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Created October 19, 2011 17:03
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Some experiments for a reactive programming/declarative JS library
// Some helpers
function unique (array) {
var a = [];
var l = array.length;
for(var i=0; i<l; i++) {
for(var j=i+1; j<l; j++) {
// If array[i] is found later in the array
if (array[i] === array[j])
j = ++i;
return a;
var debounce = (function() {
var limit = function(func, wait, debounce) {
var timeout;
return function() {
var context = this, args = arguments;
var throttler = function() {
timeout = null;
func.apply(context, args);
if (debounce) clearTimeout(timeout);
if (debounce || !timeout) timeout = setTimeout(throttler, wait);
return function(func, wait) { return limit(func, wait, true); };
// LousyCell implementation
var Cell = (function () {
var current_id = 0;
function Cell(value) { = current_id++;
this.value = value;
this.observers = [];
Cell.prototype = {
get: function() { return this.value; },
set: function(value) {
this.value = value;
this.notify_change(, value);
return this.value;
observe: function(callback) {
this.ovservers = unique(this.observers);
notify_change: function() {
for (var i=0, _len=this.observers.length; i < _len; i++) {
var observer = this.observers[i];
if (observer) try {
} catch (e) { }
return Cell;
var $C = function(arg1, arg2) {
arg1 || (arg1 = '');
var is_array = function(a) { return a.constructor == Array.prototype.constructor; }
var attach_observer = function (cell_decorator, fn) {
var callback = function() { fn(cell_decorator()); };
var deps = cell_decorator._root_cells;
for (var i=0, _len = deps.length; i < _len; i++) {
var dep_cell = deps[i];
var bind_cell = function (input, fn) {
is_array(input) || (input = [input]);
var decorator = function() {
var values = { return c(); });
return fn ? fn.apply({}, values) : values[0];
decorator._is_cell = true;
decorator._root_cells = input.reduce(function (r, c) { return r.concat(c._root_cells); }, []);
decorator._root_cells = unique(decorator._root_cells);
decorator._dependencies = input;
decorator.listen = function (fn) { return attach_observer(decorator, fn); }
return decorator;
var connect_to_selector = function(input_cell, selector, options) {
  var input = document.getElementById(selector);
  var event = 'onchange';
  var change_func = function() { input_cell(input.value); };
  if (input.type == 'text' || input.type == 'textarea') {
    event = 'onkeyup';
    cahnge_func = debounce(change_func, 500);
  input[event] = change_func;
return input_cell;
var create_input_cell = function (value, getter_filter) {
var cell = new Cell(value);
var decorator = function (new_value) {
if (new_value !== undefined) { return cell.set(new_value);}
else { return getter_filter ? getter_filter(cell.get()) : cell.get(); }
decorator._is_cell = true;
decorator._root_cells = [cell];
decorator.connect = function (selector, options) { return connect_to_selector(decorator, selector, options); };
return decorator;
if (arg1._is_cell || (is_array(arg1) && typeof(arg2) == 'function')) {
return bind_cell(arg1, arg2);
} else {
return create_input_cell(arg1, arg2);
/** Example:
var input_cell = $C('Hello');
var cell1 = $C(input_cell);
console.log('cell1: ' + cell1());
// "cell1: Hello"
var cell2 = $C(input_cell, function(cell) { return cell + ", I said."});
console.log('cell2: ' + cell2());
// "cell2: Hello, I said."
var cell3 = $C([cell1, cell2], function(c1, c2) { return c1 + ". " + c2; });
console.log('cell3: ' + cell3());
// "cell3: Hello. Hello, I said."
$C(cell3).listen(function(value) {
console.log('cell3 changed to: ' + value);
// "cell3 changed to: Goodbye. Goodbye, I said."
/** Another example with multiple input cells
var ic1 = $C(10);
var ic2 = $C(5);
var ic3 = $C(200);
var result = $C([ic1, ic2, ic3], function(v1, v2, v3) { return v1 + v2 + v3});
$C(result).listen(function(result) {
console.log("Result changed to: " + result);
console.log("At the start, result is: " + result());
// "At the start, result is: 215"
// Result changed to: 205
// Result changed to: 1200
// Result changed to: -123
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werelax commented Oct 19, 2011

I did a very simple example of LousyCells using input fields. You chan check it here:

The "app" is really stupid, but I think that the power of declarative programming can still be seen through the bad html.

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