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Last active May 10, 2023 02:36
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Yank without moving the cursor to the beginning of the yanked text
nnoremap <silent> y :<C-U>call MarkAndSetOpfunc()<CR>g@
vnoremap <silent> y :<C-U>call MarkYankAndJump()<CR>
function! MarkAndSetOpfunc()
let g:save_cursor = getpos(".")
set opfunc=YankAndJumpBack
function! MarkYankAndJump()
let g:save_cursor = getpos(".")
call YankAndJumpBack(visualmode(), 1)
function! YankAndJumpBack(type, ...)
if a:0
silent exe "normal! `<" . a:type . "`>y"
elseif a:type == 'line'
silent exe "normal! '[V']y"
elseif a:type == 'block'
silent exe "normal! `[\<C-V>`]y"
silent exe "normal! `[v`]y"
call setpos('.', g:save_cursor)
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astier commented Mar 3, 2023

nnoremap yy yy fixed yy for me.

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