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Java Datalog Engine and Interpreter
Java Datalog Engine with Stratified Negation
Copyright 2016 Werner Stoop
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
Notes, Features and Properties:
* It implements stratified negation, or Stratified Datalog~.
* It can parse and evaluate Datalog programs from files and Strings (actually anything that implements
* It has a fluent API through which it can be embedded in Java applications to run queries. See the main() method for
* It implements "=", "<>" (alternatively "!="), "<", "<=", ">" and ">=" as built-in predicates.
* It avoids third party dependencies because it is a proof-of-concept. It should be able to stand alone.
* Values with "quoted strings" are supported, but to prevent a value like "Hello World" from being confused with a
variable, it is stored internally with a " prefix, i.e. "Hello" is stored as `"Hello`.
This is why the toString(Map<String, String> bindings) method uses substring(1) on the term.
* Also, predicates can't be in quotes. Is this a desirable feature?
2016/04/26 - It now supports built-in predicates "=", "<>" (alternatively "!="), "<", "<=", ">" and ">=".
2016/04/19 - It now implements stratified negation, or Stratified Datalog~.
2016/04/12 - It now implements simple negation for non-recursive programs, or semipositive Datalog~ (my keyboard
doesn't have their "not" sign) as described in section 2.3.1 of [gree]. It won't be able to compute very
complex negations correctly.
2016/04/11 - Work-In-Progress: I'm busy implementing negation.
2016/04/08 - I've replaced the code that uses the Streams API with more old-fashioned code. The Streams version
worked properly, but my rough benchmarks show that the code is ever so slightly more efficient now.
2016/04/06 - It now implements "Semi-Naive Bottom-Up" evaluation.
2016/03/29 - Added a profiler
2016/03/24 - Implemented a parser - the original version only had the fluent API.
2016/03/23 - The original version was "Naive Bottom-Up"
Compile like so:
> javac
Run like so:
> java JDatalog test.dl
[wiki] Wikipedia topic,
[elma] Fundamentals of Database Systems (3rd Edition); Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe
[ceri] What You Always Wanted to Know About Datalog (And Never Dared to Ask); Stefano Ceri, Georg Gottlob, and Letizia Tanca
[bra1] Deductive Databases and Logic Programming; Stefan Brass, Univ. Halle, 2009
[banc] An Amateur’s Introduction to Recursive Query Processing Strategies; Francois Bancilhon, Raghu Ramakrishnan
[mixu] mixu/datalog.js; Mikito Takada,
[kett] bottom-up-datalog-js; Frederic Kettelhoit
[davi] Inference in Datalog; Ernest Davis,
[gree] Datalog and Recursive Query Processing; Todd J. Green, Shan Shan Huang, Boon Thau Loo and Wenchao Zhou
Foundations and Trends in Databases Vol. 5, No. 2 (2012) 105–195, 2013
[bra2] Bottom-Up Query Evaluation in Extended Deductive Databases, Stefan Brass, 1996
[sund] Datalog Evaluation Algorithms, Dr. Raj Sunderraman, 1998
[ull1] Lecture notes: Datalog Rules Programs Negation; Jeffrey D. Ullman;
[ull2] Lecture notes: Datalog Logical Rules Recursion; Jeffrey D. Ullman;
[meye] Prolog in Python, Chris Meyers,
[alec] G53RDB Theory of Relational Databases Lecture 14; Natasha Alechina;
[rack] Datalog: Deductive Database Programming, Jay McCarthy,
(Datalog library for the Racket language)
[davi] explains how using top-down evaluation might lead to infinite loops, but says that it is sufficient to prevent this by failing
the test if you encounter a goal that you've already encountered in the stack. A very early version of this module basically ported [mixu]'s
top-down evaluator to Java, but encountered this precise problem (and solved it in the way described).
I initially just assumed that using the StackMap would be faster, so I tried an implementation with a HashMap where I just did a
newMap.putAll(parent) and removed the StackMap entirely. My rough benchmarks showed the StackMap-based implementeation to be about 30%
faster than the alternative.
It occurred to me that if you /really/ want the equivalent of JDBC *prepared statements* then you can pass pass in a Map<String, String> containing
the bound variables. This map will then be sent all the way down to `matchRule()` where it can be passed as the `bindings` parameter in the call
to `matchGoals()` - so the map will end up at the bottom of the StackMap stack.
This will allow you to use statements like for example `jDatalog.query(new Expr("foo","X", "Y"), binding)`, with `binding = {X : "bar"}`, in the
fluent API to perform bulk inserts or queries and so on.
A problem is that the varargs ... operator must come last in the method declaration, but I can work around this by having a method that only accepts
List<Expr> as an argument rather than varargs.
You can then create a method `prepareStatement()` that can return a List<Expr> from a parsed query.
Actually, the List<Expr> should be wrapped in a JStatement (or something) interface so that you can run insert rules, insert facts and delete facts
through these "prepared statements".
I've decided that the built-in predicates are to be written as `new Expr("!=", "X", "Y")` for `X != Y` in the fluent API. I've considered
special static methods and Builder objects, but none really appealed to me.
In a future I might consider `Expr.eq("X", "Y")`, `"X", "Y")`, `"X", "Y")`, `"X", "Y")`, `"X", "Y")` and
`Expr.le("X", "Y")`.
There are opportunities to run some of the methods in parallel using the Java 8 Streams API (I'm thinking of the calls to expandStrata() in
buildDatabase() and the calls to matchRule() in expandStrata() in particular). The biggest obstacle at the moment is that the Expr#evalBuiltIn()
throws a DatalogException, and DatalogException is necessarily checked because it is used for proper reporting of user errors.
