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Last active January 17, 2022 13:02
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ArgoCD Demo

Helm Stuff

Show artifacthub

helm search repo quarkus
helm show chart redhat-charts/quarkus
helm show readme redhat-charts/quarkus
helm pull redhat-charts/quarkus --untar
helm install redhat-charts/quarkus --generate-name

helm create sample-app

Prior to demo

Ensure AWS Credentials + EKS Cluster Setup

vi ~/.aws/credentials
rm -rf ~/.kube
eksctl create cluster
kubectl get nodes


Login to Openshift cluster... oc login...

oc new-project labs-ci-cd && oc new-project ateam-ci-cd

git clone
cd openshift-gitops

export GITOPS_NAMESPACES=labs-ci-cd,ateam-ci-cd

oc apply -k openshift-gitops/cluster
sed "s/GITOPS_NAMESPACES/$GITOPS_NAMESPACES/" openshift-gitops/cluster/subscription-openshift-gitops.yaml | oc apply -f-

oc apply -k .

oc new-project nodejs && oc new-project pricelist
oc label namespace nodejs
oc label namespace pricelist

Login to ArgoCD

kubectl port-forward svc/argocd-server 8443:443 -n labs-ci-cd
argocd login --username admin --password $(oc get secrets -n labs-ci-cd argocd-cluster -o jsonpath="{.data.admin\.password}" | base64 -d) --insecure localhost:8443
argocd cluster list

Add the EKS cluster

add pricelist-eks

kubectl config get-contexts
kubectl config use-context
kubectl port-forward svc/pricelist 8080:8080 -n pricelist
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