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Last active July 2, 2021 22:15
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This script lists all Magento cronjobs in the following way: # php listAllCrons.php Job name m h dom mon dow Object::Method to execute enterprise_giftcardaccount_generage_codes_pool 30 * * * * enterprise_giftcardaccount/pool::applyCodesGeneration enterprise_logging_rotate_logs 1 2 * * * enterprise_logging/observer::rotateLogs enterprise_page_cac…
// shell/listAllCron.php
require_once 'abstract.php';
class Mage_Shell_CronLister extends Mage_Shell_Abstract
public function run()
$cronJobs = Mage::app()->getConfig()->getNode('crontab/jobs');
$outputFormat = "%-60s %-20s %-50s";
printf($outputFormat . "\n", "Job name", "m h dom mon dow", "Object::Method to execute");
$lines = "Job name, m h dom mon dow, Object::Method to execute";
foreach($cronJobs->children() as $key => $job) {
$expr = trim((string) $job->schedule->cron_expr);
$datas[$key] = sprintf($outputFormat, trim($job->getName()), $expr, trim((string) $job->run->model));
$datas_csv[$key] = array(trim($job->getName()), $expr, trim((string) $job->run->model));
uksort($datas, array($this, 'compareTimes'));
foreach($datas as $job) {
echo $job . "\n";
public function compareTimes($time1, $time2)
$times1 = explode(' ', $time1);
$times2 = explode(' ', $time2);
if(( ! isset($times1[1])) || ($times1[1] == '*')) return -1;
if(( ! isset($times2[1])) || ($times2[1] == '*')) return 1;
$times1[1] = (int) trim($times1[1]);
$times2[1] = (int) trim($times2[1]);
$times1[0] = (int) trim($times1[0]);
$times2[0] = (int) trim($times2[0]);
if($times1[1] != $times2[1]) {
$res = ($times1[1] - $times2[1]) * 1000;
return $res;
return $times1[0] - $times2[0];
$cronLister = new mage_Shell_CronLister();
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Sekiphp commented Jun 12, 2019

How to use this script?

By console command: php /path/to/magento/shell/listAllCron.php

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Sekiphp commented Jun 18, 2019

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Is this only for Magento 1?

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