It seems the most practical solution is to wrap the DatalogException in a RuntimeException and then unwrap it at a higher level.
The Racket language has a Datalog module as part of its library [rack]. I've looked at its API for ideas for my own. They use the syntax
`<clause>~` for a retraction, e.g parent(bob, john)~, which is a syntax I might want to adopt. The [rack] implementation lacks some of the
features of my version, like negation and queries with multiple goals.
It is conceptually possible to make the `List<String> terms` of Expr a `List<Object>` instead, so that you can store complex Java objects in the
database (as POJOs). The `isVariable()` method will just have to be modified to check whether its parameter is instanceof String and starts with
an uppercase character, the bindings will become a Map<String, Object>, the result of `query()` will be a List<Map<String, Object>> and a
couple of toString() methods will have to be modified. It won't be that useful a feature if you just use the parser, but it could be a "nice to
have" if you use the fluent API. I don't intend to implement it at the moment, though.
I've decided against arithmetic built-in predicates, such as plus(X,Y,Z) => X + Y = Z, for now:
- Arithmetic predicates aren't that simple. They should be evaluated as soon as the input variables (X and Y) in this case becomes available,
so that Z can be computed and bound for the remaining goals.
- Arithmetic expressions would require a more complex parser and there would be a need for Expr to have child Expr objects to build a parse tree.
The parse tree would be simpler if the `terms` of Expr was a List<Object> - see my note above.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Deque;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.Objects;
class JDatalog {
private List<Expr> edb; // Facts
private Collection<Rule> idb; // Rules
private static boolean debugEnable = false;
public JDatalog() {
this.edb = new ArrayList<>();
this.idb = new ArrayList<>();
static class Expr {
private String predicate;
private List<String> terms;
protected boolean negated = false;
public Expr(String predicate, List<String> terms) {
this.predicate = predicate;
// I've seen both versions of the symbol for not equals being used, so I allow
// both, but we convert to "<>" internally to simplify matters later.
if(this.predicate.equals("!=")) {
this.predicate = "<>";
this.terms = terms;
public Expr(String predicate, String... terms) {
this(predicate, Arrays.asList(terms));
public int arity() {
return terms.size();
public boolean isGround() {
for(String term : terms) {
return false;
return true;
public boolean isNegated() {
return negated;
public boolean isBuiltIn() {
char op = predicate.charAt(0);
return !Character.isLetterOrDigit(op) && op != '\"';
public static Expr not(String predicate, String... terms) {
Expr e = new Expr(predicate, terms);
e.negated = true;
return e;
boolean unify(Expr that, Map<String, String> bindings) {
if(!this.predicate.equals(that.predicate) || this.arity() != that.arity()) {
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < this.arity(); i++) {
String term1 = this.terms.get(i);
String term2 = that.terms.get(i);
if(isVariable(term1)) {
if(!term1.equals(term2)) {
if(!bindings.containsKey(term1)) {
bindings.put(term1, term2);
} else if (!bindings.get(term1).equals(term2)) {
return false;
} else if(isVariable(term2)) {
if(!bindings.containsKey(term2)) {
bindings.put(term2, term1);
} else if (!bindings.get(term2).equals(term1)) {
return false;
} else if (!term1.equals(term2)) {
return false;
return true;
Expr substitute(Map<String, String> bindings) {
// that.terms.add() below doesn't work without the new ArrayList()
Expr that = new Expr(this.predicate, new ArrayList<>());
that.negated = negated;
for(String term : this.terms) {
String value;
if(isVariable(term)) {
value = bindings.get(term);
if(value == null) {
value = term;
} else {
value = term;
return that;
boolean evalBuiltIn(Map<String, String> bindings) throws DatalogException {
//System.out.println("EVAL " + this + "; " + bindings);
String term1 = terms.get(0);
if(isVariable(term1) && bindings.containsKey(term1))
term1 = bindings.get(term1);
String term2 = terms.get(1);
if(isVariable(term2) && bindings.containsKey(term2))
term2 = bindings.get(term2);
if(predicate.equals("=")) {
// '=' is special
if(isVariable(term1)) {
if(isVariable(term2)) {
throw new DatalogException("Both operands of '=' are unbound (" + term1 + ", " + term2 + ") in evaluation of " + this);
bindings.put(term1, term2);
return true;
} else if(isVariable(term2)) {
bindings.put(term2, term1);
return true;
} else {
return term1.equals(term2);
} else {
try {
throw new DatalogException("Unbound variable " + term1 + " in evaluation of " + this);
throw new DatalogException("Unbound variable " + term2 + " in evaluation of " + this);
if(predicate.equals("<>")) {
// '<>' is also a bit special
if(tryParseDouble(term1) && tryParseDouble(term2)) {
double d1 = Double.parseDouble(term1);
double d2 = Double.parseDouble(term2);
return d1 != d2;
} else {
return !term1.equals(term2);
} else {
// ordinary comparison operator
if(!tryParseDouble(term1) || !tryParseDouble(term2)) {
throw new DatalogException("Both parameters of " + predicate + " must be numeric (" + term1 + ", " + term2 + ") in evaluation of " + this);
double d1 = Double.parseDouble(term1);
double d2 = Double.parseDouble(term2);
switch(predicate) {
case "<": return d1 < d2;
case "<=": return d1 <= d2;
case ">": return d1 > d2;
case ">=": return d1 >= d2;
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
// You found a way to write a double in a way that the regex in tryParseDouble() doesn't understand.
