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Created November 22, 2019 15:53
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(function(e, a) { for(var i in a) e[i] = a[i]; }(window, /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap
/******/ // The module cache
/******/ var installedModules = {};
/******/ // The require function
/******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) {
/******/ // Check if module is in cache
/******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) {
/******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache)
/******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = {
/******/ i: moduleId,
/******/ l: false,
/******/ exports: {}
/******/ };
/******/ // Execute the module function
/******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__);
/******/ // Flag the module as loaded
/******/ module.l = true;
/******/ // Return the exports of the module
/******/ return module.exports;
/******/ }
/******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__)
/******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules;
/******/ // expose the module cache
/******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules;
/******/ // define getter function for harmony exports
/******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) {
/******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter });
/******/ }
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/******/ }
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/******/ };
/******/ // create a fake namespace object
/******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it
/******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns
/******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object
/******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require
/******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) {
/******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value);
/******/ if(mode & 8) return value;
/******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value;
/******/ var ns = Object.create(null);
/******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns);
/******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value });
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/******/ return ns;
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/******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) {
/******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ?
/******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } :
/******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; };
/******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter);
/******/ return getter;
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/******/ //
/******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return, property); };
/******/ // __webpack_public_path__
/******/ __webpack_require__.p = "";
/******/ // Load entry module and return exports
/******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 0);
/******/ })
/******/ ([
/* 0 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
var _a, _b, _c;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
///<reference path='./ApiInterfaces.ts'/>
///<reference types='../../Types/Types'/>
var AjaxImpl_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
var PushImpl_1 = __webpack_require__(25);
var mf_impl = (_c = (_b = (_a = window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.myfaces) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b._impl, (_c !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {}));
var jsf;
(function (jsf) {
"use strict";
* Version of the implementation for the jsf.js.
* <p />
* as specified within the jsf specifications jsf.html:
* <ul>
* <li>left two digits major release number</li>
* <li>middle two digits minor spec release number</li>
* <li>right two digits bug release number</li>
* </ul>
* @constant
jsf.specversion = 220000;
* Implementation version as specified within the jsf specification.
* <p />
* A number increased with every implementation version
* and reset by moving to a new spec release number
* @constant
jsf.implversion = 0;
* SeparatorChar as defined by UINamingContainer.getNamingContainerSeparatorChar()
* @type {Char}
jsf.separatorchar = getSeparatorChar();
* This method is responsible for the return of a given project stage as defined
* by the jsf specification.
* <p/>
* Valid return values are:
* <ul>
* <li>&quot;Production&quot;</li>
* <li>&quot;Development&quot;</li>
* <li>&quot;SystemTest&quot;</li>
* <li>&quot;UnitTest&quot;</li>
* </li>
* @return {String} the current project state emitted by the server side method:
* <i>javax.faces.application.Application.getProjectStage()</i>
function getProjectStage() {
return AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.getProjectStage();
jsf.getProjectStage = getProjectStage;
* collect and encode data for a given form element (must be of type form)
* find the javax.faces.ViewState element and encode its value as well!
* return a concatenated string of the encoded values!
* @throws an exception in case of the given element not being of type form!
function getViewState(formElement) {
return AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.getViewState(formElement);
jsf.getViewState = getViewState;
* returns the window identifier for the given node / window
* @param {optional String | DomNode} the node for which the client identifier has to be determined
* @return the window identifier or null if none is found
function getClientWindow(rootNode) {
return AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.getClientWindow(rootNode);
jsf.getClientWindow = getClientWindow;
//private helper functions
function getSeparatorChar() {
return AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.getSeparatorChar();
//We hook the old namespace system into our npm system
if ("undefined" == window.jsf) {
window.jsf = jsf;
var ajax;
(function (ajax) {
"use strict";
* this function has to send the ajax requests
* following requestInternal conditions must be met:
* <ul>
* <li> the requestInternal must be sent asynchronously! </li>
* <li> the requestInternal must be a POST!!! requestInternal </li>
* <li> the requestInternal url must be the form action attribute </li>
* <li> all requests must be queued with a client side requestInternal queue to ensure the requestInternal ordering!</li>
* </ul>
* @param {String|Node} element: any dom element no matter being it html or jsf, from which the event is emitted
* @param {EVENT} event: any javascript event supported by that object
* @param {Map} options : map of options being pushed into the ajax cycle
function request(element, event, options) {
AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.request(element, event, options);
//Implementation.getInstance().requestInternal(element, event, options);
ajax.request = request;
* response handler
* @param request the request object having triggered this response
* @param context the request context
* TODO add info on what can be in the context
function response(request, context) {
AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.response(request, context);
ajax.response = response;
* Adds an error handler to our global error queue.
* the error handler must be of the format <i>function errorListener(&lt;errorData&gt;)</i>
* with errorData being of following format:
* <ul>
* <li> errorData.type : &quot;error&quot;</li>
* <li> errorData.status : the error status message</li>
* <li> errorData.serverErrorName : the server error name in case of a server error</li>
* <li> errorData.serverErrorMessage : the server error message in case of a server error</li>
* <li> errorData.source : the issuing source element which triggered the requestInternal </li>
* <li> eventData.responseCode: the response code (aka http requestInternal response code, 401 etc...) </li>
* <li> eventData.responseText: the requestInternal response text </li>
* <li> eventData.responseXML: the requestInternal response xml </li>
* </ul>
* @param {function} errorListener error handler must be of the format <i>function errorListener(&lt;errorData&gt;)</i>
function addOnError(errorFunc) {
ajax.addOnError = addOnError;
* Adds a global event listener to the ajax event queue. The event listener must be a function
* of following format: <i>function eventListener(&lt;eventData&gt;)</i>
* @param {function} eventListener event must be of the format <i>function eventListener(&lt;eventData&gt;)</i>
function addOnEvent(eventFunc) {
ajax.addOnEvent = addOnEvent;
})(ajax = jsf.ajax || (jsf.ajax = {}));
var util;
(function (util) {
* varargs function which executes a chain of code (functions or any other code)
* if any of the code returns false, the execution
* is terminated prematurely skipping the rest of the code!
* @param {DomNode} source, the callee object
* @param {Event} event, the event object of the callee event triggering this function
* @param funcs ... arbitrary array of functions or strings
* @returns true if the chain has succeeded false otherwise
function chain(source, event) {
var funcs = [];
for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
funcs[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
return AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.chain.apply(AjaxImpl_1.Implementation, __spreadArrays([source, event], funcs));
util.chain = chain;
})(util = jsf.util || (jsf.util = {}));
var push;
(function (push) {
* @param {function} onopen The function to be invoked when the web socket is opened.
* @param {function} onmessage The function to be invoked when a message is received.
* @param {function} onclose The function to be invoked when the web socket is closed.
* @param {boolean} autoconnect Whether or not to immediately open the socket. Defaults to <code>false</code>.
function init(socketClientId, uri, channel, onopen, onmessage, onclose, behaviorScripts, autoconnect) {
PushImpl_1.PushImpl.init(socketClientId, uri, channel, onopen, onmessage, onclose, behaviorScripts, autoconnect);
push.init = init;
* Open the web socket on the given channel.
* @param {string} channel The name of the web socket channel.
* @throws {Error} When channel is unknown.
function open(socketClientId) {;
} = open;
* Close the web socket on the given channel.
* @param {string} channel The name of the web socket channel.
* @throws {Error} When channel is unknown.
