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Last active June 2, 2022 22:14
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Save wenkokke/6727397 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
An implementation of mergesort in Agda.
open import Level using (_⊔_)
open import Function using (_∘_)
open import Data.Vec using (Vec; []; _∷_; foldr)
open import Data.Nat using (ℕ; zero; suc; _+_)
open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple using (+-right-identity; +-suc)
open import Data.Sum using (_⊎_; inj₁; inj₂)
open import Data.Product using (∃; _×_; _,_; proj₁; proj₂)
open import Data.Empty using (⊥-elim)
open import Relation.Nullary using (Dec; yes; no; ¬_)
open import Relation.Binary using (module DecTotalOrder; DecTotalOrder; Rel)
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality as P using (_≡_; refl; cong; sym)
module MergeSort {c ℓ₁ ℓ₂} (decTotalOrder : DecTotalOrder c ℓ₁ ℓ₂) where
open DecTotalOrder decTotalOrder using (_≤_; _≤?_; total; trans) renaming (Carrier to A)
open DecTotalOrder Data.Nat.decTotalOrder using () renaming (_≤?_ to _≤?-ℕ_)
-- A bounded version of the A type that is bounded at the top by ⊤
-- and at the bottom by ⊥.
data  : Set c where
⊤ : Â
⟦_⟧ : A → Â
-- Computes the minimum of two bounded values.
infix 5 _⊓_
_⊓_ : Â → Â → Â
⊤ ⊓ y = y
x ⊓ ⊤ = x
⟦ x ⟧ ⊓ ⟦ y ⟧ with x ≤? y
⟦ x ⟧ ⊓ ⟦ y ⟧ | yes x≤y = ⟦ x ⟧
⟦ x ⟧ ⊓ ⟦ y ⟧ | no x>y = ⟦ y ⟧
infix 4 _≲_
data _≲_ : Rel  (c ⊔ ℓ₂) where
≲⊤ : ∀ {x} → x ≲ ⊤
≤-lift : ∀ {x y} → x ≤ y → ⟦ x ⟧ ≲ ⟦ y ⟧
-- Smart constructor for when we only have a proof of y≰x.
≰-lift : ∀ {x y} → ¬ (y ≤ x) → ⟦ x ⟧ ≲ ⟦ y ⟧
≰-lift {x} {y} y≰x with total x y
≰-lift y≰x | inj₁ x≤y = ≤-lift x≤y
≰-lift y≰x | inj₂ y≤x = ⊥-elim (y≰x y≤x)
-- Proof that ⊓ conserves ≲.
⊓-conserves-≲ : ∀ {x y z} → x ≲ y → x ≲ z → x ≲ y ⊓ z
⊓-conserves-≲ {x} {⊤} {_} _ q = q
⊓-conserves-≲ {x} {⟦ _ ⟧} {⊤} p _ = p
⊓-conserves-≲ {x} {⟦ y ⟧} {⟦ z ⟧} p q with y ≤? z
⊓-conserves-≲ {x} {⟦ y ⟧} {⟦ z ⟧} p _ | yes y≤z = p
⊓-conserves-≲ {x} {⟦ y ⟧} {⟦ z ⟧} _ q | no y≰z = q
-- Representation a vector of length n, of which the first k
-- elements are still unsorted, and which has lower bound l.
infix 5 _∷_by_
data OVec : Â → ℕ → Set (c ⊔ ℓ₂) where
[] : OVec ⊤ 0
_∷_by_ : ∀ {l k} (x : A) (xs : OVec l k) → ⟦ x ⟧ ≲ l → OVec ⟦ x ⟧ (suc k)
-- Converts an ordered list to a regular length-indexed list.
toVec : ∀ {l k} → OVec l k → Vec A k
toVec [] = []
toVec (x ∷ xs by _) = x ∷ toVec xs
⊓-identity : ∀ {l} → l ⊓ ⊤ ≡ l
⊓-identity { ⊤ } = refl
⊓-identity {⟦ x ⟧} = refl
≲-transitive : ∀ {x y z} → x ≲ y → y ≲ z → x ≲ z
≲-transitive ≲⊤ ≲⊤ = ≲⊤
≲-transitive (≤-lift p₁) ≲⊤ = ≲⊤
≲-transitive (≤-lift p₁) (≤-lift p₂) = ≤-lift (trans p₁ p₂)
merge : ∀ {l₁ l₂ k₁ k₂} → OVec l₁ k₁ → OVec l₂ k₂ → OVec (l₁ ⊓ l₂) (k₁ + k₂)
merge {⊤ } {l₂} {0 } {k₂} [] ys = ys
merge {l₁} {⊤ } {k₁} {0 } xs [] rewrite ⊓-identity {l₁} | +-right-identity k₁ = xs
merge {.(⟦ x ⟧)} {.(⟦ y ⟧)} {suc k₁} {suc k₂} (x ∷ xs by p) (y ∷ ys by q) with x ≤? y
... | yes x≤y
= x ∷ (merge xs (y ∷ ys by q)) by ⊓-conserves-≲ p (≤-lift x≤y)
... | no x≰y rewrite +-suc k₁ k₂
= y ∷ (merge (x ∷ xs by p) ys) by ⊓-conserves-≲ (≰-lift x≰y) q
-- A direct implementation of the sorting function using split
-- requires a proof of well-foundedness for the recursion on the two
-- halves, as Agda cannot automatically infer that the two halves
-- are smaller than the whole.
-- However, we can use a trick: we can make the recursion explicit
-- in a data structure and sort by induction on that. Using this
-- trick agda is able to infer that both the vector in dealT and the
-- tree in mergeT become structurally smaller.
data Tree {ℓ} (A : Set ℓ) : ℕ → Set ℓ where
null : Tree A 0
leaf : A → Tree A 1
fork : ∀ {r l} → Tree A r → Tree A l → Tree A (r + l)
insertT : ∀ {ℓ} {n} {A : Set ℓ} → A → Tree A n → Tree A (suc n)
insertT {_} {.0} x (null) = leaf x
insertT {_} {.1} x (leaf y) = fork (leaf x) (leaf y)
insertT {_} {.(r + l)} x (fork {r} {l} tᴿ tᴸ) with r ≤?-ℕ l
... | yes r≤l = fork (insertT x tᴿ) tᴸ
... | no r≰l rewrite sym (+-suc r l) = fork tᴿ (insertT x tᴸ)
dealT : ∀ {k} → Vec A k → Tree A k
dealT = foldr (Tree A) insertT null
mergeT : ∀ {k} → Tree A k → ∃ (λ l → OVec l k)
mergeT (null) = ⊤ , []
mergeT (leaf x) = ⟦ x ⟧ , x ∷ [] by ≲⊤
mergeT (fork r l) with mergeT r | mergeT l
... | m , xs | n , ys = m ⊓ n , merge xs ys
-- Now we can easily define the mergesort function using the
-- `mergeT` and `dealT` primitives.
mergesort : ∀ {k} → Vec A k → ∃ (λ l → OVec l k)
mergesort = mergeT ∘ dealT
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I tried running this with
agda-stdlib 1.7.1
with GHC backend 8.10.7 and 9.2.1
but I'm getting this error
Failed to find source of module Data.Nat.Properties.Simple in any
of the following locations:

_ C:\Users\User\Documents\Code\agda\demo-agda\Data\Nat\Properties\Simple.agda
when scope checking the declaration
open import Data.Nat.Properties.Simple using (+-right-identity;

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wenkokke commented Jun 2, 2022

This was written in 2015 for an old version of Agda and the standard library. You can probably patch this up by fixing the imports to the newer versions, but I wouldn’t expect it to work out of the box.

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