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Last active August 3, 2021 21:06
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Python class for interacting with the statsd admin interface. List stats, counters, timers, and gauges. Delete counters, timers, and gauges.
import socket
import simplejson as json
# Copyright (c) EnergyHub, Inc 2013
# Released under MIT license.
class StatsdAdminClient(object):
A client for statsd admin interface.
Example commands: stats, counters, timers, gauges, delcounters, deltimers, delgauges, quit
statsd_admin = StatsdAdminClient('mystatshost')
gauges = statsd_admin.list('gauges')
for gauge, value in gauges.items():
print "%s = %r" % (gauge, value)
statsd_admin.del_gauges(['', ''])
def __init__(self, host='localhost', port=8126):
"""Create a new client."""
self.rbufsize = -1
self._addr = (socket.gethostbyname(host), port)
def list(self, stat_type='stats'):
Returns a dictionary of stat:value pairs for all stats that statsd
is tracking.
stat_type could be one of: stats, counters, timers, gauges
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)
sock.send(stat_type + "\n")
# Open a file-like object for this socket and read it to 'txt'
rfile = sock.makefile('r', self.rbufsize)
txt = ""
for line in rfile:
if line == "END\n":
if line:
txt += line.replace("'", "\"")
if txt[0] == '{':
data = json.loads(txt)
data = {}
for line in txt.split("\n"):
if ":" in line:
key, val = line.split(":")
key = key.strip()
val = val.strip()
data[key] = val # Not converting to numbers
return data
def del_gauges(self, gauges):
Delete the given gauges from statsd.
gauges is a list of gauge keys.
If statsd receives more data for a deleted gauge, it will be recreated.
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)
msg = "delgauges " + " ".join(gauges)
sock.send(msg + "\n")
def del_timers(self, timers):
Delete the given timers from statsd.
If statsd receives more data for a deleted timer, it will be recreated.
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)
msg = "deltimers " + " ".join(timers)
sock.send(msg + "\n")
def del_counters(self, counters):
Delete the given counters from statsd.
If statsd receives more data for a deleted counter, it will be recreated.
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET)
msg = "delcounters " + " ".join(counters)
sock.send(msg + "\n")
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rarawls commented Aug 3, 2021

I have a need to programmatically interact with Graphite/Statsd with python. I have a lot working, but I am unable to delete stats. After using this as a starting point, I found that I could delete everything I wanted in Statsd, but when viewing Graphite they are still there! Thinking there is something else in the back-end that needs to happen. I'd really appreciate if you have any ideas. Thanks!

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werkshy commented Aug 3, 2021

I think that makes sense, graphite has its own storage layer, each statsd metric becomes a whisper file on disk. I haven't used statsd or graphite in a very long time, but a) I recall having to delete whisper files and b) this SO answer suggests that statsd could be writing 'idle' stats and you can turn that off? Best of luck!

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rarawls commented Aug 3, 2021

Bummer. That's what I found in my research too. I was hoping you may have some additional insight since you've developed against it. Thanks for the help and reply!

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