function close(socketClientId) {
push.close = close;
})(push = jsf.push || (jsf.push = {}));
})(jsf = exports.jsf || (exports.jsf = {}));
//fullfill the window contract
var myfaces2;
(function (myfaces2) {
//legacy compatibility
myfaces2._impl = mf_impl;
* AB function similar to mojarra and Primefaces
* not part of the spec but a convenience accesor method
* Code provided by Thomas Andraschko
* @param source the event source
* @param event the event
* @param eventName event name for java.javax.faces.behavior.evemnt
* @param execute execute list as passed down in jsf.ajax.request
* @param render
* @param options
function ab(source, event, eventName, execute, render, options) {
if (options === void 0) { options = {}; }
if (eventName) {
options["javax.faces.behavior.event"] = eventName;
if (execute) {
options["execute"] = execute;
if (render) {
options["render"] = render;
jsf.ajax.request(source, event, options);
myfaces2.ab = ab;
})(myfaces2 = exports.myfaces2 || (exports.myfaces2 = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 1 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var myfacesConfig = __webpack_require__(2);
var Response_1 = __webpack_require__(3);
var XhrRequest_1 = __webpack_require__(21);
var AsyncQueue_1 = __webpack_require__(23);
var Monad_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var Assertions_1 = __webpack_require__(14);
var XhrFormData_1 = __webpack_require__(22);
var ExtDomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(24);
var ErrorData_1 = __webpack_require__(17);
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var SourcesCollectors_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
* allowed project stages
var ProjectStages;
(function (ProjectStages) {
ProjectStages["Production"] = "Production";
ProjectStages["Development"] = "Development";
ProjectStages["SystemTest"] = "SystemTest";
ProjectStages["UnitTest"] = "UnitTest";
})(ProjectStages || (ProjectStages = {}));
* blockfilter for the passthrough filtering; the attributes given here
* will not be transmitted from the options into the passthrough
var BlockFilter;
(function (BlockFilter) {
BlockFilter["onerror"] = "onerror";
BlockFilter["onevent"] = "onevent";
BlockFilter["render"] = "render";
BlockFilter["execute"] = "execute";
BlockFilter["myfaces"] = "myfaces";
BlockFilter["delay"] = "delay";
BlockFilter["timeout"] = "timeout";
BlockFilter["windowId"] = "windowId";
})(BlockFilter || (BlockFilter = {}));
* Core Implementation
* to distinct between api and impl
* The original idea was to make the implementation pluggable
* but this is pointless, you always can overwrite the thin api layer
* however a dedicated api makes sense for readability reasons
var Implementation;
(function (Implementation) {
var trim = monadish_1.Lang.trim;
var getMessage = Lang_1.ExtLang.getMessage;
var getForm = Lang_1.ExtLang.getForm;
var getLocalOrGlobalConfig = Lang_1.ExtLang.getLocalOrGlobalConfig;
var getEvent = Lang_1.ExtLang.getEvent;
var getGlobalConfig = Lang_1.ExtLang.getGlobalConfig;
var assert = Assertions_1.Assertions.assert;
var P_EVT = Const_1.Const.P_EVT;
var SOURCE = Const_1.Const.SOURCE;
var ON_EVENT = Const_1.Const.ON_EVENT;
var ON_ERROR = Const_1.Const.ON_ERROR;
var MYFACES = Const_1.Const.MYFACES;
var MF_NONE = Const_1.Const.MF_NONE;
var P_AJAX = Const_1.Const.P_AJAX;
var REQ_TYPE_POST = Const_1.Const.REQ_TYPE_POST;
var P_WIN_ID = Const_1.Const.P_WIN_ID;
var P_EXECUTE = Const_1.Const.P_EXECUTE;
var P_WINDOW_ID = Const_1.Const.P_WINDOW_ID;
var P_RENDER = Const_1.Const.P_RENDER;
var IDENT_ALL = Const_1.Const.IDENT_ALL;
var IDENT_NONE = Const_1.Const.IDENT_NONE;
var IDENT_FORM = Const_1.Const.IDENT_FORM;
var IDENT_THIS = Const_1.Const.IDENT_THIS;
var globalConfig = myfacesConfig.myfaces.config;
var projectStage = null;
var separator = null;
var eventQueue = [];
var errorQueue = [];
var requestQueue = null;
/*error reporting threshold*/
var threshold = "ERROR";
//we need to proxy this in the tests
Implementation.queueHandler = {
* public to make it shimmable for tests
addRequestToQueue: function (elem, form, reqCtx, respPassThr, delay, timeout) {
if (delay === void 0) { delay = 0; }
if (timeout === void 0) { timeout = 0; }
requestQueue = (requestQueue !== null && requestQueue !== void 0 ? requestQueue : new AsyncQueue_1.AsynchronouseQueue());
requestQueue.enqueue(new XhrRequest_1.XhrRequest(elem, form, reqCtx, respPassThr, [], timeout), delay);
* fetches the separator char from the given script tags
* @return {char} the separator char for the given script tags
function getSeparatorChar() {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return _e = (_c = (_b = (_a = this) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.globalConfig) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.separator, (_c !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : (_d = this) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.separator)), (_e !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : (separator = ExtDomQuery_1.ExtDomquery.searchJsfJsFor(/separator=([^&;]*)/).orElse(":").value));
Implementation.getSeparatorChar = getSeparatorChar;
//for testing only
function reset() {
globalConfig = myfacesConfig.myfaces.config;
projectStage = null;
separator = null;
eventQueue = [];
errorQueue = [];
requestQueue = null;
Implementation.reset = reset;
* @return the project stage also emitted by the server:
* it cannot be cached and must be delivered over the server
* The value for it comes from the requestInternal parameter of the jsf.js script called "stage".
function getProjectStage() {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
return _e = (_c = (_b = (_a = this) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.globalConfig) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.projectStage, (_c !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : (_d = this) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.projectStage)), (_e !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : (projectStage = resolveProjectStateFromURL()));
Implementation.getProjectStage = getProjectStage;
function resolveProjectStateFromURL() {
/* run through all script tags and try to find the one that includes jsf.js */
var foundStage = ExtDomQuery_1.ExtDomquery.searchJsfJsFor(/stage=([^&;]*)/).value;
return (foundStage in ProjectStages) ? foundStage : null;
Implementation.resolveProjectStateFromURL = resolveProjectStateFromURL;
function chain(source, event) {
var funcs = [];
for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
funcs[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
var ret = true;
var resolveAndExecute = function (func) {
if ("string" != typeof func) {
return (ret = ret && (, event) !== false));
else {
//either a function or a string can be passed in case of a string we have to wrap it into another function
//it it is not a plain executable code but a definition
var sourceCode = trim(func);
if (sourceCode.indexOf("function ") == 0) {
sourceCode = "return " + sourceCode + " (event)";
return (ret = ret && (new Function("event", sourceCode).call(source, event) !== false));
monadish_1.Stream.of.apply(monadish_1.Stream, funcs).each(function (func) { return resolveAndExecute(func); });
return ret;
Implementation.chain = chain;
* this function has to send the ajax requests
* following request conditions must be met:
* <ul>
* <li> the request must be sent asynchronously! </li>
* <li> the request must be a POST!!! request </li>
* <li> the request url must be the form action attribute </li>
* <li> all requests must be queued with a client side request queue to ensure the request ordering!</li>
* </ul>
* @param {String|Node} elem any dom element no matter being it html or jsf, from which the event is emitted
* @param {|Event|} event any javascript event supported by that object
* @param {|Object|} options map of options being pushed into the ajax cycle
* a) transformArguments out of the function
* b) passThrough handling with a map copy with a filter map block map
function request(el, event, opts) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
*namespace remap for our local function context we mix the entire function namespace into
*a local function variable so that we do not have to write the entire namespace
*all the time
event = getEvent(event);
//options not set we define a default one with nothing
var options = new Monad_1.Config(opts).deepCopy;
var elem = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(el ||;
var elementId =;
var requestCtx = new Monad_1.Config({});
var internalCtx = new Monad_1.Config({});
Assertions_1.Assertions.assertRequestIntegrity(options, elem);
requestCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR).value = fetchPassthroughValues(options.value);
requestCtx.assignIf(!!event, CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, P_EVT).value = (_a = event) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.type;
* ajax pass through context with the source
* onevent and onerror
requestCtx.assign(SOURCE).value = elementId.value;
* on event and onError...