throw new RuntimeException("tryParseDouble() experienced a false positive!?", e);
throw new RuntimeException("Unimplemented built-in predicate " + predicate);
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if(other == null || !(other instanceof Expr)) {
return false;
Expr that = ((Expr) other);
if(!this.predicate.equals(that.predicate)) {
return false;
if(arity() != that.arity() || negated != that.negated) {
return false;
for(int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) {
if(!terms.get(i).equals(that.terms.get(i))) {
return false;
return true;
public int hashCode() {
int hash = predicate.hashCode();
for(String term : terms) {
hash += term.hashCode();
return hash;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if(isNegated()) {
sb.append("not ");
if(isBuiltIn()) {
termToString(sb, terms.get(0));
sb.append(" ").append(predicate).append(" ");
termToString(sb, terms.get(1));
} else {
for(int i = 0; i < terms.size(); i++) {
String term = terms.get(i);
termToString(sb, term);
if(i < terms.size() - 1) {
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
private static StringBuilder termToString(StringBuilder sb, String term) {
sb.append('"').append(term.substring(1).replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"")).append('"');
return sb;
/* Reorganize the goals in a query so that negated literals are at the end.
A rule such as `a(X) :- not b(X), c(X)` won't work if the `not b(X)` is evaluated first, since X will not
be bound to anything yet, meaning there are an infinite number of values for X that satisfy `not b(X)`.
Reorganising the goals will solve the problem: every variable in the negative literals will have a binding
by the time they are evaluated if the rule is /safe/, which we assume they are - see Rule#validate()
Also, the built-in predicates (except `=`) should only be evaluated after their variables have been bound
for the same reason; see [ceri] for more information. */
private static List<Expr> reorderQuery(List<Expr> query) {
List<Expr> ordered = new ArrayList<>(query.size());
for(Expr e : query) {
if(!e.isNegated() && !(e.isBuiltIn() && !e.predicate.equals("="))) {
// Note that a rule like s(A, B) :- r(A, B), X = Y, q(Y), A > X. will cause an error relating to both sides
// of the '=' being unbound, and it can be fixed by moving the '=' operators to here, but I've decided against
// it, because the '=' should be evaluated ASAP, and it is difficult to determine programatically when that is.
// The onus is thus on the user to structure '=' operators properly.
for(Expr e : query) {
if(e.isNegated() || (e.isBuiltIn() && !e.predicate.equals("="))) {
return ordered;
static class Rule {
Expr head;
List<Expr> body;
Rule(Expr head, List<Expr> body) {
this.head = head;
this.body = reorderQuery(body);
Rule(Expr head, Expr... body) {
this(head, Arrays.asList(body));
void validate() throws DatalogException {
Set<String> headVars =
.filter(term -> isVariable(term))
Set<String> bodyVars =
.flatMap(expr ->
.filter(term -> isVariable(term))
// Enforce the rule that variables in the head must appear in the body
if(!headVars.isEmpty()) {
throw new DatalogException("These variables from the head of rule " + toString() + " must appear in the body: " + JDatalog.toString(headVars));
// Check for /safety/: each variable in the body of a rule should appear at least once in a positive expression,
// to prevent infinite results. E.g. p(X) :- not q(X, Y) is unsafe because there are an infinite number of values
// for Y that satisfies `not q`. This is a requirement for negation - [gree] contains a nice description.
// We also leave out variables from the built-in predicates because variables must be bound to be able to compare
// them, i.e. a rule like `s(A, B) :- r(A,B), A > X` is invalid ('=' is an exception because it can bind variables)
// You won't be able to tell if the variables have been bound to _numeric_ values until you actually evaluate the
// expression, though.
Set<String> positiveVars =
.flatMap(expr -> (!expr.isNegated() && !(expr.isBuiltIn() && !expr.predicate.equals("="))) ? : Stream.empty())
.filter(term -> isVariable(term))
if(!bodyVars.isEmpty()) {
throw new DatalogException("Each variable of rule " + toString() + " must appear in at least one positive expression: " + JDatalog.toString(bodyVars));
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(" :- ");
for(int i = 0; i < body.size(); i++) {
if(i < body.size() - 1)
sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
private static boolean isVariable(String term) {
return Character.isUpperCase(term.charAt(0));
// Methods for the fluent interface
public JDatalog rule(Expr head, Expr... body) throws DatalogException {
Rule newRule = new Rule(head, body);
return rule(newRule);
public JDatalog rule(Rule newRule) throws DatalogException {
return this;
public JDatalog fact(String predicate, String... terms) throws DatalogException {
return fact(new Expr(predicate, terms));
public JDatalog fact(Expr newFact) throws DatalogException {
if(!newFact.isGround()) {
throw new DatalogException("Facts must be ground: " + newFact);
if(newFact.isNegated()) {
throw new DatalogException("Facts cannot be negated: " + newFact);
// You can also match the arity of the fact against existing facts in the EDB,
// but it's more of a principle than a technical problem; see JDatalog#validate()
return this;
/* If you're executing a file that may contain multiple queries, you can pass
#execute(Reader, QueryOutput) a QueryOutput object that will be used to display
all the results from the separate queries, with their goals.
Otherwise #execute(Reader, QueryOutput) will just return the answers from the
last query. */
public static interface QueryOutput {
public void writeResult(List<Expr> goals, Collection<Map<String, String>> answers);
/* Default implementation of QueryOutput */
public static class StandardQueryOutput implements QueryOutput {
public void writeResult(List<Expr> goals, Collection<Map<String, String>> answers) {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("output");
try {
System.out.println(JDatalog.toString(goals) + "?");
if(answers.iterator().next().isEmpty()) {
System.out.println(" Yes.");
} else {
for(Map<String, String> answer : answers) {
System.out.println(" " + JDatalog.toString(answer));
} else {
System.out.println(" No.");
} finally {
/* Executes all the statements in a file/string/whatever the Reader is wrapping */
public Collection<Map<String, String>> execute(Reader reader, QueryOutput output) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("execute");
try {
debug("Executing reader...");
StreamTokenizer scan = new StreamTokenizer(reader);
scan.ordinaryChar('.'); // '.' looks like a number to StreamTokenizer by default
scan.commentChar('%'); // Prolog-style % comments; slashSlashComments and slashStarComments can stay as well.
