074 1.771 9.013 0.657
train.conllu 11.027 2.172 0.775 0.564 0.391 0.072 1.863 8.107 0.645
import os
import sys
import getopt
import subprocess
from math import log, sqrt
from contextlib import contextmanager
from collections import Counter
import pandas as pd
# TODO: extract POS and syntactic n-grams frequencies
# TODO: POS surprisal, requires training e.g. n-gram model on corpus
# Constants for field numbers:
# ID: Word index, integer starting at 1 for each new sentence; may be a range
# for multiword tokens; may be a decimal number for empty nodes (decimal
# numbers can be lower than 1 but must be greater than 0).
# FORM: Word form or punctuation symbol.
# LEMMA: Lemma or stem of word form.
# UPOS: Universal part-of-speech tag.
# XPOS: Language-specific part-of-speech tag; underscore if not available.
# FEATS: List of morphological features from the universal feature inventory or
# from a defined language-specific extension; underscore if not
# available.
# HEAD: Head of the current word, which is either a value of ID or zero (0).
# DEPREL: Universal dependency relation to the HEAD (root iff HEAD = 0) or a
# defined language-specific subtype of one.
# DEPS: Enhanced dependency graph in the form of a list of head-deprel pairs.
# MISC: Any other annotation.
def which(program, exception=True):
"""Return first match for program in search path.
:param exception: By default, ValueError is raised when program not found.
Pass False to return None in this case."""
for path in os.environ.get('PATH', os.defpath).split(":"):
if path and os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, program)):
return os.path.join(path, program)
if exception:
raise ValueError('%r not found in path; please install it.' % program)
def genericdecompressor(cmd, filename, encoding='utf8'):
"""Run command line decompressor on file and return file object.
:param cmd: executable in path with gzip-like command line interface;
e.g., ``gzip, zstd, lz4, bzip2, lzop``
:param filename: the file to decompress.
:param encoding: if None, mode is binary; otherwise, text.
:raises ValueError: if command returns an error.
:returns: a file-like object that must be used in a with-statement;
supports .read() and iteration, but not seeking."""
with subprocess.Popen(
[which(cmd), '--decompress', '--stdout', '--quiet', filename],
stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
encoding=encoding) as proc:
# FIXME: should use select to avoid deadlocks due to OS pipe buffers
# filling up and blocking the child process.
yield proc.stdout
retcode = proc.wait()
if retcode: # FIXME: retcode 2 means warning. allow warnings?
raise ValueError('non-zero exit code %s from compressor %s:\n%r'
% (retcode, cmd,
def openread(filename, encoding='utf8'):
"""Open stdin/file for reading; decompress gz/lz4/zst files on-the-fly.
:param encoding: if None, mode is binary; otherwise, text."""
mode = 'rb' if encoding is None else 'rt'
if filename == '-': # TODO: decompress stdin on-the-fly
return open(sys.stdin.fileno(), mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
if not isinstance(filename, int):
if filename.endswith('.gz'):
return genericdecompressor('gzip', filename, encoding)
elif filename.endswith('.zst'):
return genericdecompressor('zstd', filename, encoding)
elif filename.endswith('.lz4'):
return genericdecompressor('lz4', filename, encoding)
return open(filename, mode=mode, encoding=encoding)
def parsefiles(filenames, lang):
"""Parse UTF-8 encoded plain text files with Stanza if a corresponding
.conllu file does not exist already."""
