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Last active July 7, 2020 11:49
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Comparing Igor model
read_model_data = function(model_file) {
# @params model_file the Igor model files
model_file_lines = readLines(model_file)
stat_model = model_file_lines %>% grep("^%", ., value = T) %>% sub("%", "", .) %>% strsplit(",") %>% unlist %>% as.numeric
events_name = model_file_lines %>% grep("@",., value = T)
events_num = model_file_lines %>% grep("Dim",., value = T) %>% sub("\\$Dim\\[", "", .) %>% sub("\\]", "", .) %>% strsplit(",") %>% sapply(function(x){fold(as.integer(x), function(a, b) a * b, 1)})
events_v = rep(events_name, events_num)
d = list(p_model = stat_model, event = events_v)
comparing_two_model = function(model1, model2, model_names = c('model1', 'model2'), exclude_events = c(), fig = T) {
# @params model1, model2: the output of read_model_data() function
# @params model_names: the model names to display in the ouput figure
# @params exclude_events: the events to exclude in the statistics and visualization
# @params fig: if the visualization will be carried out or not
if (any(model1$event != model2$event)) {
warning("Two model are different, they can not be compared.")
d = data.table(p_model1 = -log10(model1$p_model + 0.000001), p_model2 = -log10(model2$p_model + 0.000001), event = model1$event)
d = d[!(event %in% exclude_events)]
if (fig) {
g = ggplot(d) + aes(x = p_model1, y = p_model2, color = event)
p = g + geom_point() + theme_bw() + labs(x = model_names[1], y = model_names[2])
ggplotly(p) %>% print
l = lm(p_model1 ~ p_model2 + 0, data = d)
cat("Spearman Correlation:\n")
with(d, cor.test(p_model1, p_model2, method = "spearman")) %>% print
cat("Pearson Correlation:\n")
with(d, cor.test(p_model1, p_model2, method = "spearman")) %>% print
cat("Linear regression:\n")
summary(l) %>% print
## example:
m1 = read_model_data("../data/Anne-Marie_20200111/igor_sample_outputs_reads/meghan_bcmouse_igor_inference/final_marginals.txt")
m2 = read_model_data("../data/Anne-Marie_20200111/igor_sample_outputs_reads_Emilie/emilie_bcmouse_igor_inference/final_marginals.txt")
comparing_two_model(m1, m2, model_names = c("Meghan's data", "Emilie's data"))
comparing_two_model(m1, m2, model_names = c("Meghan's data", "Emilie's data"), exclude_events = c("@d_3_del"))
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