* those values will be traversed later on
* also into the response context
requestCtx.assign(ON_EVENT).value = (_b = options.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.onevent;
requestCtx.assign(ON_ERROR).value = (_c = options.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.onerror;
* lets drag the myfaces config params also in
requestCtx.assign(MYFACES).value = (_d = options.value) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.myfaces;
* fetch the parent form
* note we also add an override possibility here
* so that people can use dummy forms and work
* with detached objects
var configId = (_g = (_f = (_e = requestCtx.value) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.myfaces) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.form, (_g !== null && _g !== void 0 ? _g : MF_NONE));
var form = resolveForm(requestCtx, elem, event);
* binding contract the javax.faces.source must be set
requestCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, P_PARTIAL_SOURCE).value = elementId.value;
* javax.faces.partial.ajax must be set to true
requestCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, P_AJAX).value = true;
* binding contract the javax.faces.source must be set
requestCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, P_PARTIAL_SOURCE).value = elementId.value;
* if resetValues is set to true
* then we have to set javax.faces.resetValues as well
* as pass through parameter
* the value has to be explicitly true, according to
* the specs jsdoc
requestCtx.assignIf(true === ((_h = options.value) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : _h.resetValues), CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, P_RESET_VALUES).value = true;
//additional meta information to speed things up, note internal non jsf
//pass through options are stored under _mfInternal in the context
internalCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_SRC_FRM_ID).value =;
internalCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_SRC_CTL_ID).value = elementId.value;
internalCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_TR_TYPE).value = REQ_TYPE_POST;
//mojarra compatibility, mojarra is sending the form id as well
//this is not documented behavior but can be determined by running
//mojarra under blackbox conditions
//i assume it does the same as our formId_submit=1 so leaving it out
//wont hurt but for the sake of compatibility we are going to add it
requestCtx.assign(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, =;
applyClientWindowId(form, requestCtx);
applyExecute(options, requestCtx, form, elementId.value);
applyRender(options, requestCtx, form, elementId.value);
var delay = resolveDelay(options, requestCtx);
var timeout = resolveTimeout(options, requestCtx);
//now we enqueue the request as asynchronous runnable into our request
//queue and let the queue take over the rest
Implementation.queueHandler.addRequestToQueue(elem, form, requestCtx, internalCtx, delay, timeout);
Implementation.request = request;
* Spec. 13.3.3
* Examining the response markup and updating the DOM tree
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} request - the ajax request
* @param {Object} context - the ajax context
function response(request, context) {
Response_1.Response.processResponse(request, context);
Implementation.response = response;
function addOnError(errorListener) {
/*error handling already done in the assert of the queue*/
Implementation.addOnError = addOnError;
function addOnEvent(eventListener) {
/*error handling already done in the assert of the queue*/
Implementation.addOnEvent = addOnEvent;
* sends an event
function sendEvent(data, localHandler) {
if (localHandler === void 0) { localHandler = function (data) { }; }
/*now we serve the queue as well*/
eventQueue.forEach(function (fn) { return fn(data); });
Implementation.sendEvent = sendEvent;
function registerPromise() {
var _a, _b;
window["Promise"] = (_b = (_a = window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.Promise, (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : monadish_1.Promise));
Implementation.registerPromise = registerPromise;
* error handler behavior called internally
* and only into the impl it takes care of the
* internal message transformation to a myfaces internal error
* and then uses the standard send error mechanisms
* also a double error logging prevention is done as well
* @param request the request currently being processed
* @param context the context affected by this error
* @param exception the exception being thrown
* @param clearRequestQueue if set to true, clears the request queue of all pending requests
function stdErrorHandler(request, context, exception, clearRequestQueue) {
if (clearRequestQueue === void 0) { clearRequestQueue = false; }
//newer browsers do not allow to hold additional values on native objects like exceptions
//we hence capsule it into the request, which is gced automatically
//on ie as well, since the stdErrorHandler usually is called between requests
//this is a valid approach
try {
if (threshold == "ERROR") {
var errorData = ErrorData_1.ErrorData.fromClient(exception);
finally {
if (clearRequestQueue) {
Implementation.stdErrorHandler = stdErrorHandler;
* implementation triggering the error chain
* @param {Object} request the request object which comes from the xhr cycle
* @param {Object} context (Map) the context object being pushed over the xhr cycle keeping additional metadata
* @param {String} errorName the error name
* @param {String} errorMessage the error name
* @param {String} responseCode response Code
* @param {String} responseMessage response Message
* @param {String} serverErrorName the server error name in case of a server error
* @param {String} serverErrorMessage the server error message in case of a server error
* @param {String} caller optional caller reference for extended error messages
* @param {String} callFunc optional caller Function reference for extended error messages
* handles the errors, in case of an onError exists within the context the onError is called as local error handler
* the registered error handlers in the queue receiv an error message to be dealt with
* and if the projectStage is at development an alert box is displayed
* note: we have additional functionality here, via the global config myfaces.config.defaultErrorOutput a function can be provided
* which changes the default output behavior from alert to something else
function sendError(errorData, localHandler) {
if (localHandler === void 0) { localHandler = function (data) { }; }
errorQueue.forEach(function (errorCallback) {
var displayError = getGlobalConfig("defaultErrorOutput", (console ? console.error : alert));
Implementation.sendError = sendError;
* @return the client window id of the current window, if one is given
function getClientWindow(node) {
var _a;
var ALTERED = "___mf_id_altered__";
var INIT = "___init____";
* the search root for the dom element search
var searchRoot = new DomQuery_1.DQ(node || document.body);
* a set of input elements holding the window id over the entire document
var windowIdHolders = searchRoot.querySelectorAll("form #" + P_WIN_ID);
* lazy helper to fetch the window id from the window url
var fetchWindowIdFromUrl = function () { return ExtDomQuery_1.ExtDomquery.searchJsfJsFor(/jfwid=([^&;]*)/).orElse(null).value; };
* functional double check based on stream reduction
* the values should be identical or on INIT value which is a premise to
* skip the first check
* @param value1
* @param value2
var doubleCheck = function (value1, value2) {
if (value1 == ALTERED) {
return value1;
else if (value1 == INIT) {
return value2;
else if (value1 != value2) {
return ALTERED;
return value2;
* helper for cleaner code, maps the value from an item
* @param item
var getValue = function (item) { return item.attr("value").value; };
* fetch the window id from the forms
* window ids must be present in all forms
* or non existent. If they exist all of them must be the same
var formWindowId =, INIT);
//if the resulting window id is set on altered then we have an unresolvable problem
assert(formWindowId.value != ALTERED, "Multiple different windowIds found in document");
* return the window id or null
* prio, forms under node/document and if not given then from the url
return _a = formWindowId.value, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : fetchWindowIdFromUrl());
Implementation.getClientWindow = getClientWindow;
* collect and encode data for a given form element (must be of type form)
* find the javax.faces.ViewState element and encode its value as well!
* return a concatenated string of the encoded values!
* @throws Error in case of the given element not being of type form!
function getViewState(form) {
* typecheck assert!, we opt for strong typing here
* because it makes it easier to detect bugs
var element = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(form);
if (!element.isTag("form")) {
throw new Error(getMessage("ERR_VIEWSTATE"));
var formData = new XhrFormData_1.XhrFormData(element);
return formData.toString();
Implementation.getViewState = getViewState;
//----------------------------------------------- Methods ---------------------------------------------------------------------
function applyWindowId(options) {
var _a, _b, _c;
var windowId = (_c = (_b = (_a = options) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.windowId, (_c !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : ExtDomQuery_1.ExtDomquery.windowId));
options.assignIf(!!windowId, P_WINDOW_ID).value = windowId;
function applyRender(options, ctx, form, elementId) {
if (options.getIf("render").isPresent()) {
transformValues(ctx.getIf(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR).get({}), P_RENDER, options.getIf("render").value, form, elementId);
function applyExecute(options, ctx, form, elementId) {
if (options.getIf(PARAM_EXECUTE).isPresent()) {
/*the options must be a blank delimited list of strings*/
/*compliance with Mojarra which automatically adds @this to an execute
* the spec rev 2.0a however states, if none is issued nothing at all should be sent down
options.assign(PARAM_EXECUTE).value = options.getIf(PARAM_EXECUTE).value + " @this";
transformValues(ctx.getIf(PARAM_PASS_THR).get({}), P_EXECUTE, options.getIf(PARAM_EXECUTE).value, form, elementId);
else {
ctx.assign(PARAM_PASS_THR, P_EXECUTE).value = elementId;
function applyClientWindowId(form, ctx) {
var clientWindow = jsf.getClientWindow(form.getAsElem(0).value);
if (clientWindow) {
ctx.assign(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, P_CLIENTWINDOW).value = clientWindow;
* transforms the user values to the expected one
* with the proper none all form and this handling
* (note we also could use a simple string replace but then
* we would have had double entries under some circumstances)
* there are several standardized constants which need a special treatment
