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Last active January 24, 2024 14:51
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AB grammars and extensible effects can do some fun things—depends on Eff1.hs found on <>
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, QuasiQuotes, FlexibleInstances, FlexibleContexts,
TypeFamilies, GADTs, TypeOperators, DataKinds, PolyKinds, RankNTypes,
KindSignatures, UndecidableInstances, StandaloneDeriving,
RecordWildCards, DeriveFunctor, DeriveFoldable, DeriveTraversable #-}
module AB where
import Prelude hiding (lookup, lex)
import Control.Applicative ((<|>),empty)
import Data.Maybe (maybeToList)
import Data.Singletons.Decide (Decision(..),(:~:)(..),(%~))
import Data.Singletons.Prelude
import Data.Singletons.TH (singletons)
import Eff1 (Eff,Reader,Writer,ask,tell,run,runReader,runWriter)
import Text.Parsec (char,letter,spaces,many1,chainr1)
import qualified Text.Parsec (parse)
-- * Syntactic & Semantic Types
singletons [d|
data SynT = S | N | NP | SynT :-> SynT | SynT :<- SynT deriving (Show,Eq)
data SemT = E | T | SemT :=> SemT deriving (Show,Eq)
infixr 5 :->
infixl 5 :<-
infixr 5 :=>
type S = 'S
type N = 'N
type NP = 'NP
type IV = NP :-> S
type TV = IV :<- NP
type a :-> b = a ':-> b
type b :<- a = b ':<- a
sS :: SSynT S
sS = SS
sN :: SSynT N
sN = SN
sNP :: SSynT NP
mNP :: SSynT (NP :<- NP)
mNP = SNP :%<- SNP
sIV :: SSynT IV
sIV = SNP :%-> SS
sTV :: SSynT TV
sTV = sIV :%<- SNP
type E = 'E
type T = 'T
type a :=> b = a ':=> b
-- * Translation from Syntactic to Semantic Types
type family Tr (t :: SynT) :: SemT where
Tr 'S = 'T
Tr 'N = 'E ':=> 'T
Tr 'NP = 'E
Tr (a ':-> b) = Tr a ':=> Tr b
Tr (b ':<- a) = Tr a ':=> Tr b
data Typed (expr :: SemT -> *) where
Typed :: (SSynT a, expr (Tr a)) -> Typed expr
-- * Parse Trees
data Tree a where
Leaf :: a -> Tree a
Node :: Tree a -> Tree a -> Tree a
deriving instance (Show a) => (Show (Tree a))
deriving instance (Functor Tree)
deriving instance (Foldable Tree)
deriving instance (Traversable Tree)
-- * Lexicon & Parsing
data Lexicon expr = Lexicon
{ lookup :: String -> [Typed expr]
, apply :: forall a b. expr (a :=> b) -> expr a -> expr b
maybeApply :: Lexicon expr -> Typed expr -> Typed expr -> Maybe (Typed expr)
maybeApply lex (Typed (a1,x)) (Typed (a2 :%-> b,f)) =
case a1 %~ a2 of
Proved Refl -> pure (Typed (b, apply lex f x))
_ -> empty
maybeApply lex (Typed (b :%<- a1,f)) (Typed (a2,x)) =
case a1 %~ a2 of
Proved Refl -> pure (Typed (b, apply lex f x))
_ -> empty
maybeApply _ _ _ = empty
parse :: Lexicon expr -> String -> SSynT a -> [expr (Tr a)]
parse lex str a1 =
case Text.Parsec.parse sent "" str of
Left _ -> empty
Right t -> exec =<< (comp =<< traverse (lookup lex) t)
exec (Typed (a2,x)) =
case a1 %~ a2 of
Proved Refl -> pure x
_ -> empty
comp (Leaf e) = pure e
comp (Node t1 t2) =
do e1 <- comp t1; e2 <- comp t2; maybeToList (maybeApply lex e1 e2)
sent = chainr1 atom node
word = Leaf <$> many1 letter
atom = word <|> (char '(' *> (sent <* char ')'))
node = pure Node <* spaces
-- * Example using Eff in Haskell
data Entity = Tim | Bob
data Pred where
Like :: Entity -> Entity -> Pred
Stupid :: Entity -> Pred
deriving instance Show Entity
deriving instance Show Pred
type family ToEff r t :: * where
ToEff r E = Eff r Entity
ToEff r T = Eff r Pred
ToEff r (a :=> b) = ToEff r a -> ToEff r b
newtype Ext r a = Ext (ToEff r a)
type RW = (Reader Entity ': Writer Pred ': '[])
-- * Example using freer monad, more extensible effects
lex :: String -> [Typed (Ext RW)]
lex "tim" = pure (Typed (sNP , Ext (pure Tim)))
lex "bob" = pure (Typed (sNP , Ext (pure Bob)))
lex "likes" = pure (Typed (sTV , Ext (\y x -> Like <$> x <*> y)))
lex "stupid" = pure (Typed (mNP , Ext (\x -> x >>= \x -> tell (Stupid x) *> pure x)))
lex "him" = pure (Typed (sNP , Ext ask))
app :: (ToEff r t ~ (ToEff r a -> ToEff r b)) => Ext r t -> Ext r a -> Ext r b
app (Ext f) (Ext x) = Ext (f x)
ext :: Lexicon (Ext RW)
ext = Lexicon { lookup = lex, apply = app }
runExt :: Ext RW T -> Entity -> (Pred, [Pred])
runExt (Ext e) x = run (runWriter (runReader e x))
s1 :: [(Pred, [Pred])]
s1 = runExt <$> parse ext "(stupid bob) likes him" SS <*> pure Tim
-- [(Like Bob Tim,[Stupid Bob])]
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
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