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Created June 21, 2019 17:19
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type None = false
const none = false
type Equality<A> = (left: A, right: A) => boolean
function areSameReference<A>(left: A, right: A): boolean {
return left === right
function arraysAreEqual<Elem>(left: Elem[], right: Elem[], elemEquality: Equality<Elem> = areSameReference): boolean {
if (left.length !== right.length) {
return false
return left.every((leftElem, index) => {
const rightElem = right[index]
return elemEquality(leftElem, rightElem)
type MemoizeEquality<Params extends any[], Result> = Partial<
paramsAreEqual: Equality<Params>
resultsAreEqual: Equality<Result>
function memoize<Params extends any[], Result>(fn: (...params: Params) => Result, memoizeEquality: MemoizeEquality<Params, Result> = {}): (...params: Params) => Result {
const paramsAreEqual: Equality<Params> = memoizeEquality.paramsAreEqual || arraysAreEqual
const resultsAreEqual: Equality<Result> = memoizeEquality.resultsAreEqual || areSameReference
type LastCall = Readonly<{
params: Params
result: Result
let lastCall: LastCall | None = none
return (...params: Params): Result => {
if (lastCall !== none && paramsAreEqual(lastCall.params, params)) {
return lastCall.result
} else {
const result = fn(...params)
if (lastCall !== none && resultsAreEqual(lastCall.result, result)) {
// If the results are the same, return the *exact* same result
// to make sure that all other memoized functions work as efficiently
// as possible:
lastCall = { params, result: lastCall.result }
return lastCall.result
} else {
lastCall = { params, result }
return result
type Func<P, R> = (p: P) => R
function flatMap<P, R1, R2>(subject: Func<P, R1>, fn: (r: R1) => Func<P, R2>): Func<P, R2> {
return (p: P): R2 => {
const r1 = subject(p)
return fn(r1)(p)
function map<P, R1, R2>(subject: Func<P, R1>, fn: (r: R1) => R2): Func<P, R2> {
return (p: P): R2 => {
const r1 = subject(p)
return fn(r1)
function combine<P, Args extends any[], R>(combinator: (...args: Args) => R, ...selectors: { [K in keyof Args]: (p: P) => Args[K] }): (p: P) => R {
return (p: P): R => {
const args = => s(p)) as Args
return combinator(...args)
type C = {
a: number
b: string
c: boolean
const aSelector = memoize<[C], number>(c => c.a)
const bSelector = memoize<[C], string>(c => c.b)
const bLengthPlusA = flatMap(aSelector, memoize(a => {
console.log('New a', a)
return map(bSelector, memoize(b => {
console.log('New b', a, c.b)
return c.b + a
let c: C = {
a: 4,
b: 'Henk',
c: true
console.log('0', bLengthPlusA(c))
console.log('1', bLengthPlusA(c))
c = { ...c, c: false }
console.log('2', bLengthPlusA(c))
c = { ...c }
console.log('3', bLengthPlusA(c))
c = { ...c, a: 5 }
console.log('4', bLengthPlusA(c))
c = { ...c, b: 'Hark' }
console.log('5', bLengthPlusA(c))
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