* like @all, @none, @form, @this
* @param targetConfig the target configuration receiving the final values
* @param targetKey the target key
* @param userValues the passed user values (aka input string which needs to be transformed)
* @param issuingForm the form where the issuing element originates
* @param issuingElementId the issuing element
function transformValues(targetConfig, targetKey, userValues, issuingForm, issuingElementId) {
//a cleaner implementation of the transform list method
var iterValues = (userValues) ? trim(userValues).split(/\s+/gi) : [];
var ret = [];
var processed = {};
//TODO make this code cleaner
//the idea is simply to loop over all values and then replace
//their generic values and filter out doubles
//this is more readable than the old indexed based solution
//and not really slower because we had to build up the index in our old solution
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < iterValues.length; cnt++) {
//avoid doubles
if (iterValues[cnt] in processed) {
switch (iterValues[cnt]) {
//@none no values should be sent
return targetConfig.delete(targetKey);
//@all is a pass through case according to the spec
targetConfig.assign(targetKey).value = IDENT_ALL;
return targetConfig;
//@form pushes the issuing form id into our list
processed[] = true;
//@this is replaced with the current issuing element id
if (!(issuingElementId in processed)) {
processed[issuingElementId] = true;
processed[iterValues[cnt]] = true;
//We now add the target as joined list
targetConfig.assign(targetKey).value = ret.join(" ");
return targetConfig;
function fetchPassthroughValues(mappedOpts) {
return monadish_1.Stream.ofAssoc(mappedOpts)
.filter(function (item) { return !(item[0] in BlockFilter); })
.collect(new SourcesCollectors_1.AssocArrayCollector());
function resolveForm(requestCtx, elem, event) {
var _a, _b, _c;
var configId = (_c = (_b = (_a = requestCtx.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.myfaces) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.form, (_c !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : MF_NONE)); //requestCtx.getIf(MYFACES, "form").orElse(MF_NONE).value;
var form = DomQuery_1.DQ
.orElseLazy(function () { return getForm(elem.getAsElem(0).value, event); });
return form;
function resolveTimeout(options, requestCtx) {
var _a;
var getCfg = getLocalOrGlobalConfig;
return _a = options.getIf(CTX_PARAM_TIMEOUT).value, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : getCfg(requestCtx.value, CTX_PARAM_TIMEOUT, 0));
function resolveDelay(options, requestCtx) {
var _a;
var getCfg = getLocalOrGlobalConfig;
return _a = options.getIf(CTX_PARAM_DELAY).value, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : getCfg(requestCtx.value, CTX_PARAM_DELAY, 0));
})(Implementation = exports.Implementation || (exports.Implementation = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 2 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var myfaces;
(function (myfaces) {
var ConfigHolder = /** @class */ (function () {
function ConfigHolder() {
this.projectStage = null;
this.separator = null;
return ConfigHolder;
myfaces.ConfigHolder = ConfigHolder;
myfaces.config = new ConfigHolder();
//if (window && "undefined" == typeof window.myfaces) {
// window.myfaces = myfaces;
})(myfaces = exports.myfaces || (exports.myfaces = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 3 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var ResponseProcessor_1 = __webpack_require__(13);
var ResonseDataResolver_1 = __webpack_require__(20);
var PARTIAL_ID = Const_1.Const.PARTIAL_ID;
var CMD_ERROR = Const_1.Const.CMD_ERROR;
var CMD_CHANGES = Const_1.Const.CMD_CHANGES;
var CMD_UPDATE = Const_1.Const.CMD_UPDATE;
var CMD_EVAL = Const_1.Const.CMD_EVAL;
var CMD_INSERT = Const_1.Const.CMD_INSERT;
var CMD_DELETE = Const_1.Const.CMD_DELETE;
var P_VIEWROOT = Const_1.Const.P_VIEWROOT;
var P_VIEWHEAD = Const_1.Const.P_VIEWHEAD;
var P_VIEWBODY = Const_1.Const.P_VIEWBODY;
var Response;
(function (Response) {
var resolveResponseXML = ResonseDataResolver_1.ResonseDataResolver.resolveResponseXML;
var resolveContexts = ResonseDataResolver_1.ResonseDataResolver.resolveContexts;
var TAG_BEFORE = Const_1.Const.TAG_BEFORE;
var TAG_AFTER = Const_1.Const.TAG_AFTER;
* Standardized jsf.js response
* this one is called straight from jsf.js.response
* The processing follows the spec by going for the responseXML
* and processing its tags
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} request (xhrRequest) - xhr request object
* @param {[key: string]: any} context (Map) - AJAX context
function processResponse(request, context) {
var req = monadish_1.Config.fromNullable(request);
var _a = resolveContexts(context), externalContext = _a.externalContext, internalContext = _a.internalContext;
var responseXML = resolveResponseXML(req);
var responseProcessor = new ResponseProcessor_1.ResponseProcessor(req, externalContext, internalContext);
internalContext.assign(RESPONSE_XML).value = responseXML;
//we now process the partial tags, or in none given raise an error
.each(function (item) { return processPartialTag(item, responseProcessor, internalContext); });
//we now process the viewstates and the evals deferred
//the reason for this is that often it is better
//to wait until the document has caught up before
//doing any evals even on embedded scripts
Response.processResponse = processResponse;
* highest node partial-response from there the main operations are triggered
function processPartialTag(node, responseProcessor, internalContext) {
internalContext.assign(PARTIAL_ID).value =;
//now we can process the main operations
node.getIf(SEL_SUB_TAGS).each(function (node) {
switch (node.tagName.value) {
processChangesTag(node, responseProcessor);
var processInsert = function (responseProcessor, node) {
//path1 insert after as child tags
if (node.querySelectorAll([TAG_BEFORE, TAG_AFTER].join(",")).length) {
else { //insert before after with id
* next level changes tag
* @param node
* @param responseProcessor
function processChangesTag(node, responseProcessor) {
node.getIf(ALLOWED_TAGS).each(function (node) {
switch (node.tagName.value) {
processUpdateTag(node, responseProcessor);
case CMD_EVAL:
processInsert(responseProcessor, node);
return true;
* branch tag update.. drill further down into the updates
* special case viewstate in that case it is a leaf
* and the viewstate must be processed
* @param node
* @param responseProcessor
function processUpdateTag(node, responseProcessor) {
if (!responseProcessor.processViewState(node)) {
handleElementUpdate(node, responseProcessor);
* element update
* @param node
* @param responseProcessor
function handleElementUpdate(node, responseProcessor) {
var cdataBlock = node.cDATAAsString;
switch ( {
default: //htmlItem replacement
responseProcessor.update(node, cdataBlock);
})(Response = exports.Response || (exports.Response = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 4 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
exports.DomQuery = DomQuery_1.DomQuery;
exports.ElementAttribute = DomQuery_1.ElementAttribute;
exports.DomQueryCollector = DomQuery_1.DomQueryCollector;
exports.DQ = DomQuery_1.DQ;
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
exports.Lang = Lang_1.Lang;
var Monad_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
exports.Config = Monad_1.Config;
exports.Monad = Monad_1.Monad;
exports.Optional = Monad_1.Optional;
exports.ValueEmbedder = Monad_1.ValueEmbedder;
var Promise_1 = __webpack_require__(8);
exports.CancellablePromise = Promise_1.CancellablePromise;
exports.Promise = Promise_1.Promise;
exports.PromiseStatus = Promise_1.PromiseStatus;
var XmlQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(11);
exports.XMLQuery = XmlQuery_1.XMLQuery;
exports.XQ = XmlQuery_1.XQ;
var Stream_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
exports.Stream = Stream_1.Stream;
exports.LazyStream = Stream_1.LazyStream;
var SourcesCollectors_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
exports.ArrayStreamDataSource = SourcesCollectors_1.ArrayStreamDataSource;
exports.MappedStreamDataSource = SourcesCollectors_1.MappedStreamDataSource;
exports.FilteredStreamDatasource = SourcesCollectors_1.FilteredStreamDatasource;
exports.FlatMapStreamDataSource = SourcesCollectors_1.FlatMapStreamDataSource;
exports.QueryFormStringCollector = SourcesCollectors_1.QueryFormStringCollector;
exports.ArrayCollector = SourcesCollectors_1.ArrayCollector;
exports.AssocArrayCollector = SourcesCollectors_1.AssocArrayCollector;
exports.FormDataCollector = SourcesCollectors_1.FormDataCollector;
exports.QueryFormDataCollector = SourcesCollectors_1.QueryFormDataCollector;
/***/ }),
/* 5 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Monad_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
var Stream_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
var trim = Lang_1.Lang.trim;
var objToArray = Lang_1.Lang.objToArray;
var isString = Lang_1.Lang.isString;
var equalsIgnoreCase = Lang_1.Lang.equalsIgnoreCase;
// @ts-ignore supression needed here due to fromnullable
var ElementAttribute = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ElementAttribute, _super);
function ElementAttribute(element, name, defaultVal) {
if (defaultVal === void 0) { defaultVal = null; }
var _this =, element, name) || this;
_this.element = element; = name;
_this.defaultVal = defaultVal;
return _this;
Object.defineProperty(ElementAttribute.prototype, "value", {
get: function () {
var _a;
var val = (_a = this.element.get(0)).orElse.apply(_a, []).values;
if (!val.length) {
return this.defaultVal;
return val[0].getAttribute(;
set: function (value) {
var _a;
var val = (_a = this.element.get(0)).orElse.apply(_a, []).values;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < val.length; cnt++) {
val[cnt].setAttribute(, value);
val[0].setAttribute(, value);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
ElementAttribute.prototype.getClass = function () {
return ElementAttribute;
ElementAttribute.fromNullable = function (value, valueKey) {
if (valueKey === void 0) { valueKey = "value"; }
return new ElementAttribute(value, valueKey);
return ElementAttribute;
exports.ElementAttribute = ElementAttribute;
* small helper for the specialized jsf case
* @param src
* @constructor
var DEFAULT_JSF_WHITELIST = function (src) {
return (src.indexOf("ln=scripts") == -1 &&
src.indexOf("ln=javax.faces") == -1) ||
(src.indexOf("/jsf.js") == -1 &&
src.indexOf("/jsf-uncompressed.js") == -1);
* Monadic DomNode representation, ala jquery
* This is a thin wrapper over querySelectorAll
* to get slim monadic support
* to reduce implementation code on the users side.
* This is vital for frameworks which want to rely on
* plain dom but still do not want to lose
* the reduced code footprint of querying dom trees and traversing
* by using functional patterns.