//scan.parseNumbers(); // WTF? You can't disable parsing of numbers unless you reset the syntax (
// Tracks the last query's answers
Collection<Map<String, String>> answers = null;
// Tracks the last query's goals (for output purposes)
List<Expr> goals = new ArrayList<>();
while(scan.ttype != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) {
answers = parseStmt(scan, goals);
if(answers != null && output != null) {
output.writeResult(goals, answers);
return answers;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DatalogException(e);
} finally {
private Collection<Map<String, String>> parseStmt(StreamTokenizer scan, List<Expr> goals) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("parseStmt");
try {
// "delete a(b,X)." deletes facts from the IDB that matches the query.
// It is not standard Datalog AFAIK.
if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD && scan.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("delete")) {
do {
Expr e = parseExpr(scan);
} while(scan.nextToken() == ',');
if(scan.ttype != '.') {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected '.' after 'delete'");
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("Parser [line " + scan.lineno() + "]: Deleting goals: " + toString(goals));
return null;
} else {
Expr head = parseExpr(scan);
if(scan.nextToken() == ':') {
// We're dealing with a rule
if(scan.nextToken() != '-') {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected ':-'");
List<Expr> body = new ArrayList<>();
do {
Expr arg = parseExpr(scan);
} while(scan.nextToken() == ',');
if(scan.ttype != '.') {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected '.' after rule");
try {
Rule newRule = new Rule(head, body);
debug("Parser [line " + scan.lineno() + "]: Got rule: " + newRule);
} catch (DatalogException de) {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Rule is invalid", de);
} else {
// We're dealing with a fact, or a query
if(scan.ttype == '.') {
// It's a fact
try {
debug("Parser [line " + scan.lineno() + "]: Got fact: " + head);
} catch (DatalogException de) {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Fact is invalid", de);
} else {
// It's a query
if (scan.ttype != '.' && scan.ttype != '?' && scan.ttype != ',') {
/* You _can_ write facts like `a = 5 .` but I recommend against it; if you do then you *must* have the space between the
5 and the '.' otherwise the parser sees it as 5.0 and the error message can be a bit confusing. */
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected one of '.', ',' or '?' after fact/query expression");
while(scan.ttype == ',') {
debug("Parser [line " + scan.lineno() + "]: Got query: " + toString(goals));
if(scan.ttype == '?') {
try {
return query(goals);
} catch (DatalogException e) {
// Attach the line number to any exceptions thrown; the small drawback is that you lose
// the original stacktrace, but the line number is more important for users.
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] " + e.getMessage());
} else {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected '?' after query");
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DatalogException(e);
} finally {
return null;
private static Expr parseExpr(StreamTokenizer scan) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("parseExpr");
try {
boolean negated = false;
if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD && scan.sval.equalsIgnoreCase("not")) {
negated = true;
String lhs = null;
boolean builtInExpected = false;
if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
lhs = scan.sval;
} else if(scan.ttype == '"' || scan.ttype == '\'') {
lhs = scan.sval;
builtInExpected = true;
} else if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
lhs = numberToString(scan.nval);
builtInExpected = true;
} else
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Predicate or start of expression expected");
if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD || scan.ttype == '=' || scan.ttype == '!' || scan.ttype == '<' || scan.ttype == '>') {
Expr e = parseBuiltInPredicate(lhs, scan);
e.negated = negated;
debug("Got built-in predicate: " + e);
return e;
if(builtInExpected) {
// LHS was a number or a quoted string but we didn't get an operator
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Built-in predicate expected");
} else if(scan.ttype != '(') {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected '(' after predicate or an operator");
List<String> terms = new ArrayList<>();
if(scan.nextToken() != ')') {
do {
if(scan.nextToken() == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
} else if(scan.ttype == '"' || scan.ttype == '\'') {
terms.add("\"" + scan.sval);
} else if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
} else {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected term in expression");
} while(scan.nextToken() == ',');
if(scan.ttype != ')') {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Expected ')'");
Expr e = new Expr(lhs, terms);
e.negated = negated;
return e;
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DatalogException(e);
} finally {
private static final List<String> validOperators = Arrays.asList(new String[] {"=", "!=", "<>", "<", "<=", ">", ">="});
private static Expr parseBuiltInPredicate(String lhs, StreamTokenizer scan) throws DatalogException {
try {
String operator;
if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
// At some point I was going to have "eq" and "ne" for string comparisons, but it wasn't a good idea.
operator = scan.sval;
} else {
operator = Character.toString((char)scan.ttype);
if(scan.ttype == '=' || scan.ttype == '>') {
operator = operator + Character.toString((char)scan.ttype);
} else {
if(!validOperators.contains(operator)) {
throw new DatalogException("Invalid operator '" + operator + "'");
String rhs = null;
if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) {
rhs = scan.sval;
} else if(scan.ttype == '"' || scan.ttype == '\'') {
rhs = scan.sval;
} else if(scan.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_NUMBER) {
rhs = numberToString(scan.nval);
} else {
throw new DatalogException("[line " + scan.lineno() + "] Right hand side of expression expected");
return new Expr(operator, lhs, rhs);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new DatalogException(e);
private static String numberToString(double nval) {
// Remove trailing zeros;
if(nval == (long) nval)
return String.format("%d",(long)nval);
return String.format("%s",nval);
// Regex for tryParseDouble()
// There are several suggestions at, but I chose to roll my own.
