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Last active May 18, 2022 20:55
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Customised MacOS .bash_profile (activate: chsh -s /bin/bash)
# * Keyboad autocomplete *
set show-all-if-ambiguous on
if [ -f `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash ]; then
. `brew --prefix`/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
# * Customizing PS1 - Add Battery Percentage *
# get_battery() {
# acpi | egrep -o '([0-9]+)%'
# }
# export PS1='[\$(get_battery)] '
# * Customizing PS1 *
export PS1='\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[1;39m\]:\[\033[38;5;31m\] \W \[$(tput sgr0)\]\$ '
# Default: export PS1='\h:\W \u\$ '
# Custom : export PS1='\[$(tput sgr0)\]\[\033[1;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[1;39m\]:\[\033[38;5;31m\]\W\[$(tput sgr0)\]\$ '
# Obs: Color commands are separated with \[ \]
# $(tput sgr0) clear the text color
# \033[1;32m set green color
# \u@\h indicates user@host format
# \033[1;39m set white color
# : indicates end of user@host information
# \033[38;5;31m set cyan color
# \W indicates current folder
# $(tput sgr0) clear the text color
# \$ indicates start of typing
# * Customizing LSCOLORS Manually *
export CLICOLOR=1
export LSCOLORS=gxFxCxDxBxeGedabaGaced
# If the above color choices weren’t doing it for you, you can set whatever you want.
# Here’s the manual page on LSCOLORS if you want to give it a shot.
# The default is “exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad” but clearing out the .bash_profile color
# entry will remove any hideous color combinations too.
# LSCOLORS The value of this variable describes what color to use
# for which attribute when colors are enabled with
# CLICOLOR. This string is a concatenation of pairs of the
# format fb, where f is the foreground color and b is the
# background color.
# The color designators are as follows:
# a black
# b red
# c green
# d brown
# e blue
# f magenta
# g cyan
# h light grey
# A bold black, usually shows up as dark grey
# B bold red
# C bold green
# D bold brown, usually shows up as yellow
# E bold blue
# F bold magenta
# G bold cyan
# H bold light grey; looks like bright white
# x default foreground or background
# Note that the above are standard ANSI colors. The actual
# display may differ depending on the color capabilities of
# the terminal in use.
# The order of the attributes are as follows:
# 1. directory
# 2. symbolic link
# 3. socket
# 4. pipe
# 5. executable
# 6. block special
# 7. character special
# 8. executable with setuid bit set
# 9. executable with setgid bit set
# 10. directory writable to others, with sticky bit
# 11. directory writable to others, without sticky
# bit
# The default is “exfxcxdxbxegedabagacad”, i.e. blue fore-
# ground and default background for regular directories,
# black foreground and red background for setuid executa-
# bles, etc.
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