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Created December 8, 2013 19:26
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Save wenkokke/7862692 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Type-safe reification of simply typed lambda terms with atomic types E (entity) and T (boolean) into Haskell functions. I could extend this by replacing these atomic types with a user-provided universe, but then we couldn't encode propositional logic anymore.
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, RankNTypes, TypeFamilies, DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures, TypeOperators, MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
module STL where
import Prelude hiding (True,False)
import qualified Data.Bool as B
type Name = String
type Entity = Int
data Nat where
Nz :: Nat
Ns :: Nat -> Nat
data Nat' (n :: Nat) where
Nz' :: Nat' Nz
Ns' :: Nat' n -> Nat' (Ns n)
data Type where
E :: Type
T :: Type
(:->:) :: Type -> Type -> Type
type family LookupByNat (n :: Nat) (c :: [Type]) :: Type
type instance LookupByNat Nz (t ': ts) = t
type instance LookupByNat (Ns n) (t ': ts) = LookupByNat n ts
lookupByNat :: Env c -> Nat' n -> Hask (LookupByNat n c)
lookupByNat (Cons e _) (Nz') = e
lookupByNat (Cons _ es) (Ns' n) = lookupByNat es n
data Env :: [Type] -> * where
Nil :: Env '[]
Cons :: Hask t -> Env c -> Env (t ': c)
data Exp :: [Type] -> Type -> * where
Var :: Nat' n -> Exp c (LookupByNat n c)
Abs :: Exp (t1 ': c) t2 -> Exp c (t1 :->: t2)
App :: Exp c (t1 :->: t2) -> Exp c t1 -> Exp c t2
True :: Exp c T
False :: Exp c T
Not :: Exp c T -> Exp c T
(:/\:) :: Exp c T -> Exp c T -> Exp c T
(:\/:) :: Exp c T -> Exp c T -> Exp c T
(:=>:) :: Exp c T -> Exp c T -> Exp c T
(:==:) :: Exp c T -> Exp c T -> Exp c T
type family Hask (t :: Type) :: *
type instance Hask T = Bool
type instance Hask E = Entity
type instance Hask (t1 :->: t2) = Hask t1 -> Hask t2
reify :: Env c -> Exp c t -> Hask t
reify c (Var n) = lookupByNat c n
reify c (Abs e1) = \x -> reify (Cons x c) e1
reify c (App e1 e2) = (reify c e1) (reify c e2)
reify _ True = B.True
reify _ False = B.False
reify c (Not e1) = not (reify c e1)
reify c (e1 :/\: e2) = reify c e1 && reify c e2
reify c (e1 :\/: e2) = reify c e1 || reify c e2
reify c (e1 :=>: e2) = not (reify c e1) || reify c e2
reify c (e1 :==: e2) = reify c e1 == reify c e2
type Zero = Nat' 'Nz
type One = Nat' ('Ns 'Nz)
type Two = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz))
type Three = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz)))
type Four = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz))))
type Five = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz)))))
type Six = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz))))))
type Seven = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz)))))))
type Eight = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz))))))))
type Nine = Nat' ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns ('Ns 'Nz)))))))))
zero :: Zero
zero = Nz'
one :: One
one = Ns' zero
two :: Two
two = Ns' one
three :: Three
three = Ns' two
four :: Four
four = Ns' three
five :: Five
five = Ns' four
six :: Six
six = Ns' five
seven :: Seven
seven = Ns' six
eight :: Eight
eight = Ns' seven
nine :: Nine
nine = Ns' eight
id :: Exp '[] (E :->: E)
id = Abs (Var zero)
const :: Exp '[] (E :->: (E :->: E))
const = Abs (Abs (Var one))
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