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Created January 28, 2023 22:00
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  • Save wenqiglantz/75275706064bdc37da6186368606e752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save wenqiglantz/75275706064bdc37da6186368606e752 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
name: "Terraform Deployment"
# working-directory is added to specify "terraform" directory in project source code as that's where the terraform files live.
required: false
type: string
default: './terraform'
shell: bash
name: Deploy terraform
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
working-directory: ${{ inputs.working-directory }}
# important to specify the environment here so workflow knows where to deploy your artifact to.
# default environment to "dev" if it is not passed in through workflow_dispatch manual trigger
environment: ${{ github.event.inputs.environment || 'dev' }}
DEPLOY_ENV: ${{ github.event.inputs.environment || 'dev' }}
- name: Harden Runner
uses: step-security/harden-runner@ebacdc22ef6c2cfb85ee5ded8f2e640f4c776dd5
egress-policy: audit
- name: Checkout Code
uses: actions/checkout@d0651293c4a5a52e711f25b41b05b2212f385d28
- name: Configure AWS credentials
uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@05b148adc31e091bafbaf404f745055d4d3bc9d2
role-to-assume: ${{ secrets.TERRAFORM_ROLE_TO_ASSUME }}
aws-region: ${{ secrets.AWS_REGION }}
- uses: actions/cache@937d24475381cd9c75ae6db12cb4e79714b926ed # v2.1.7
name: Cache plugin dir
path: ~/.tflint.d/plugins
key: ubuntu-latest-tflint-${{ hashFiles('.tflint.hcl') }}
- uses: terraform-linters/setup-tflint@ba6bb2989f94daf58a4cc6eac2c1ca7398a678bf # v3.0.0
name: Setup TFLint
tflint_version: latest
- name: Init TFLint
run: tflint --init
- name: Run TFLint
run: tflint -f compact
- name: Run tfsec, static analysis tool to detect potential security risks
uses: aquasecurity/tfsec-pr-commenter-action@7a44c5dcde5dfab737363e391800629e27b6376b # v1.3.1
tfsec_args: --soft-fail
github_token: ${{ github.token }}
- name: Run Checkov action
uses: bridgecrewio/checkov-action@3854b91536303a096e7693434ef98706a0be82cb # master
directory: ${{ inputs.working-directory }}
quiet: true # optional: display only failed checks
soft_fail: true # optional: do not return an error code if there are failed checks
framework: terraform # optional: run only on a specific infrastructure {cloudformation,terraform,kubernetes,all}
output_format: sarif # optional: the output format, one of: cli, json, junitxml, github_failed_only, or sarif. Default: sarif
output_file_path: reports/results.sarif # folder and name of results file
download_external_modules: true # optional: download external terraform modules from public git repositories and terraform registry
log_level: DEBUG # optional: set log level. Default WARNING
- name: Setup Terraform
uses: hashicorp/setup-terraform@7b3bcd8d76f3cbaec0a3564e53de7c9adf00f0a7
- name: Print debug info
run: |
echo environment is ${{ github.event.inputs.environment }}
echo working_directory is ${{ inputs.working-directory }}
echo repository is ${{ github.repository }}
- name: Terraform Init
id: init
run: |
# passes a NPM_TOKEN which has access to private repo as client app doesn't pass such credential in when calling tf composite module.
# credit:
git config --global url."https://oauth2:${{ secrets.NPM_TOKEN }}".insteadOf
rm -rf .terraform
terraform init -backend-config='./.env/${{ github.event.inputs.environment || 'dev' }}/backend.tfvars' -upgrade=true -no-color -input=false
- name: Terraform Plan
id: plan
run: |
# convert repo and env to lower case and pass to Terraform as env variables
export TF_VAR_deploy_repo=${DEPLOY_REPO,,}
export TF_VAR_deploy_env=${DEPLOY_ENV,,}
export TF_VAR_pipeline_token=${{ secrets.PIPELINE_TOKEN }}
terraform plan -input=false -var-file=.env/${{ github.event.inputs.environment || 'dev' }}/terraform.tfvars -no-color
- name: Terraform Apply
id: apply
run: |
# convert repo and env to lower case and pass to Terraform as env variables
export TF_VAR_deploy_repo=${DEPLOY_REPO,,}
export TF_VAR_deploy_env=${DEPLOY_ENV,,}
export TF_VAR_pipeline_token=${{ secrets.PIPELINE_TOKEN }}
terraform apply -auto-approve -input=false -var-file=.env/${{ github.event.inputs.environment || 'dev' }}/terraform.tfvars
- name: Terraform destroy
# If you want to use this workflow to run terraform destroy, create a feature branch "destroy", trigger this workflow from that branch to destroy.
if: always() && github.ref == 'refs/heads/destroy'
id: destroy
run: |
# convert repo and env to lower case and pass to Terraform as env variables
export TF_VAR_deploy_repo=${DEPLOY_REPO,,}
export TF_VAR_deploy_env=${DEPLOY_ENV,,}
export TF_VAR_pipeline_token=${{ secrets.PIPELINE_TOKEN }}
terraform destroy -auto-approve -input=false -var-file=.env/${{ github.event.inputs.environment || 'dev' }}/terraform.tfvars
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