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Created January 6, 2013 21:20
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REM install the redist so that openssl will not complain w/vc9 -- could use %ROLEROOT% here
vcredist_x86.exe /q
REM set a path for openssl and freetds
SET PATH=%PATH%;E:\lib\freedts;E:\lib\openssl
REM Download directly from
powershell -c "(new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('', 'railsinstaller.exe')"
REM install silently
railsinstaller.exe /verysilent /dir="%RUBY_PATH%" /tasks="assocfiles,modpath"
REM remove any tiny tds copies
for /d %%a in (%RUBY_PATH%\Ruby1.9.3\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\tiny_tds*) do rd %%a /q
cd site
REM unzip the rails application
7z x site.7z
REM install all of the gems
bundle install
REM copy the gems from
cd %RUBY_PATH%\Ruby1.9.3\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems
xcopy E:\lib\gems /e
cd \site
bundle exec rails s thin -p 80
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