* Also a few convenience methods are added to reduce
* the code footprint of standard dom processing
* operations like eval
* TODO add jquery fallback support, since it is supported
* in most older systems
* Note parts of this code still stem from the Dom.js I have written 10 years
* ago, those parts look a little bit ancient and will be replaced over time.
var DomQuery = /** @class */ (function () {
function DomQuery() {
var _a;
var rootNode = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
rootNode[_i] = arguments[_i];
this.rootNode = [];
this.pos = -1;
this._limits = -1;
if (Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(rootNode).isAbsent() || !rootNode.length) {
else {
//we need to flatten out the arrays
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < rootNode.length; cnt++) {
if (isString(rootNode[cnt])) {
var foundElement = DomQuery.querySelectorAll(rootNode[cnt]);
if (!foundElement.isAbsent()) {
rootNode.push.apply(rootNode, foundElement.values);
else if (rootNode[cnt] instanceof DomQuery) {
(_a = this.rootNode).push.apply(_a, rootNode[cnt].values);
else {
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "value", {
* returns the first element
get: function () {
return this.getAsElem(0);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "values", {
get: function () {
return this.allElems();
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "id", {
* returns the id of the first element
get: function () {
return new ElementAttribute(this.get(0), "id");
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "length", {
* length of the entire query set
get: function () {
return this.rootNode.length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "tagName", {
* convenience method for tagName
get: function () {
return this.getAsElem(0).getIf("tagName");
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "nodeName", {
* convenience method for nodeName
get: function () {
return this.getAsElem(0).getIf("nodeName");
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
DomQuery.prototype.isTag = function (tagName) {
return !this.isAbsent()
&& (this.nodeName.orElse("__none___")
.value.toLowerCase() == tagName.toLowerCase()
|| this.tagName.orElse("__none___")
.value.toLowerCase() == tagName.toLowerCase());
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "type", {
* convenience property for type
* returns null in case of no type existing otherwise
* the type of the first element
get: function () {
return this.getAsElem(0).getIf("type");
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "name", {
* convenience property for name
* returns null in case of no type existing otherwise
* the name of the first element
get: function () {
return new Monad_1.ValueEmbedder(this.getAsElem(0).value, "name");
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "inputValue", {
* convenience property for value
* returns null in case of no type existing otherwise
* the value of the first element
get: function () {
if (this.getAsElem(0).getIf("value").isPresent()) {
return new Monad_1.ValueEmbedder(this.getAsElem(0).value);
else {
return Monad_1.ValueEmbedder.absent;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "checked", {
get: function () {
return Stream_1.Stream.of.apply(Stream_1.Stream, this.values).allMatch(function (el) { return !!el.checked; });
set: function (newChecked) {
this.eachElem(function (el) { return el.checked = newChecked; });
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "elements", {
get: function () {
var _this = this;
var elements = (item) {
var formElement = item.value.value;
return new Stream_1.Stream(formElement.elements ? objToArray(formElement.elements) : []);
}).filter(function (item) { return !!item; }).collect(new DomQueryCollector());
return elements
.orElseLazy(function () { return _this.querySelectorAll("input, select, textarea, fieldset"); });
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "disabled", {
* todo align this api with the rest of the apis
get: function () {
return this.attr("disabled").isPresent();
set: function (disabled) {
// this.attr("disabled").value = disabled + "";
if (!disabled) {
else {
this.attr("disabled").value = "disabled";
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
DomQuery.prototype.removeAttribute = function (name) {
this.eachElem(function (item) { return item.removeAttribute(name); });
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "childNodes", {
get: function () {
var childNodeArr = [];
this.eachElem(function (item) {
childNodeArr = childNodeArr.concat(objToArray(item.childNodes));
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], childNodeArr)))();
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "stream", {
* binding into stream
get: function () {
return new (Stream_1.Stream.bind.apply(Stream_1.Stream, __spreadArrays([void 0], this.asArray)))();
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "lazyStream", {
* fetches a lazy stream representation
* lazy should be applied if you have some filters etc
* in between, this can reduce the number of post filter operations
* and ram usage
* significantly because the operations are done lazily and stop
* once they hit a dead end.
get: function () {
return Stream_1.LazyStream.ofStreamDataSource(this);
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "asArray", {
get: function () {
var ret = [];
this.each(function (item) {
return ret;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* easy query selector all producer
* @param selector the selector
* @returns a results dom query object
DomQuery.querySelectorAll = function (selector) {
return new DomQuery(document).querySelectorAll(selector);
* byId producer
* @param selector id
* @return a DomQuery containing the found elements
DomQuery.byId = function (selector) {
if (isString(selector)) {
return new DomQuery(document).byId(selector);
else {
return new DomQuery(selector);
* byTagName producer
* @param selector name
* @return a DomQuery containing the found elements
DomQuery.byTagName = function (selector) {
if (isString(selector)) {
return new DomQuery(document).byTagName(selector);
else {
return new DomQuery(selector);
DomQuery.globalEval = function (code, nonce) {
return new DomQuery(document).globalEval(code, nonce);
* builds the ie nodes properly in a placeholder
* and bypasses a non script insert bug that way
* @param markup the marku code
DomQuery.fromMarkup = function (markup) {
// license creative commons
var doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument("");
markup = trim(markup);
var lowerMarkup = markup.toLowerCase();
if (lowerMarkup.indexOf('<!doctype') != -1 ||
lowerMarkup.indexOf('<html') != -1 ||
lowerMarkup.indexOf('<head') != -1 || //TODO proper regexps here to avoid embedded tags with same element names to be triggered
lowerMarkup.indexOf('<body') != -1) {
doc.documentElement.innerHTML = markup;
return new DomQuery(doc.documentElement);
else {
var startsWithTag = function (str, tagName) {
var tag1 = ["<", tagName, ">"].join("");
var tag2 = ["<", tagName, " "].join("");
return (str.indexOf(tag1) == 0) || (str.indexOf(tag2) == 0);
var dummyPlaceHolder = new DomQuery(document.createElement("div"));
//table needs special treatment due to the browsers auto creation
if (startsWithTag(lowerMarkup, "thead") || startsWithTag(lowerMarkup, "tbody")) {
dummyPlaceHolder.html("<table>" + markup + "</table>");
return dummyPlaceHolder.querySelectorAll("table").get(0).childNodes.detach();
else if (startsWithTag(lowerMarkup, "tfoot")) {
dummyPlaceHolder.html("<table><thead></thead><tbody><tbody" + markup + "</table>");
return dummyPlaceHolder.querySelectorAll("table").get(2).childNodes.detach();
else if (startsWithTag(lowerMarkup, "tr")) {
dummyPlaceHolder.html("<table><tbody>" + markup + "</tbody></table>");
return dummyPlaceHolder.querySelectorAll("tbody").get(0).childNodes.detach();
else if (startsWithTag(lowerMarkup, "td")) {
dummyPlaceHolder.html("<table><tbody><tr>" + markup + "</tr></tbody></table>");
return dummyPlaceHolder.querySelectorAll("tr").get(0).childNodes.detach();
return dummyPlaceHolder.childNodes.detach();
* returns the nth element as domquery
* from the internal elements
* note if you try to reach a non existing element position
* you will get back an absent entry
* @param index the nth index
DomQuery.prototype.get = function (index) {
return (index < this.rootNode.length) ? new DomQuery(this.rootNode[index]) : DomQuery.absent;
* returns the nth element as optional of an Element object
* @param index the number from the index
* @param defaults the default value if the index is overrun default Optional.absent
DomQuery.prototype.getAsElem = function (index, defaults) {
if (defaults === void 0) { defaults = Monad_1.Optional.absent; }
return (index < this.rootNode.length) ? Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(this.rootNode[index]) : defaults;
* returns the value array< of all elements
DomQuery.prototype.allElems = function () {
return this.rootNode;
* absent no values reached?
DomQuery.prototype.isAbsent = function () {
return this.length == 0;
* should make the code clearer
* note if you pass a function
* this refers to the active dopmquery object
DomQuery.prototype.isPresent = function (presentRunnable) {
var absent = this.isAbsent();
if (!absent && presentRunnable) {, this);
return !absent;
* should make the code clearer
* note if you pass a function
* this refers to the active dopmquery object
* @param presentRunnable
DomQuery.prototype.ifPresentLazy = function (presentRunnable) {
if (presentRunnable === void 0) { presentRunnable = function () {
}; }, presentRunnable);
return this;
* remove all affected nodes from this query object from the dom tree
DomQuery.prototype.delete = function () {
this.eachElem(function (node) {
if (node.parentNode) {
* query selector all on the existing dom query object
* @param selector the standard selector
* @return a DomQuery with the results
DomQuery.prototype.querySelectorAll = function (selector) {
var _a, _b, _c;
if (!((_b = (_a = this) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.rootNode) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.length)) {
return this;
var nodes = [];
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < this.rootNode.length; cnt++) {
if (!((_c = this.rootNode[cnt]) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.querySelectorAll)) {
var res = this.rootNode[cnt].querySelectorAll(selector);
nodes = nodes.concat(objToArray(res));
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], nodes)))();
* core byId method
* @param id the id to search for
* @param includeRoot also match the root element?