private static final Pattern numberPattern = Pattern.compile("[+-]?\\d+(\\.\\d*)?([Ee][+-]?\\d+)?");
private static boolean tryParseDouble(String str) {
return numberPattern.matcher(str).matches();
/* Normal Datalog exception. */
static class DatalogException extends Exception {
public DatalogException(String message) {
public DatalogException(Exception cause) {
public DatalogException(String message, Exception cause) {
super(message, cause);
public Collection<Map<String, String>> query(String statement) throws DatalogException {
// It would've been fun to wrap the results in a java.sql.ResultSet, but damn,
// those are a lot of methods to implement:
StringReader reader = new StringReader(statement);
return execute(reader, null);
public Collection<Map<String, String>> query(Expr... goals) throws DatalogException {
return query(Arrays.asList(goals));
public Collection<Map<String, String>> query(List<Expr> goals) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("query");
try {
return Collections.emptyList();
// Reorganize the goals so that negated literals are at the end.
List<Expr> orderedGoals = reorderQuery(goals);
// getRelevantRules() strips a large part of the rules, so if I want to
// do some benchmarking of buildDatabase(), I use the IDB directly instead:
// Collection<Rule> rules = idb;
Collection<Rule> rules = getRelevantRules(goals);
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("To answer query, we need to evaluate: " + toString(rules));
// Build the database. A Set ensures that the facts are unique
Collection<Expr> dataset = buildDatabase(new HashSet<>(edb), rules);
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("query(): Database = " + toString(dataset));
return matchGoals(orderedGoals, dataset, null);
} finally {
/* Returns a list of rules that are relevant to the query.
If for example you're querying employment status, you don't care about family relationships, etc.
The advantages of this of this optimization becomes bigger the complexer the rules get. */
private Collection<Rule> getRelevantRules(List<Expr> originalGoals) {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("getRelevantRules");
try {
Collection<Rule> relevant = new HashSet<>();
LinkedList<Expr> goals = new LinkedList<>(originalGoals);
while(!goals.isEmpty()) {
Expr expr = goals.poll();
for(Rule rule : idb) {
if(rule.head.predicate.equals(expr.predicate) && !relevant.contains(rule)) {
return relevant;
} finally {
/* This basically constructs the dependency graph for semi-naive evaluation: In the returned map, the string
is a predicate in the rules' heads that maps to a collection of all the rules that have that predicate in
their body so that we can easily find the rules that are affected when new facts are deduced in different
iterations of buildDatabase().
For example if you have a rule p(X) :- q(X) then there will be a mapping from "q" to that rule
so that when new facts q(Z) are deduced, the rule will be run in the next iteration to deduce p(Z) */
private Map<String, Collection<Rule>> buildDependantRules(Collection<Rule> rules) {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("buildDependantRules");
try {
Map<String, Collection<Rule>> map = new HashMap<>();
for(Rule rule : rules) {
for(Expr goal : rule.body) {
Collection<Rule> dependants = map.get(goal.predicate);
if(dependants == null) {
dependants = new ArrayList<>();
map.put(goal.predicate, dependants);
return map;
} finally {
private Collection<Rule> getDependantRules(Collection<Expr> facts, Map<String, Collection<Rule>> dependants) {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("getDependantRules");
try {
Set<Rule> dependantRules = new HashSet<>();
for(Expr fact : facts) {
Collection<Rule> rules = dependants.get(fact.predicate);
if(rules != null) {
return dependantRules;
} finally {
private Collection<Expr> buildDatabase(Set<Expr> facts, Collection<Rule> allRules) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("buildDatabase");
try {
List< Collection<Rule> > strata = computeStratification(allRules);
for(int i = 0; i < strata.size(); i++) {
debug("Expanding strata " + i);
Collection<Rule> rules = strata.get(i);
if(rules != null && !rules.isEmpty()) {
expandStrata(facts, rules);
return facts;
} finally {
private List< Collection<Rule> > computeStratification(Collection<Rule> allRules) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("computeStratification");
try {
ArrayList<Collection<Rule>> strata = new ArrayList<>(10);
Map<String, Integer> strats = new HashMap<>();
for(Rule rule : allRules) {
String pred = rule.head.predicate;
Integer stratum = strats.get(pred);
if(stratum == null) {
stratum = depthFirstSearch(rule.head, allRules, new ArrayList<>(), 0);
strats.put(pred, stratum);
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("Strata{" + pred + "} == " + strats.get(pred));
while(stratum >= strata.size()) {
strata.add(new ArrayList<>());
return strata;
} finally {
private int depthFirstSearch(Expr goal, Collection<Rule> graph, List<Expr> visited, int level) throws DatalogException {
String pred = goal.predicate;
// Step (1): Guard against negative recursion
boolean negated = goal.isNegated();
StringBuilder route = new StringBuilder(pred); // for error reporting
for(int i = visited.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Expr e = visited.get(i);
route.append(e.isNegated() ? " <- ~" : " <- ").append(e.predicate);
if(e.predicate.equals(pred)) {
if(negated) {
throw new DatalogException("Program is not stratified - predicate " + pred + " has a negative recursion: " + route);
return 0;
if(e.isNegated()) {
negated = true;
// Step (2): Do the actual depth-first search to compute the strata
int m = 0;
for(Rule rule : graph) {
if(rule.head.predicate.equals(pred)) {
for(Expr expr : rule.body) {
int x = depthFirstSearch(expr, graph, visited, level + 1);
if(x > m) {
m = x;
return m;
private Collection<Expr> expandStrata(Set<Expr> facts, Collection<Rule> strataRules) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("expandStrata");
try {
Collection<Rule> rules = strataRules;
Map<String, Collection<Rule>> dependants = buildDependantRules(strataRules);
while(true) {
Profiler.Timer loopTimer = Profiler.getTimer("loopTimer");
try {
// Match each rule to the facts
Profiler.Timer matchRuleTimer = Profiler.getTimer("matchRules");
Set<Expr> newFacts = new HashSet<>();
for(Rule rule : rules) {
newFacts.addAll(matchRule(facts, rule));
// Delta facts: The new facts that have been added in this iteration for semi-naive evaluation.
