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Last active December 21, 2015 06:29
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An attempt to encode Hybrid Type-Logical Categorial Grammar in Haskell... which fails horribly, as I can't use closed type families in the current release of GHC. I'll have another go at it in November.
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, ExistentialQuantification #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
import Prelude hiding (and)
-- * Tectogrammatical Types
data S
data N
data NP
type IV = NP :\ S
type TV = IV :/ NP
data a :\ b
data a :/ b
-- |The domain of tectogrammatical types is constructed as one of the
-- basic tectogrammatical types S, N or NP, together with all possible
-- compositions over these types, using the composition functions
-- @(/)@ and @(\)@ from Lambek grammars and @(|)@ from linear grammars.
class IsTecto a
instance IsTecto S
instance IsTecto N
instance IsTecto NP
instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b) => IsTecto (a :/ b)
instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b) => IsTecto (a :\ b)
-- * Phenogrammatical Types
-- |The domain of pheno grammatical types is constructod as either a
-- string, or a function over phenogrammatical types.
class IsPheno a
instance IsPheno String
instance (IsPheno a, IsPheno b) => IsPheno (a -> b)
-- |We can compute the phenogrammatical types from the tectogrammatical
-- types by applying the @Pheno@ type family.
type family Pheno (a :: *)
type instance Pheno (S) = String
type instance Pheno (N) = String
type instance Pheno (NP) = String
type instance Pheno (b :/ a) = Pheno a -> Pheno b
type instance Pheno (a :\ b) = Pheno a -> Pheno b
-- * Semantic Types
data E = John | Mary | Bill deriving (Eq,Show,Enum,Bounded)
type T = Bool
-- |The domain of semantic types is constructed as either of the type
-- constants E or T, and any function over semantic types types.
class IsSem a
instance IsSem E
instance IsSem T
instance (IsSem a, IsSem b) => IsSem (a -> b)
-- |We can compute the lambda denotation types from the tectogrammatical
-- types by applying the @Sem@ type family.
type family Sem (a :: *)
type instance Sem (S) = T
type instance Sem (N) = E -> T
type instance Sem (NP) = E
type instance Sem (b :/ a) = Sem a -> Sem b
type instance Sem (a :\ b) = Sem a -> Sem b
-- * Representations
-- |Representation of a word as a tectogrammatical type, combined with
-- a phenogrammatical realisation and a lambda denotation.
data Repr a = (IsTecto a) => Repr { pheno :: Pheno a , sem :: Sem a }
-- |We can print representations as long as their phenogrammatical form
-- is not a higher-order expression.
instance (Pheno a ~ String) => Show (Repr a)
where show (Repr σ _) = σ
-- * Compositions
infixr 6 ○
class Compose a b c | a b -> c where
(○) :: a -> b -> c
instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b) =>
Compose (Repr a) (Repr (a :\ b)) (Repr b) where
(○) (Repr σ1 φ1) (Repr σ2 φ2) = Repr (σ2 σ1) (φ2 φ1)
instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b) =>
Compose (Repr (b :/ a)) (Repr a) (Repr b) where
(○) (Repr σ1 φ1) (Repr σ2 φ2) = Repr (σ1 σ2) (φ1 φ2)
instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b, IsTecto c) =>
Compose (Repr (a :\ b)) (Repr (b :\ c)) (Repr (a :\ c)) where
(○) (Repr σ1 φ1) (Repr σ2 φ2) = Repr (σ2 . σ1) (φ2 . φ1)
instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b, IsTecto c) =>
Compose (Repr (c :/ b)) (Repr (b :/ a)) (Repr (c :/ a)) where
(○) (Repr σ1 φ1) (Repr σ2 φ2) = Repr (σ1 . σ2) (φ1 . φ2)
-- instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b, IsTecto c) =>
-- Compose (Repr a) (Repr (b :/ c)) (Repr ((b :/ a) :\ c)) where
-- (○) (Repr σ1 φ1) (Repr σ2 φ2) = Repr (\f -> σ2 (f σ1)) (\f -> φ2 (f φ1))
-- instance (IsTecto a, IsTecto b, IsTecto c) =>
-- Compose (Repr (b :/ c)) (Repr a) (Repr (c :/ (a :\ b))) where
-- (○) (Repr σ1 φ1) (Repr σ2 φ2) = Repr (\f -> σ1 (f σ2)) (\f -> φ1 (f φ2))
-- * Generalized Conjunction
-- |There is a subdomain of the semantic types which corresponds to the
-- truth functions; that is, any function that when given all its arguments
-- will return a boolean value.
-- Over this domain we can define generalized conjunction by induction.
class IsTruth a where
(/\) :: a -> a -> a
instance IsTruth T where
x /\ y = x && y
instance (IsSem a) => IsTruth (a -> T) where
f /\ g = \x -> f x /\ g x
-- |Furthermore, we can make all first-order phenogrammatical types composable
-- by inserting the empty string whenever we encounter a function.
instance Compose String String String where
a ○ b = a ++ " " ++ b
instance (IsPheno a, IsPheno b, IsPheno c, Compose a b c) =>
Compose (String -> a) (String -> b) c where
f ○ g = f "" ○ g ""
-- |And use this generalized conjunction to define an entry
-- for the general usage of the word "and".
class And a where
and :: Repr ((a :\ a) :/ a)
instance (IsTecto a, Compose (Pheno a) (Pheno a) (Pheno a), IsTruth (Sem a)) => And a where
and = Repr (○) (/\)
-- * Lexical Definitions
john, mary, bill :: Repr NP
john = Repr "john" John
mary = Repr "mary" Mary
bill = Repr "bill" Bill
walks :: Repr (NP :\ S)
walks = Repr (\z -> z ○ "walks") walks' where
walks' John = True
walks' _ = False
sleeps :: Repr (NP :\ S)
sleeps = Repr (\z -> z ○ "sleeps") sleeps' where
sleeps' Bill = True
sleeps' _ = False
likes :: Repr ((NP :\ S) :/ NP)
likes = Repr (\x z -> z ○ "likes" ○ x) (flip likes') where
likes' John Mary = True
likes' Bill Mary = True
likes' Mary John = True
likes' John John = True
likes' Mary Mary = True
likes' _ _ = False
entities :: [E]
entities = [minBound .. maxBound]
everybody :: Repr (S :/ (NP :\ S))
everybody = Repr (\σ -> σ "everybody") (\p -> all p entities)
somebody :: Repr (S :/ (NP :\ S))
somebody = Repr (\σ -> σ "somebody") (\p -> any p entities)
nobody :: Repr (S :/ (NP :\ S))
nobody = Repr (\σ -> σ "nobody") (\p -> not (any p entities))
-- * Example Sentences
sentence1 :: Repr S
sentence1 = john ○ walks
sentence2 :: Repr S
sentence2 = mary ○ sleeps
sentence3a :: Repr S
sentence3a = john ○ likes ○ mary
sentence3b :: Repr S
sentence3b = mary ○ likes ○ mary
sentence3c :: Repr S
sentence3c = bill ○ likes ○ mary
sentence4 :: Repr S
sentence4 = everybody ○ likes ○ mary
sentence5 :: Repr S
sentence5 = somebody ○ likes ○ john
sentence6a :: Repr S
sentence6a = nobody ○ likes ○ bill
sentence6b :: Repr S
sentence6b = nobody ○ likes ○ mary
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