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Created October 3, 2023 11:20
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Progress Bar in Bash
# source:
percentBar () {
local prct totlen=$((8*$2)) lastchar barstring blankstring;
printf -v prct %.2f "$1"
((prct=10#${prct/.}*totlen/10000, prct%8)) &&
printf -v lastchar '\\U258%X' $(( 16 - prct%8 )) ||
printf -v barstring '%*s' $((prct/8)) ''
printf -v barstring '%b' "${barstring// /\\U2588}$lastchar"
printf -v blankstring '%*s' $(((totlen-prct)/8)) ''
printf -v "$3" '%s%s' "$barstring" "$blankstring"
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for i in {0..10000..33} 10000;do i=0$i
    printf -v p %0.2f ${i::-2}.${i: -2}
    percentBar $p $((COLUMNS-9)) bar
    printf '\r|%s|%6.2f%%' "$bar" $p
    read -srt .002 _ && break    # console sleep avoiding fork

What does the underscore in read -srt .002 _ mean?

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