DomQuery.prototype.byId = function (id, includeRoot) {
var _a;
var res = [];
for (var cnt = 0; includeRoot && cnt < this.rootNode.length; cnt++) {
if (((_a = this.rootNode[cnt]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : == id) {
res.push(new DomQuery(this.rootNode[cnt]));
//for some strange kind of reason the # selector fails
//on hidden elements we use the attributes match selector
//that works
res = res.concat(this.querySelectorAll("[id=\"" + id + "\"]"));
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], res)))();
* same as byId just for the tag name
* @param tagName
* @param includeRoot
DomQuery.prototype.byTagName = function (tagName, includeRoot) {
var _a;
var res = [];
for (var cnt = 0; includeRoot && cnt < this.rootNode.length; cnt++) {
if (((_a = this.rootNode[cnt]) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.tagName) == tagName) {
res.push(new DomQuery(this.rootNode[cnt]));
res = res.concat(this.querySelectorAll(tagName));
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], res)))();
* attr accessor, usage myQuery.attr("class").value = "bla"
* or let value myQuery.attr("class").value
* @param attr the attribute to set
* @param defaultValue the default value in case nothing is presented (defaults to null)
DomQuery.prototype.attr = function (attr, defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue === void 0) { defaultValue = null; }
return new ElementAttribute(this, attr, defaultValue);
* hasclass, checks for an existing class in the class attributes
* @param clazz the class to search for
DomQuery.prototype.hasClass = function (clazz) {
var hasIt = false;
this.each(function (item) {
var oldClass = item.attr("class").value || "";
if (oldClass.toLowerCase().indexOf(clazz.toLowerCase()) == -1) {
else {
var oldClasses = oldClass.split(/\s+/gi);
var found = false;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < oldClasses.length && !found; cnt++) {
found = oldClasses[cnt].toLowerCase() == clazz.toLowerCase();
hasIt = hasIt || found;
if (hasIt) {
return false;
return hasIt;
* appends a class string if not already in the element(s)
* @param clazz the style class to append
DomQuery.prototype.addClass = function (clazz) {
var _this = this;
this.each(function (item) {
var oldClass = item.attr("class").value || "";
if (!_this.hasClass(clazz)) {
item.attr("class").value = trim(oldClass + " " + clazz);
return this;
* remove the style class if in the class definitions
* @param clazz
DomQuery.prototype.removeClass = function (clazz) {
var _this = this;
this.each(function (item) {
if (_this.hasClass(clazz)) {
var oldClass = item.attr("class").value || "";
var newClasses = [];
var oldClasses = oldClass.split(/\s+/gi);
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < oldClasses.length; cnt++) {
if (oldClasses[cnt].toLowerCase() != clazz.toLowerCase()) {
item.attr("class").value = newClasses.join(" ");
return this;
* checks whether we have a multipart element in our children
DomQuery.prototype.isMultipartCandidate = function () {
return this.querySelectorAll("input[type='file']").firstElem().isPresent();
* innerHtml equivalkent
* equivalent to jqueries html
* as setter the html is set and the
* DomQuery is given back
* as getter the html string is returned
* @param inval
DomQuery.prototype.html = function (inval) {
if (Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(inval).isAbsent()) {
return this.isPresent() ? Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(this.innerHtml) : Monad_1.Optional.absent;
this.innerHtml = inval;
return this;
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "innerHtml", {
get: function () {
var retArr = [];
this.eachElem(function (elem) { return retArr.push(elem.innerHTML); });
return retArr.join("");
set: function (inVal) {
this.eachElem(function (elem) { return elem.innerHTML = inVal; });
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
//code snippet license:
DomQuery.prototype._mozMatchesSelector = function (toMatch, selector) {
var prot = toMatch;
var matchesSelector = prot.matchesSelector ||
prot.mozMatchesSelector ||
prot.msMatchesSelector ||
prot.oMatchesSelector ||
prot.webkitMatchesSelector ||
function (s) {
var matches = (document || window.ownerDocument).querySelectorAll(s), i = matches.length;
while (--i >= 0 && matches.item(i) !== toMatch) {
return i > -1;
return, selector);
* filters the current dom query elements
* upon a given selector
* @param selector
DomQuery.prototype.filterSelector = function (selector) {
var _this = this;
var matched = [];
this.eachElem(function (item) {
if (_this._mozMatchesSelector(item, selector)) {
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], matched)))();
DomQuery.prototype.matchesSelector = function (selector) {
var _this = this;
this.eachElem(function (item) {
if (!_this._mozMatchesSelector(item, selector)) {
return false;
return true;
* easy node traversal, you can pass
* a set of node selectors which are joined as direct childs
* not the rootnodes are not in the getIf, those are always the child nodes
* @param nodeSelector
DomQuery.prototype.getIf = function () {
var nodeSelector = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
nodeSelector[_i] = arguments[_i];
var selectorStage = this.childNodes;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < nodeSelector.length; cnt++) {
selectorStage = selectorStage.filterSelector(nodeSelector[cnt]);
if (selectorStage.isAbsent()) {
return selectorStage;
return selectorStage;
DomQuery.prototype.eachElem = function (func) {
for (var cnt = 0, len = this.rootNode.length; cnt < len; cnt++) {
if (func(this.rootNode[cnt], cnt) === false) {
return this;
DomQuery.prototype.firstElem = function (func) {
if (func === void 0) { func = function (item) { return item; }; }
if (this.rootNode.length > 1) {
func(this.rootNode[0], 0);
return this;
DomQuery.prototype.each = function (func) {
Stream_1.Stream.of.apply(Stream_1.Stream, this.rootNode).each(function (item, cnt) {
//we could use a filter, but for the best performance we dont
if (item == null) {
return func(DomQuery.byId(item), cnt);
return this;
* returns a new dom query containing only the first element max
* @param func a an optional callback function to perform an operation on the first element
DomQuery.prototype.first = function (func) {
if (func === void 0) { func = function (item) { return item; }; }
if (this.rootNode.length >= 1) {
func(this.get(0), 0);
return this.get(0);
return this;
* filter function which filters a subset
* @param func
DomQuery.prototype.filter = function (func) {
var reArr = [];
this.each(function (item) {
func(item) ? reArr.push(item) : null;
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], reArr)))();
//TODO append prepend
* global eval head appendix method
* no other methods are supported anymore
* @param code the code to be evaled
* @param nonce optional nonce key for higher security
DomQuery.prototype.globalEval = function (code, nonce) {
var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement;
var script = document.createElement("script");
if (nonce) {
script.setAttribute("nonce", nonce);
script.type = "text/javascript";
script.innerHTML = code;
var newScriptElement = head.appendChild(script);
return this;
* detaches a set of nodes from their parent elements
* in a browser independend manner
* @param {Object} items the items which need to be detached
* @return {Array} an array of nodes with the detached dom nodes
DomQuery.prototype.detach = function () {
this.eachElem(function (item) {
return this;
* appends the current set of elements
* to the element or first element passed via elem
* @param elem
DomQuery.prototype.appendTo = function (elem) {
this.eachElem(function (item) {
var value1 = elem.getAsElem(0).orElseLazy(function () {
return {
appendChild: function (theItem) {
* loads and evals a script from a source uri
* @param src the source to be loaded and evaled
* @param defer in miliseconds execution default (0 == no defer)
* @param charSet
DomQuery.prototype.loadScriptEval = function (src, defer, charSet) {
var _this = this;
if (defer === void 0) { defer = 0; }
if (charSet === void 0) { charSet = "utf-8"; }
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", src, false);
if (charSet) {
xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-javascript; charset:" + charSet);
xhr.onload = function (responseData) {
//defer also means we have to process after the ajax response
//has been processed
//we can achieve that with a small timeout, the timeout
//triggers after the processing is done!
