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Last active October 5, 2017 14:26
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module SingletonIncrementer exposing (..)
{-| Experiment on implementing type-safe OTP compliant GenServer
import Platform exposing (Task(..))
import Task
import Time
--- Here starts an exemplary API implementation
type OTPErrors
= NetSplit
| ProcessNotFound
type alias Process success =
Task OTPErrors success
{-| Executes a cast command which can modify the state and always returns a Result type -}
cast :
-> (state -> state)
-> Process Result
cast msg response =
Debug.crash "Crash"
{-| Executes a cast command which can rely on further commands.
Everything in Process state will get executed _after_ the Process Ressult returns. -}
castCmd :
-> (state -> Process state)
-> Process Result
castCmd msg response =
Debug.crash "Crash"
{-| Executes a call command which can modify the state and return a result of any type to the caller -}
-> (state -> ( reply, state ))
-> Process reply
call msg =
Debug.crash "Crash"
{-| Executes a call command which can modify the state and return a result of any type to the caller
Everything in Process state will get executed _before_ the Process reply returns -}
callCmd :
-> (state -> Process ( reply, state ))
-> Process reply
callCmd msg =
Debug.crash "Crash"
type alias GenServer state msg reply =
{ call :
-> (state -> ( reply, state ))
-> Process reply
, callCmd :
-> (state -> Process ( reply, state ))
-> Process reply
, cast :
-> (state -> state)
-> Process Result
, castCmd :
-> (state -> Process state)
-> Process Result
singleton : Process state -> GenServer state msg reply
singleton init =
{ call = call, cast = cast, callCmd = callCmd, castCmd = castCmd }
-- After this line everything is a GenServer examplary definition
process : GenServer number Msg reply
process =
singleton <| Task.succeed 0
type Msg
= Add
| Increment
| Decrement
| Reset
| SetToTimeNow
| Set
| Get
add : number -> Process Result
add a =
process.cast Add <| (+) a
increment : Process Result
increment =
process.cast Increment <| (+) 1
decrement : Process Result
decrement =
process.cast Decrement <| (-) 1
reset : Process Result
reset =
process.cast Reset <| always 0
set : number -> Process Result
set to =
process.cast Set <| always to
setToNow : Process Result
setToNow =
process.castCmd SetToTimeNow <| always
get : Process number
get = Get <| \state -> ( state, state )
------ After this line only testing functions are defined
(>>=) =
flip Task.andThen
testFlow : Process number
testFlow =
>>= always increment
>>= always decrement
>>= always get
>>= (\a -> set <| a + 10)
>>= always setToNow
>>= always get
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