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Last active September 3, 2015 10:50
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Save wenkokke/82e81b52c10ca325eaf9 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Script which loads a given file into Agda and prints the normalised form of a given expression.
module agda2_compute_toplevel where
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Data.List (isPrefixOf)
import System.Environment (getEnv)
import System.FilePath (splitSearchPath)
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Text.Printf (printf)
nf_prefix = "(agda2-info-action \"*Normal Form*\" "
nf_suffix = " nil)"
nf :: String -> String
nf = read . reverse . drop (length nf_suffix) . reverse . drop (length nf_prefix)
agda_path :: IO [FilePath]
agda_path = splitSearchPath <$> getEnv "AGDA_PATH"
cmd_load :: FilePath -> [String] -> String
cmd_load file path = printf "IOTCM %s NonInteractive Indirect ( Cmd_load %s %s )"
(show file) (show file) (show path)
cmd_compute_toplevel :: FilePath -> String -> String
cmd_compute_toplevel file expr
= printf "IOTCM %s None Indirect ( Cmd_compute_toplevel False %s )"
(show file) (show expr)
compute_toplevel :: FilePath -> [String] -> IO ()
compute_toplevel file exprs = do
(hin,hout,herr,_) <- runInteractiveCommand "agda --interaction"
hSetBinaryMode hin False
hSetBinaryMode hout False
hSetBinaryMode herr False
hSetBuffering hin LineBuffering
hSetBuffering hout NoBuffering
hSetBuffering herr NoBuffering
agda_path' <- agda_path
hPutStrLn hin (cmd_load file agda_path')
sequence_ (hPutStrLn hin . cmd_compute_toplevel file <$> exprs)
resp <- hGetContents hout
let nfs = map nf (filter (nf_prefix `isPrefixOf`) (lines resp))
mapM_ putStrLn nfs
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