nlp = None
newfilenames = []
for filename in filenames:
conllu = '%s.conllu' % os.path.splitext(filename)[0]
if (not os.path.exists(conllu)
or os.stat(conllu).st_mtime < os.stat(filename).st_mtime):
if nlp is None:
import stanza
from stanza.utils.conll import CoNLL
nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang)
except FileNotFoundError:
nlp = stanza.Pipeline(lang)
with open(filename, encoding='utf8') as inp:
doc = nlp(
# TODO: preserve paragraph breaks
CoNLL.write_doc2conll(doc, conllu)
return newfilenames
def conllureader(filename, excludepunct=False):
"""Load corpus. Returns list of lists of lists:
result = []
sent = []
with openread(filename) as inp:
for line in inp:
if line == '\n':
if sent:
except KeyError:
sent = []
elif line.startswith('#'): # ignore all comments
fields = line[:-1].split('\t')
if '.' in fields[ID]: # skip empty nodes
elif excludepunct and fields[UPOS] == 'PUNCT':
elif '-' in fields[ID]: # multiword tokens
fields[ID] = int(fields[ID][:fields[ID].index('-')])
else: # normal tokens
fields[ID] = int(fields[ID])
fields[HEAD] = int(fields[HEAD])
except ValueError:
if not result:
raise ValueError('no sentences; not a valid .conllu file?')
return result
def renumber(sent):
"""Fix non-contiguous IDs because of multiword tokens or removed tokens"""
mapping = {line[ID]: n for n, line in enumerate(sent, 1)}
mapping[0] = 0
for line in sent:
line[ID] = mapping[line[ID]]
line[HEAD] = mapping[line[HEAD]]
return sent
def mean(iterable):
"""Arithmetic mean."""
seq = list(iterable) # accept generators
return sum(seq) / len(seq)
def analyze(filename, excludepunct=True, persentence=False):
"""Return a dict {featname: vector, ...} describing UD file.
Each feature vector has a value for each sentence."""
sentences = conllureader(filename, excludepunct=excludepunct)
result = complexiymetrics(sentences)
if persentence:
result['sent'] = [' '.join(line[FORM] for line in sent)
for sent in sentences]
return result
# Get macro average over the per-sentence scores.
# Might want to look at standard deviation and other aspects of the
# distribution. TODO: offer micro average as well.
for a, b in result.items():
result[a] = sum(b) / len(b)
return result
def complexiymetrics(sentences):
"""Return dict of complexity metrics with results for each sentence."""
result = {}
result['LEN'] = [len(sent) for sent in sentences]
# Ignore certain relations, following Chen and Gerdes (2017, p. 57)
exclude = ('fixed', 'flat', 'conj', 'punct')
# Gibson (1998)
# Liu (2008)
# mean dependency distance
result['MDD'] = [
mean(abs(line[ID] - line[HEAD]) for line in sent
if line[DEPREL] not in exclude)
for sent in sentences]
# Lei & Jockers (2018):
# normalized dependency distance
result['NDD'] = [
/ sqrt(
([line[DEPREL] for line in sent].index('root') + 1)
* len(sent))))
for mdd, sent in zip(result['MDD'], sentences)]
# proportion of adjacent dependencies
result['ADJ'] = [mean(abs(line[ID] - line[HEAD]) == 1 for line in sent)
for sent in sentences]
# dependency direction: proportion of left dependents
result['LEFT'] = [mean(line[ID] < line[HEAD] for line in sent)
for sent in sentences]
# nominal modifiers;
# attempt to measure phrasal complexity (as opposed to clausal complexity).
# see e.g.
result['MOD'] = [mean(line[DEPREL] == 'nmod' for line in sent)
for sent in sentences]
# number of clauses per sentence;
result['CLS'] = [1 + sum(line[UPOS] == 'VERB' for line in sent)
for sent in sentences]
# avg clause len (clauses/words)
result['CLL'] = [
len(sent) / max(1, sum(line[UPOS] == 'VERB' for line in sent))
for sent in sentences]
# lexical density: ratio of content words over total number of words
content = ('ADJ', 'ADV', 'INTJ', 'NOUN', 'PROPN', 'VERB')
result['LXD'] = [sum(line[UPOS] in content for line in sent) / len(sent)
for sent in sentences]
return result
def counttags(sentences):
"""Count POS and dependency tags; returns relative frequencies."""