if (!defer) {
_this.globalEval(xhr.responseText.replace("\n", "\r\n") + "\r\n//@ sourceURL=" + src);
else {
//TODO not ideal we maybe ought to move to something else here
//but since it is not in use yet, it is ok
setTimeout(function () {
_this.globalEval(xhr.responseText + "\r\n//@ sourceURL=" + src);
}, defer);
xhr.onerror = function (data) {
throw Error(data);
//since we are synchronous we do it after not with onReadyStateChange
return this;
DomQuery.prototype.insertAfter = function () {
var toInsertParams = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
toInsertParams[_i] = arguments[_i];
this.each(function (existingItem) {
var existingElement = existingItem.getAsElem(0).value;
var rootNode = existingElement.parentNode;
var _loop_1 = function (cnt) {
var nextSibling = existingElement.nextSibling;
toInsertParams[cnt].eachElem(function (insertElem) {
if (nextSibling) {
rootNode.insertBefore(insertElem, nextSibling);
existingElement = nextSibling;
else {
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < toInsertParams.length; cnt++) {
var res = [];
res = res.concat(toInsertParams);
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], res)))();
DomQuery.prototype.insertBefore = function () {
var toInsertParams = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
toInsertParams[_i] = arguments[_i];
this.each(function (existingItem) {
var existingElement = existingItem.getAsElem(0).value;
var rootNode = existingElement.parentNode;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < toInsertParams.length; cnt++) {
toInsertParams[cnt].eachElem(function (insertElem) {
rootNode.insertBefore(insertElem, existingElement);
var res = [];
res = res.concat(toInsertParams);
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], res)))();
DomQuery.prototype.orElse = function () {
var elseValue = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
elseValue[_i] = arguments[_i];
if (this.isPresent()) {
return this;
else {
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], elseValue)))();
DomQuery.prototype.orElseLazy = function (func) {
if (this.isPresent()) {
return this;
else {
return new DomQuery(func());
DomQuery.prototype.parents = function (tagName) {
var retSet = new Set();
var retArr = [];
var lowerTagName = tagName.toLowerCase();
var resolveItem = function (item) {
if ((item.tagName || "").toLowerCase() == lowerTagName && !retSet.has(item)) {
this.eachElem(function (item) {
while (item.parentNode) {
item = item.parentNode;
//nested forms not possible, performance shortcut
if (tagName == "form" && retArr.length) {
return false;
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], retArr)))();
DomQuery.prototype.copyAttrs = function (sourceItem) {
var _this = this;
sourceItem.eachElem(function (sourceNode) {
var attrs = objToArray(sourceNode.attributes);
for (var _i = 0, attrs_1 = attrs; _i < attrs_1.length; _i++) {
var item = attrs_1[_i];
var value = item.value;
var name_1 =;
switch (name_1) {
case "id": = value;
case "disabled":
_this.resolveAttributeHolder("disabled").disabled = value;
case "checked":
_this.resolveAttributeHolder("checked").checked = value;
_this.attr(name_1).value = value;
return this;
* resolves an attribute holder compared
* @param attr
DomQuery.prototype.resolveAttributeHolder = function (attrName) {
if (attrName === void 0) { attrName = "value"; }
var ret = [];
ret[attrName] = null;
return (attrName in this.getAsElem(0).value) ?
this.getAsElem(0).value :
* outerhtml convenience method
* browsers only support innerHTML but
* for instance for your jsf.js we have a full
* replace pattern which needs outerHTML processing
* @param markup
* @param runEmbeddedScripts
* @param runEmbeddedCss
DomQuery.prototype.outerHTML = function (markup, runEmbeddedScripts, runEmbeddedCss) {
if (this.isAbsent()) {
var nodes = DomQuery.fromMarkup(markup);
var res = [];
var toReplace = this.getAsElem(0).value;
var firstInsert = nodes.get(0);
var parentNode = toReplace.parentNode;
var replaced = firstInsert.getAsElem(0).value;
parentNode.replaceChild(replaced, toReplace);
res.push(new DomQuery(replaced));
//no replacement possible
if (this.isAbsent()) {
return this;
var insertAdditionalItems = [];
if (nodes.length > 1) {
insertAdditionalItems = insertAdditionalItems.concat.apply(insertAdditionalItems, nodes.values.slice(1));
res.push(DomQuery.byId(replaced).insertAfter(new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], insertAdditionalItems)))()));
if (runEmbeddedScripts) {
if (runEmbeddedCss) {
return nodes;
* Run through the given nodes in the DomQuery execute the inline scripts
* @param whilteListed: optional whitelist function which can filter out script tags which are not processed
* defaults to the standard jsf.js exclusion (we use this code for myfaces)
DomQuery.prototype.runScripts = function (whilteListed) {
var _this = this;
if (whilteListed === void 0) { whilteListed = DEFAULT_JSF_WHITELIST; }
var finalScripts = [], equi = equalsIgnoreCase, execScrpt = function (item) {
var tagName = item.tagName;
var itemType = item.type || "";
if (tagName && equi(tagName, "script") &&
(itemType === "" || equi(itemType, "text/javascript") ||
equi(itemType, "javascript") ||
equi(itemType, "text/ecmascript") ||
equi(itemType, "ecmascript"))) {
var src = item.getAttribute('src');
if ('undefined' != typeof src
&& null != src
&& src.length > 0) {
//we have to move this into an inner if because chrome otherwise chokes
//due to changing the and order instead of relying on left to right
//if jsf.js is already registered we do not replace it anymore
if (whilteListed(src)) {
if (finalScripts.length) {
//script source means we have to eval the existing
//scripts before running the include
finalScripts = [];
_this.loadScriptEval(src, 0, "UTF-8");
else {
// embedded script auto eval
//TODO this probably needs to be changed due to our new parsing structures
//probably not needed anymore
var evalText = trim(item.text || item.innerText || item.innerHTML);
var go = true;
while (go) {
go = false;
if (evalText.substring(0, 4) == "<!--") {
evalText = evalText.substring(4);
go = true;
if (evalText.substring(0, 4) == "//<!--") {
evalText = evalText.substring(6);
go = true;
if (evalText.substring(0, 11) == "//<![CDATA[") {
evalText = evalText.substring(11);
go = true;
// we have to run the script under a global context
//we store the script for less calls to eval
try {
var scriptElements = new DomQuery(this.filterSelector("script"), this.querySelectorAll("script"));
//script execution order by relative pos in their dom tree
.flatMap(function (item) {
return Stream_1.Stream.of(item.values);
.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return node1.compareDocumentPosition(node2) - 3; //preceding 2, following == 4
.each(function (item) { return execScrpt(item); });
if (finalScripts.length) {
catch (e) {
if (window.console && window.console.error) {
//not sure if we
//should use our standard
//error mechanisms here
//because in the head appendix
//method only a console
//error would be raised as well
console.error(e.message || e.description);
finally {
//the usual ie6 fix code
//the IE6 garbage collector is broken
//nulling closures helps somewhat to reduce
//mem leaks, which are impossible to avoid
//at this browser
execScrpt = null;
return this;
DomQuery.prototype.runCss = function () {
var applyStyle = function (item, style) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
var newSS = document.createElement("style");
var styleSheet = (_a = newSS.sheet, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : newSS.styleSheet));
newSS.setAttribute("rel", (_b = item.getAttribute("rel"), (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "stylesheet")));
newSS.setAttribute("type", (_c = item.getAttribute("type"), (_c !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : "text/css")));
if (_e = (_d = styleSheet) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.cssText, (_e !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : false)) {
styleSheet.cssText = style;
else {
}, execCss = function (item) {
var tagName = item.tagName;
if (tagName && equalsIgnoreCase(tagName, "link") && equalsIgnoreCase(item.getAttribute("type"), "text/css")) {
applyStyle(item, "@import url('" + item.getAttribute("href") + "');");
else if (tagName && equalsIgnoreCase(tagName, "style") && equalsIgnoreCase(item.getAttribute("type"), "text/css")) {
var innerText = [];
//compliant browsers know child nodes
var childNodes = item.childNodes;
if (childNodes) {
var len = childNodes.length;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < len; cnt++) {
innerText.push(childNodes[cnt].innerHTML || childNodes[cnt].data);
//non compliant ones innerHTML
else if (item.innerHTML) {
applyStyle(item, innerText.join(""));
var scriptElements = new DomQuery(this.filterSelector("link, style"), this.querySelectorAll("link, style"));
.flatMap(function (item) {
return Stream_1.Stream.of(item.values);
.sort(function (node1, node2) {
return node1.compareDocumentPosition(node2) - 3; //preceding 2, following == 4
.each(function (item) { return execCss(item); });
return this;
* fires a click event on the underlying dom elements
*/ = function () {
return this;
DomQuery.prototype.addEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
this.eachElem(function (node) {
node.addEventListener(type, listener, options);
return this;
DomQuery.prototype.removeEventListener = function (type, listener, options) {
this.eachElem(function (node) {
node.removeEventListener(type, listener, options);
return this;
* fires an event
DomQuery.prototype.fireEvent = function (eventName) {
this.eachElem(function (node) {
var doc;
if (node.ownerDocument) {
doc = node.ownerDocument;
else if (node.nodeType == 9) {
// the node may be the document itself, nodeType 9 = DOCUMENT_NODE
doc = node;
else {
throw new Error("Invalid node passed to fireEvent: " +;
if (node.dispatchEvent) {
// Gecko-style approach (now the standard) takes more work
var eventClass = "";
// Different events have different event classes.