Profiler.Timer deltaFactsTimer = Profiler.getTimer("deltaFacts");
// Repeat until there are no more facts added
if(newFacts.isEmpty()) {
return facts;
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("expandStrata(): deltaFacts = " + toString(newFacts));
rules = getDependantRules(newFacts, dependants);
Profiler.Timer addAllTimer = Profiler.getTimer("addAll");
} finally {
} finally {
private Set<Expr> matchRule(final Collection<Expr> facts, Rule rule) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("matchRule");
try {
if(rule.body.isEmpty()) // If this happens, you're using the API wrong.
return Collections.emptySet();
// Match the rule body to the facts.
Collection<Map<String, String>> answers = matchGoals(rule.body, facts, null);
// For each match found, substitute the bindings into the head to create a new fact.
Set<Expr> results = new HashSet<>();
for(Map<String, String> answer : answers) {
return results;
} finally {
private Collection<Map<String, String>> matchGoals(List<Expr> goals, final Collection<Expr> facts, Map<String, String> bindings) throws DatalogException {
Expr goal = goals.get(0); // First goal; Assumes goals won't be empty
boolean lastGoal = (goals.size() == 1);
if(goal.isBuiltIn()) {
Map<String, String> newBindings = new StackMap<String, String>(bindings);
boolean eval = goal.evalBuiltIn(newBindings);
if(eval && !goal.isNegated() || !eval && goal.isNegated()) {
if(lastGoal) {
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("** (+) Goal: " + goal + "; " + newBindings);
return Collections.singletonList(newBindings);
} else {
return matchGoals(goals.subList(1, goals.size()), facts, newBindings);
return Collections.emptyList();
Collection<Map<String, String>> answers = new ArrayList<>();
if(!goal.isNegated()) {
// Positive rule: Match each fact to the first goal.
// If the fact matches: If it is the last/only goal then we can return the bindings
// as an answer, otherwise we recursively check the remaining goals.
for(Expr fact : facts) {
if(!fact.predicate.equals(goal.predicate)) {
Map<String, String> newBindings = new StackMap<String, String>(bindings);
if(fact.unify(goal, newBindings)) {
if(lastGoal) {
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("** (+) Goal: " + goal + "; " + newBindings);
} else {
// More goals to match. Recurse with the remaining goals.
answers.addAll(matchGoals(goals.subList(1, goals.size()), facts, newBindings));
} else {
// Negated rule: If you find any fact that matches the goal, then the goal is false.
// See definition 4.3.2 of [bra2] and section VI-B of [ceri].
// Substitute the bindings in the rule first.
// If your rule is `und(X) :- stud(X), not grad(X)` and you're at the `not grad` part, and in the
// previous goal stud(a) was true, then bindings now contains X:a so we want to search the database
// for the fact grad(a).
if(bindings != null) {
goal = goal.substitute(bindings);
for(Expr fact : facts) {
if(!fact.predicate.equals(goal.predicate)) {
Map<String, String> newBindings = new StackMap<String, String>(bindings);
if(fact.unify(goal, newBindings)) {
return Collections.emptyList();
// not found
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("** (-) Goal: " + goal + "; " + bindings);
if(lastGoal) {
} else {
answers.addAll(matchGoals(goals.subList(1, goals.size()), facts, bindings));
return answers;
public boolean delete(Expr... facts) throws DatalogException {
return delete(Arrays.asList(facts));
/* Queries a set of goals and deletes all the facts that matches the query */
public boolean delete(List<Expr> goals) throws DatalogException {
Profiler.Timer timer = Profiler.getTimer("delete");
try {
Collection<Map<String, String>> answers = query(goals);
List<Expr> facts =
// and substitute the answer on each goal
.flatMap(answer -> -> goal.substitute(answer)))
if(debugEnable) {
System.out.println("Facts to delete: " + toString(facts));
return edb.removeAll(facts);
} finally {
public void validate() throws DatalogException {
for(Rule rule : idb) {
// Search for negated loops:
for(int i = 0; i < edb.size(); i++) {
Expr fact = edb.get(i);
if(!fact.isGround()) {
throw new DatalogException("Fact " + fact + " is not ground");
} else if(fact.isNegated()) {
throw new DatalogException("Fact " + fact + " is negated");
// else if(fact.isBuiltIn()) // I allow facts like `a = 5` or `=(a,5)`
for(int j = i + 1; j < edb.size(); j++) {
Expr that = edb.get(j);
if(fact.predicate.equals(that.predicate)) {
if(fact.arity() != that.arity()) {
// Technically we don't really require the arity of two facts to be the same if they have the same
// predicate, since they simply won't unify with the goals in the queries.
throw new DatalogException("Arity mismatch in EDB: " + fact.predicate + "/" + fact.arity()
+ " vs " + that.predicate + "/" + that.arity());
public void dump(PrintStream out) throws DatalogException {
out.println("% Facts:");
for(Expr fact : edb) {
out.println(fact + ".");
out.println("\n% Rules:");
for(Rule rule : idb) {
out.println(rule + ".");
static void debug(String message) {
// I'm not happy with this. Remove later.
