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Last active December 28, 2015 18:49
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An encoding of N-th order logic in Haskell, where the minimal order is encoded by the term... This all fails pretty horribly (in the sense that it doesn't really achieve what I set out to do, and actually trying to write formulas using this is incredibly painful), but I thought it'd be nice to keep around.
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies #-}
module Logic where
import Text.Printf (printf)
import Data.String.Utils (join)
-- | encoding of natural numbers for use with datakinds
data Nat where
Nz :: Nat
Ns :: Nat -> Nat
-- | computes the maximum of two natural numbers
type family Max (m :: Nat) (n :: Nat) :: Nat
type instance Max m Nz = m
type instance Max Nz n = n
type instance Max (Ns m) (Ns n) = Ns (Max m n)
-- | increases order if order is not zero, due to the
-- odd position of terms in this hierarchy
type family Nx (n :: Nat) :: Nat
type instance Nx Nz = Nz
type instance Nx (Ns n) = Ns (Ns n)
-- * datatype declarations
type Name (n :: Nat) = String
type Term = Logic Nz
type L0 = Logic (Ns Nz)
type L1 = Logic (Ns (Ns Nz))
type L2 = Logic (Ns (Ns (Ns Nz)))
type HOL = forall n. Logic (Ns (Ns (Ns n)))
data Logic (n :: Nat) where
Var :: Name Nz -> Logic Nz
Con :: Name Nz -> Logic Nz
Fun :: Name Nz -> [Logic Nz] -> Logic Nz
Pred :: Name m -> [Logic n] -> Logic (Max m (Nx n))
Exists :: Name m -> Logic n -> Logic (Max (Ns m) n)
Forall :: Name m -> Logic n -> Logic (Max (Ns m) n)
Top :: Logic m
Bot :: Logic m
Neg :: Logic m -> Logic n
Conj :: Logic m -> Logic n -> Logic (Max m n)
Disj :: Logic m -> Logic n -> Logic (Max m n)
Impl :: Logic m -> Logic n -> Logic (Max m n)
Equiv :: Logic m -> Logic n -> Logic (Max m n)
-- * instance declarations
instance Show (Logic n) where
show (Var x) = x
show (Con x) = x
show (Fun n xs) = printf "%s(%s)" n (join ", " . map show $ xs)
show (Pred n xs) = printf "%s(%s)" n (join ", " . map show $ xs)
show (Exists n xs) = printf "?%s.%s" n (show xs)
show (Forall n xs) = printf "!%s.%s" n (show xs)
show Top = "0"
show Bot = "1"
show (Neg x) = printf "~(%s)" (show x)
show (Conj x y) = printf "%s /\\ %s" (show x) (show y)
show (Disj x y) = printf "%s \\/ %s" (show x) (show y)
show (Impl x y) = printf "%s => %s" (show x) (show y)
show (Equiv x y) = printf "%s == %s" (show x) (show y)
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