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Last active May 24, 2017 20:38
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Save weotch/0ec80dcce0d8034a04b7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
My hacks to atom material theme
* Your Stylesheet
* This stylesheet is loaded when Atom starts up and is reloaded automatically
* when it is changed and saved.
* Add your own CSS or Less to fully customize Atom.
* If you are unfamiliar with Less, you can read more about it here:
// Imports
@import "octicon-mixins";
// Vars from theme:
@text-color-ignored: fade(@text-color, 50%);
@text-color-added: lighten(@text-color-success, 10%);
@text-color-renamed: lighten(@text-color-info, 10%);
@text-color-modified: lighten(@text-color-warning, 10%);
@text-color-removed: @text-color-error;
// Custom vars
@bkgd: #263238;
@tree-text-color: #516e7a;
@selected-color: #80cbc4;
@faint-color: lighten(@bkgd, 2%);
// Make the bkgd a little darker
atom-text-editor {
background-color: darken(@bkgd, 1%);
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
// Make gutter darker too
atom-text-editor::shadow .gutter {
background-color: darken(@bkgd, 0.7%);
// Make the selected row milder
atom-text-editor::shadow .line.cursor-line {
background: mix(@selected-color, @bkgd, 1%);
// Fix the selection, making it light instead of dark
atom-text-editor::shadow {
@selection-bkgd: mix(@selected-color, @bkgd, 5%);
.selection .region {
background: @selection-bkgd;
&:after {
border-color: @selection-bkgd;
// Line number tweaks
atom-text-editor::shadow .line-number {
// Make the line number highlight light instead of dark
&.cursor-line {
background: mix(@selected-color, @bkgd, 15%);
color: @selected-color;
// Make git colors match
&.git-line-added { border-left-color: @text-color-added !important; }
&.git-line-modified { border-left-color: @text-color-modified !important; }
&.git-line-renamed { border-left-color: @text-color-renamed !important; }
&.git-line-removed { border-left-color: @text-color-removed !important; }
// Shared tree styles for file and directory,
li.file.entry.list-item {
// Animation
transition: color 100ms;
&:before { transition: background 600ms; }
// Common selected state
&.selected:before {
border-left: 3px solid @selected-color;
background: mix(@selected-color, @bkgd, 10%) !important;
transition: background 200ms;
// Tree folders {
.list-item {
color: @tree-text-color;
// Highlight when open
&.expanded {
color: mix(@selected-color, @tree-text-color);
// Hover
&:hover > .list-item {
color: @selected-color !important;
// Change the git status to dots
&.status-modified > .list-item,
&.status-added > .list-item {
color: @tree-text-color;
transition: color 100ms;
&:after {
margin-left: 5px;
&.status-modified > .list-item:after {
color: @text-color-modified;
content: '\f052';
&.status-added > .list-item:after {
color: @text-color-added;
content: '\f05d';
// Tree files
li.file.entry.list-item {
color: @tree-text-color;
// Hover
&:hover {
color: @selected-color !important;
// Change the git status to slight coloration
&.status-added {
color: mix(@text-color-added, @tree-text-color);
&.status-modified {
color: mix(@text-color-modified, @tree-text-color);
// Selected styles
&.selected {
color: @selected-color;
&.status-added {
color: mix(@text-color-added, @selected-color);
&.status-modified {
color: mix(@text-color-modified, @selected-color);
// Overriding some annoying importants that were showing a gross brown color
// on some modified items
.focusable-panel:focus .selected[class*="status-"] {
> span,
&.list-item.entry > span:before,
> .header.list-item > span.icon,
&.directory > .header.list-item:before {
color: @selected-color !important;
// Indent guide customization
.indent-guide-improved {
// background-color: @faint-color;
&.indent-guide-stack {
background-color: @faint-color;
&.indent-guide-active {
background-color: lighten(@faint-color, 5%);
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