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Created December 13, 2022 18:58
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Resolve a HTML table's rowspan attributes (table normalizing) in Javascript
<script src="" integrity="sha256-o88AwQnZB+VDvE9tvIXrMQaPlFFSUTR+nldQm1LuPXQ=" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
function normalize(tagname){
var newTable = $(tagname).clone(true);
$(newTable.children()).children().each(function(column_index, row_raw){
var currentRow = $(row_raw);
currentRow.children().each(function(row_index, cell_raw){
current_cell = $(cell_raw);
var rowspan_num = current_cell.attr("rowspan");
if(rowspan_num < 2)
return; // do nothing, everything ok (bascially a "continue" statement)
var nextRow =;
for (let i =0; i < rowspan_num-1; i++) {
// creating rowspan_num-1 elements
// copy the cell
var item_new = current_cell.clone(true);
// Remove rowspans attributes
// last item's index in next row
var indexOfLastElement = nextRow.children().length-1;
// append if current index is bigger, if not, insert in middle of next row
if(row_index > indexOfLastElement)
nextRow.append(item_new); // appending at the end of next row
item_new.insertBefore(nextRow.children().eq(row_index)); // intermediate cell insertion
// get the next row; if we are finished, this doesnt matter anymore
nextRow =;
table, th, td {
border: 1px solid black;
<table id="tbl1">
<th>Savings for holiday!</th>
<td rowspan="3">$50</td>
<td rowspan="2">$80</td>
<button id="normalize">Normalize Table</button>
// onclick button handler, only for demo
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