numtokens = sum(len(sent) for sent in sentences)
postags = Counter(line[UPOS] for sent in sentences for line in sent)
deptags = Counter(line[DEPREL] for sent in sentences for line in sent)
tags = {a: postags[a] / numtokens for a in [
'ADJ', # adjective
'ADP', # adposition
'ADV', # adverb
'AUX', # auxiliary
'CCONJ', # coordinating conjunction
'DET', # determiner
'INTJ', # interjection
'NOUN', # noun
'NUM', # numeral
'PART', # particle
'PRON', # pronoun
'PROPN', # proper noun
'PUNCT', # punctuation
'SCONJ', # subordinating conjunction
'SYM', # symbol
'VERB', # verb
'X', # other
tags.update({a: deptags[a] / numtokens for a in [
'acl', # clausal modifier of noun (adnominal clause)
'acl:relcl', # relative clause modifier
'advcl', # adverbial clause modifier
'advmod', # adverbial modifier
'advmod:emph', # emphasizing word, intensifier
'advmod:lmod', # locative adverbial modifier
'amod', # adjectival modifier
'appos', # appositional modifier
'aux', # auxiliary
'aux:pass', # passive auxiliary
'case', # case marking
'cc', # coordinating conjunction
'cc:preconj', # preconjunct
'ccomp', # clausal complement
'clf', # classifier
'compound', # compound
'compound:lvc', # light verb construction
'compound:prt', # phrasal verb particle
'compound:redup', # reduplicated compounds
'compound:svc', # serial verb compounds
'conj', # conjunct
'cop', # copula
'csubj', # clausal subject
'csubj:pass', # clausal passive subject
'dep', # unspecified dependency
'det', # determiner
'det:numgov', # pronominal quantifier governing the case of the noun
'det:nummod', # pronominal quantifier agreeing in case with the noun
'det:poss', # possessive determiner
'discourse', # discourse element
'dislocated', # dislocated elements
'expl', # expletive
'expl:impers', # impersonal expletive
'expl:pass', # reflexive pronoun used in reflexive passive
'expl:pv', # reflexive clitic with an inherently reflexive verb
'fixed', # fixed multiword expression
'flat', # flat multiword expression
'flat:foreign', # foreign words
'flat:name', # names
'goeswith', # goes with
'iobj', # indirect object
'list', # list
'mark', # marker
'nmod', # nominal modifier
'nmod:poss', # possessive nominal modifier
'nmod:tmod', # temporal modifier
'nsubj', # nominal subject
'nsubj:pass', # passive nominal subject
'nummod', # numeric modifier
'nummod:gov', # numeric modifier governing the case of the noun
'obj', # object
'obl', # oblique nominal
'obl:agent', # agent modifier
'obl:arg', # oblique argument
'obl:lmod', # locative modifier
'obl:tmod', # temporal modifier
'orphan', # orphan
'parataxis', # parataxis
'punct', # punctuation
'reparandum', # overridden disfluency
'root', # root
'vocative', # vocative
'xcomp', # open clausal complement
return tags
def compare(filenames, parse=None, excludepunct=True, persentence=False):
"""Collect statistics for multiple files.
Returns a dataframe with one row per filename, with the mean score
for each metric in the colmuns."""
if parse:
filenames = parsefiles(filenames, parse)
if persentence:
return pd.concat([
analyze(filename, excludepunct=excludepunct,
for filename in filenames],
return pd.DataFrame({
analyze(filename, excludepunct=excludepunct)
for filename in filenames}).T
def main():
opts, args = getopt.gnu_getopt(
sys.argv[1:], '', ['output=', 'parse=', 'persentence'])
opts = dict(opts)
except getopt.GetoptError:
if not args:
result = compare(
args, opts.get('--parse'), persentence='--persentence' in opts)
if '--persentence' in opts:
if '--output' in opts:
result.to_csv(opts.get('--output'), sep='\t')
elif '--output' in opts:
result.to_csv(opts.get('--output'), sep='\t')
print(result.iloc[:, :-79].round(3)) # skip tags
if __name__ == '__main__':
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