if(debugEnable) {
static String toString(Collection<?> collection) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("[");
for(Object o : collection)
sb.append(o.toString()).append(". ");
return sb.toString();
static String toString(Map<String, String> bindings) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{");
int s = bindings.size(), i = 0;
for(String k : bindings.keySet()) {
String v = bindings.get(k);
sb.append(k).append(": ");
if(v.startsWith("\"")) {
// Needs more org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils#escapeJava(String)
sb.append('"').append(v.substring(1).replaceAll("\"", "\\\\\"")).append("\"");
} else {
if(++i < s) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
// If you want to do benchmarking, run the file several times to get finer grained results.
private static final boolean BENCHMARK = false;
private static final int NUM_RUNS = 1000;
public static void main(String... args) {
if(args.length > 0) {
// Read input from a file...
try {
// Execute the program a couple of times without output
// to "warm up" the JVM for profiling.
for(int run = 0; run < 5; run++) {
System.out.print("" + (5 - run) + "...");
JDatalog jDatalog = new JDatalog();
for(String arg : args) {
try( Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(arg)) ) {
jDatalog.execute(reader, null);
QueryOutput qo = new StandardQueryOutput();
for(int run = 0; run < NUM_RUNS; run++) {
JDatalog jDatalog = new JDatalog();
for(String arg : args) {
debug("Executing file " + arg);
try( Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(arg)) ) {
jDatalog.execute(reader, qo);
System.out.println("Profile for running " + toString(Arrays.asList(args)) + "; NUM_RUNS=" + NUM_RUNS);
Profiler.keySet().stream().sorted().forEach(key -> {
double time = Profiler.average(key);
double total =;
int count = Profiler.count(key);
System.out.println(String.format("%-20s time: %10.4fms; total: %12.2fms; count: %d", key, time, total, count));
} else {
JDatalog jDatalog = new JDatalog();
QueryOutput qo = new StandardQueryOutput();
for(String arg : args) {
debug("Executing file " + arg);
try( Reader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(arg)) ) {
jDatalog.execute(reader, qo);
} catch (DatalogException | IOException e) {
} else {
// Get input from command line
JDatalog jDatalog = new JDatalog();
BufferedReader buffer = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
System.out.println("JDatalog: Java Datalog engine\nInteractive mode; type 'exit' to quit.");
while(true) {
try {
System.out.print("> ");
String line = buffer.readLine();
if(line == null) {
break; // EOF
line = line.trim();
if(line.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) {
} else if(line.equalsIgnoreCase("dump")) {
} else if(line.equalsIgnoreCase("validate")) {
System.out.println("OK."); // exception not thrown
Collection<Map<String, String>> answers = jDatalog.query(line);
// If `answers` is null, the line passed to `jDatalog.query(line)` was a statement that didn't
// produce any results, like a fact or a rule, rather than a query.
// If `answers` is empty, then it was a query that doesn't have any answers, so the output is "No."
// If `answers` is a list of empty maps, then it was the type of query that only wanted a yes/no
// answer, like `siblings(alice,bob)?` and the answer is "Yes."
// Otherwise `answers` is a list of all bindings that satisfy the query.
if(answers != null) {
if(answers.iterator().next().isEmpty()) {
} else {
for(Map<String, String> answer : answers) {
} else {
} catch (DatalogException | IOException e) {
/* //This is how you would use the fluent API:
try {
JDatalog jDatalog = new JDatalog();
jDatalog.fact("parent", "a", "aa")
.fact("parent", "a", "ab")
.fact("parent", "aa", "aaa")
.fact("parent", "aa", "aab")
.fact("parent", "aaa", "aaaa")
.fact("parent", "c", "ca");
jDatalog.rule(new Expr("ancestor", "X", "Y"), new Expr("parent", "X", "Z"), new Expr("ancestor", "Z", "Y"))
.rule(new Expr("ancestor", "X", "Y"), new Expr("parent", "X", "Y"))
.rule(new Expr("sibling", "X", "Y"), new Expr("parent", "Z", "X"), new Expr("parent", "Z", "Y"), new Expr("!=", "X", "Y"))
.rule(new Expr("related", "X", "Y"), new Expr("ancestor", "Z", "X"), new Expr("ancestor", "Z", "Y"));
Collection<Map<String, String>> answers;
// Run a query "who are siblings?"; print the answers
answers = jDatalog.query(new Expr("sibling", "A", "B"));
System.out.println("Siblings:"); -> System.out.println(" -> " + toString(answer)));
// Run a query "who are aa's descendants?"; print the answers
answers = jDatalog.query(new Expr("ancestor", "aa", "X"));
System.out.println("Descendants:"); -> System.out.println(" -> " + toString(answer)));
// This demonstrates how you would use a built-in predicate in the fluent API.
System.out.println("Built-in predicates:");
answers = jDatalog.query(new Expr("parent", "aa", "A"), new Expr("parent", "aa", "B"), new Expr("!=", "A", "B")); -> System.out.println(" -> " + toString(answer)));
System.out.println("Before Deletion: " + toString(jDatalog.edb));
jDatalog.delete(new Expr("parent", "aa", "X"), new Expr("parent", "X", "aaaa")); // deletes parent(aa,aaa) and parent(aaa,aaaa)
System.out.println("After Deletion: " + toString(jDatalog.edb));
// "who are aa's descendants now?"
answers = jDatalog.query(new Expr("ancestor", "aa", "X"));
System.out.println("Descendants:"); -> System.out.println(" -> " + toString(answer)));
} catch (DatalogException e) {
} */
/* // The JDatalog.query(String) method runs queries directly.
