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Last active April 13, 2016 15:28
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# Path
export PATH="~/.composer/vendor/bin:/usr/local/bin:/Applications/MAMP/bin/php/php5.5.26/bin:$PATH"
# Change prompt
export PS1="\[\e[0;36m\]\w \[\e[33m\]⇢\[\e[49m\] \[\e[m\]"
# Use atom as editor
export EDITOR='atom --wait'
export GIT_EDITOR='atom --wait'
# Artisan shorthands
alias a="php artisan"
alias art="php artisan"
alias artisan="php artisan"
# Run an npm script
alias run="npm run"
# Create a deduped and prined shrinkwrap file
alias shrink="npm dedupe && npm prune && npm shrinkwrap"
# Update npm deps and shrinkwrap
alias npmup="npm update && shrink"
# Rename terminal window and tab
function tabname {
printf "\e]1;$1\a"
function winname {
printf "\e]2;$1\a"
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