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Last active February 19, 2024 21:19
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Transform kindle clippings to markdowns
#!/usr/bin/env raku
use v6.d;
## Process kindle clippings file
## Author: Wenjie SUN
## Date: 2024-2-19
## Email: sunwjie at
## Input: My Clippings - Kindle.txt
## Output: A folder named "kindle-notes" with each note saved as a markdown file.
# Reads the entire content of the file into a string. The `.IO.slurp` method reads files efficiently.
my @note = "./My Clippings - Kindle.txt".IO.slurp.split: "\n==========\n";
# Declares a hash (associative array) to store notes. The key is the title of the note, and the value is the note content.
my %note;
my @title-vec = <Any>.Array;
# Iterates over each note in the @note array. The `map` function is used here for its side effects,
# not for transforming the array. For each note, it splits the note into lines:
# - The first line is treated as the title.
# - The second line is treated as the location.
# - The third line is an empty line used as a separator.
# - The fourth and subsequent lines contain the actual note content.
# Then, if the note content is defined (i.e., not empty), it pushes the note content into the array associated with the title in %note.
for @note -> $note-elem {
my ($title, $note) = $note-elem.split("\n", 4)[0, 3];
%note{$title}.push: $note with $note;
## crerate a folder for all the notes
my $folder = "kindle-notes";
mkdir $folder unless $folder.IO.e;
# This commented-out line filtering titles based on a regex pattern and then joining them with a newline.
# It's filtering titles that do not start with certain characters but it's commented out, so it has no effect on the script's execution.
# say{$_ ~~ m/^<-[\(\(]>+/}).join("\n");
# Iterates over each key-value pair in the %note hash. `%note.kv` provides a list of title-note pairs.
# For each pair, it prints the title prefixed with a "# " to indicate the title.
# Then, for each note associated with that title, it prints the note content, prefixed with "- ".
# Only prints the note if it's not an empty string.
## save each note to a file
for %note.kv -> $title, @note {
my $file = "$folder/{$title.subst(/\s+$/, "")}.md";
my $fh = open $file, :w;
$fh.say: "# " ~ ($title ~~ m/^<-[\(\(]>+/);
for @note { $fh.say: '- ' ~ $_ with $_ };
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