JDatalog jDatalog = new JDatalog();
jDatalog.query("foo(bar). foo(baz).");
Collection<Map<String, String>> answers = jDatalog.query("foo(What)?"); -> System.out.println(" -> " + toString(answer)));
} catch (DatalogException e) {
} */
/* Map<> implementation that has a parent Map<> where it looks up a value if the value is not in `this`. Its behaviour is equivalent
to a HashMap that is passed a parent map in its constructor, except that it keeps a reference to the parent map rather than
copying it. It never modifies the parent map. (If the behaviour deviates from this, it is a bug and must be fixed)
Internally, it has two maps: `self` and `parent`. The `get()` method will look up a key in self and if it doesn't find it, looks
for it in `parent`. The `put()` method always adds values to `self`. The parent in turn may also be a StackMap, so some method
calls may be recursive. The `flatten()` method combines the map with its parents into a single one.
It is used by JDatalog for the scoped contexts where the variable bindings enter and leave scope frequently during the
recursive building of the database, but where the parent Map<> needs to be kept for subsequent recursions.
Methods like entrySet(), keySet() and values() are required by the Map<> interface that their returned collections be backed
by the Map<>. Therefore, their implementations here will flatten the map first. Once these methods are called StackMap just
becomes a wrapper around the internal HashMap, hence JDatalog avoids these methods internally.
The remove() method also flattens `this` to avoid modifying the parent while and the clear() method just sets parent to null
and clears `self` .
I've tried a version that extends AbstractMap, but it proved to be significantly slower.
static class StackMap<K,V> implements Map<K,V> {
private Map<K,V> self;
private Map<K,V> parent;
public StackMap() {
self = new HashMap<K, V>();
this.parent = null;
public StackMap(Map<K,V> parent) {
self = new HashMap<K, V>();
this.parent = parent;
Map<K,V> flatten() {
Map<K,V> map = new HashMap<K,V>();
// I don't use map.putAll(this) to avoid relying on entrySet()
if(parent != null) {
return map;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("{");
Set<K> keys = new HashSet<>(self.keySet());
int s = keys.size(), i = 0;
for(K k : keys) {
sb.append(k).append(": ");
if(++i < s) sb.append(", ");
return sb.toString();
public V put(K key, V value) {
return self.put(key, value);
public boolean containsKey(Object key) {
return true;
if(parent != null)
return parent.containsKey(key);
return false;
public V get(Object key) {
V value = self.get(key);
if(value != null)
return value;
if(parent != null)
return parent.get(key);
return null;
public Set<Map.Entry<K,V>> entrySet() {
if(parent != null) {
self = flatten(); // caveat emptor
parent = null;
return self.entrySet();
public int size() {
int s = self.size();
if(parent != null) {
// Work around situations where self contains a `key` that's already in `parent`.
// These situations shouldn't occur in JDatalog, though
for(K k : parent.keySet()) {
return s;
public void clear() {
// We don't want to modify the parent, so we just orphan this
parent = null;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if(o == null || !(o instanceof Map))
return false;
Map that = (Map)o;
return entrySet().equals(that.entrySet());
public int hashCode() {
int h = 0;
for(Map.Entry<K,V> entry : entrySet()) {
h += entry.hashCode();
return h;
public Set<K> keySet() {
if(parent != null) {
self = flatten(); // caveat emptor
parent = null;
return self.keySet();
public Collection<V> values() {
if(parent != null) {
self = flatten(); // caveat emptor
parent = null;
return self.values();
public void putAll(Map<? extends K,? extends V> m) {
public V remove(Object key) {
if(parent != null) {
self = flatten(); // caveat emptor
parent = null;
return self.remove(key);
public boolean containsValue(Object value) {
return self.containsValue(value) || (parent != null && parent.containsValue(value));
public boolean isEmpty() {
if(self.isEmpty()) {
if(parent != null)
return parent.isEmpty();
return true;
return false;
/* Profiling class.
I had to write my own because I didn't want to pull in any external dependencies.
`buckets` maps the name of a bucket to a List of elapsed times so that you can have
multiple timers under different names.
static class Profiler {
// FYI: Java 8 actually has Instant and Duration classes.
// Not sure whether they're really useful here, though.
static class Timer {
private long start;
private List<Long> bucket;
Timer(List<Long> bucket) {
start = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.bucket = bucket;
long stop() {
long elapsed = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
return elapsed;
private Map<String, List<Long>> buckets;
private static Profiler instance;
private Profiler() {
buckets = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<Long>>();
public static Profiler getInstance() {
if(instance == null) {
instance = new Profiler();
return instance;
public static void reset() {
public static Timer getTimer(String name) {
List<Long> bucket = getInstance().getBucket(name);
return new Timer(bucket);
List<Long> getBucket(String name) {
if(!buckets.containsKey(name)) {
List<Long> list = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<Long>(NUM_RUNS));
buckets.putIfAbsent(name, list);
return buckets.get(name);
public static double average(String name) {
List<Long> times = getInstance().getBucket(name);
if(times.size() == 0) {
return 0;
synchronized(times) {
long sum = 0;
for(Long time : times) {
sum += time;
return (double)sum / times.size();
public static long total(String name) {
List<Long> times = getInstance().getBucket(name);
long sum = 0;
synchronized(times) {
for(Long time : times) {
sum += time;
return sum;
public static int count(String name) {
return getInstance().getBucket(name).size();
public static double stdDev(String name) {
// I'm sure I'm going to be really embarrased when I figure out
// why the stdDev looks so strange...
List<Long> times = getInstance().getBucket(name);
synchronized(times) {
double avg = average(name);
double sumSq = 0.0;
for(Long time : times) {
sumSq += (time - avg) * (time - avg);
double variance = sumSq / times.size();
return Math.sqrt(variance);
public static Set<String> keySet() {
return getInstance().buckets.keySet();
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