// If this switch statement can't map an eventName to an eventClass,
// the event firing is going to fail.
switch (eventName) {
case "click": // Dispatching of 'click' appears to not work correctly in Safari. Use 'mousedown' or 'mouseup' instead.
case "mousedown":
case "mouseup":
eventClass = "MouseEvents";
case "focus":
case "change":
case "blur":
case "select":
eventClass = "HTMLEvents";
throw "fireEvent: Couldn't find an event class for event '" + eventName + "'.";
var event_1 = doc.createEvent(eventClass);
event_1.initEvent(eventName, true, true); // All events created as bubbling and cancelable.
event_1.synthetic = true; // allow detection of synthetic events
// The second parameter says go ahead with the default action
else if (node.fireEvent) {
// IE-old school style, you can drop this if you don't need to support IE8 and lower
var event = doc.createEventObject();
event.synthetic = true; // allow detection of synthetic events
node.fireEvent("on" + eventName, event);
DomQuery.prototype.textContent = function (joinstr) {
if (joinstr === void 0) { joinstr = ""; }
.map(function (value) {
var item = value.getAsElem(0).orElseLazy(function () {
return {
textContent: ""
return item.textContent || "";
.reduce(function (text1, text2) { return text1 + joinstr + text2; }, "").value;
DomQuery.prototype.innerText = function (joinstr) {
if (joinstr === void 0) { joinstr = ""; }
.map(function (value) {
var item = value.getAsElem(0).orElseLazy(function () {
return {
innerText: ""
return item.innerText || "";
.reduce(function (text1, text2) { return [text1, text2].join(joinstr); }, "").value;
* encodes all input elements properly into respective
* config entries, this can be used
* for legacy systems, for newer usecases, use the
* HTML5 Form class which all newer browsers provide
* @param toMerge optional config which can be merged in
* @return a copy pf
DomQuery.prototype.encodeFormElement = function (toMerge) {
if (toMerge === void 0) { toMerge = new Monad_1.Config({}); }
//browser behavior no element name no encoding (normal submit fails in that case)
if ( {
//lets keep it sideffects free
var target = toMerge.shallowCopy;
this.each(function (element) {
if ( { //no name, no encoding
var name =;
var tagName = element.tagName.orElse("__none__").value.toLowerCase();
var elemType = element.type.orElse("__none__").value.toLowerCase();
elemType = elemType.toLowerCase();
// routine for all elements
// rules:
// - process only inputs, textareas and selects
// - elements muest have attribute "name"
// - elements must not be disabled
if (((tagName == "input" || tagName == "textarea" || tagName == "select") &&
(name != null && name != "")) && !element.disabled) {
// routine for select elements
// rules:
// - if select-one and value-Attribute exist => "name=value"
// (also if value empty => "name=")
// - if select-one and value-Attribute don't exist =>
// "name=DisplayValue"
// - if select multi and multple selected => "name=value1&name=value2"
// - if select and selectedIndex=-1 don't submit
if (tagName == "select") {
// selectedIndex must be >= 0 sein to be submittet
var selectElem = element.getAsElem(0).value;
if (selectElem.selectedIndex >= 0) {
var uLen = selectElem.options.length;
for (var u = 0; u < uLen; u++) {
// find all selected options
//let subBuf = [];
if (selectElem.options[u].selected) {
var elementOption = selectElem.options[u];
target.assign(name).value = (elementOption.getAttribute("value") != null) ?
elementOption.value : elementOption.text;
// routine for remaining elements
// rules:
// - don't submit no selects (processed above), buttons, reset buttons, submit buttons,
// - submit checkboxes and radio inputs only if checked
if ((tagName != "select" && elemType != "button"
&& elemType != "reset" && elemType != "submit" && elemType != "image")
&& ((elemType != "checkbox" && elemType != "radio") || element.checked)) {
var files = element.value.files;
if (files && files.length) {
//xhr level2
target.assign(name).value = files[0];
else {
target.assign(name).value = element.inputValue.value;
return target;
Object.defineProperty(DomQuery.prototype, "cDATAAsString", {
get: function () {
var cDataBlock = [];
// response may contain several blocks
.flatMap(function (item) { return; }).reduce(function (reduced, item) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
reduced.push((_d = (_c = (_b = (_a = item) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.value) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :, (_d !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : "")));
return reduced;
}, []).value.join("");
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
DomQuery.prototype.subNodes = function (from, to) {
if (Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(to).isAbsent()) {
to = this.length;
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0], this.rootNode.slice(from, Math.min(to, this.length)))))();
DomQuery.prototype.limits = function (end) {
this._limits = end;
return this;
//-- internally exposed methods needed for the interconnectivity
DomQuery.prototype.hasNext = function () {
var isLimitsReached = this._limits != -1 && this.pos >= this._limits - 1;
var isEndOfArray = this.pos >= this.values.length - 1;
return !(isLimitsReached ||
}; = function () {
if (!this.hasNext()) {
return null;
return new DomQuery(this.values[this.pos]);
DomQuery.prototype.reset = function () {
this.pos = -1;
DomQuery.absent = new DomQuery();
return DomQuery;
exports.DomQuery = DomQuery;
* Various collectors
* which can be used in conjunction with Streams
* A collector which bundles a full dom query stream into a single dom query element
* This connects basically our stream back into DomQuery
var DomQueryCollector = /** @class */ (function () {
function DomQueryCollector() { = [];
DomQueryCollector.prototype.collect = function (element) {;
Object.defineProperty(DomQueryCollector.prototype, "finalValue", {
get: function () {
return new (DomQuery.bind.apply(DomQuery, __spreadArrays([void 0],;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return DomQueryCollector;
exports.DomQueryCollector = DomQueryCollector;
* abbreviation for DomQuery
exports.DQ = DomQuery;
/***/ }),
/* 6 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A module which keeps basic monadish like definitions in place without any sidedependencies to other modules.
* Useful if you need the functions in another library to keep its dependencies down
/*IMonad definitions*/
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
var SourcesCollectors_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
var Stream_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
var objAssign = Lang_1.Lang.objAssign;
* Implementation of a monad
* (Sideffect free), no write allowed directly on the monads
* value state
var Monad = /** @class */ (function () {
function Monad(value) {
this._value = value;
Object.defineProperty(Monad.prototype, "value", {
get: function () {
return this._value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
}); = function (fn) {
if (!fn) {
fn = function (inval) { return inval; };
var result = fn(this.value);
return new Monad(result);
Monad.prototype.flatMap = function (fn) {
var _a;
var mapped =;
while (((_a = mapped) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.value) instanceof Monad) {
mapped = mapped.value;
return mapped;
return Monad;
exports.Monad = Monad;
* optional implementation, an optional is basically an implementation of a Monad with additional syntactic
* sugar on top
* (Sideeffect free, since value assignment is not allowed)
* */
var Optional = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Optional, _super);
function Optional(value) {
return, value) || this;
Object.defineProperty(Optional.prototype, "value", {
get: function () {
if (this._value instanceof Monad) {
return this._value.flatMap().value;
return this._value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Optional.fromNullable = function (value) {
return new Optional(value);
/*syntactic sugar for absent and present checks*/
Optional.prototype.isAbsent = function () {
return "undefined" == typeof this.value || null == this.value;
* any value present
Optional.prototype.isPresent = function (presentRunnable) {
var absent = this.isAbsent();
if (!absent && presentRunnable) {, this);
return !absent;
Optional.prototype.ifPresentLazy = function (presentRunnable) {
if (presentRunnable === void 0) { presentRunnable = function () {
}; }, presentRunnable);
return this;
Optional.prototype.orElse = function (elseValue) {
if (this.isPresent()) {
return this;
else {
if (elseValue == null) {
return Optional.absent;
return this.flatMap(function () { return elseValue; });
* lazy, passes a function which then is lazily evaluated
* instead of a direct value
* @param func
Optional.prototype.orElseLazy = function (func) {
if (this.isPresent()) {
return this;
else {
return this.flatMap(func);
* we need to implement it to fullfill the contract, although it is used only internally
* all values are flattened when accessed anyway, so there is no need to call this methiod
Optional.prototype.flatMap = function (fn) {
var val =, fn);
if (!(val instanceof Optional)) {
return Optional.fromNullable(val.value);
return val.flatMap();
* elvis operation, take care, if you use this you lose typesafety and refactoring
* capabilites, unfortunately typesceript does not allow to have its own elvis operator
* this is some syntactic sugar however which is quite useful*/
Optional.prototype.getIf = function () {
var key = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
key[_i] = arguments[_i];
var currentPos = this;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < key.length; cnt++) {
var currKey = this.keyVal(key[cnt]);
var arrPos = this.arrayIndex(key[cnt]);
if (currKey === "" && arrPos >= 0) {
currentPos = this.getClass().fromNullable(!(currentPos.value instanceof Array) ? null : (currentPos.value.length < arrPos ? null : currentPos.value[arrPos]));
if (currentPos.isAbsent()) {
return currentPos;
else if (currKey && arrPos >= 0) {
if (currentPos.getIfPresent(currKey).isAbsent()) {
return currentPos;
currentPos = (currentPos.getIfPresent(currKey).value instanceof Array) ? this.getClass().fromNullable(currentPos.getIfPresent(currKey).value[arrPos]) : this.getClass().absent;
if (currentPos.isAbsent()) {
return currentPos;
else {
currentPos = currentPos.getIfPresent(currKey);
if (currentPos.isAbsent()) {
return currentPos;
else if (arrPos > -1) {
currentPos = this.getClass().fromNullable(currentPos.value[arrPos]);
var retVal = currentPos;
return retVal;
* simple match, if the first order function call returns
* true then there is a match, if the value is not present
* it never matches
* @param fn the first order function performing the match
Optional.prototype.match = function (fn) {
if (this.isAbsent()) {
return false;
return fn(this.value);
* convenience function to flatmap the internal value
* and replace it with a default in case of being absent
* @param defaultVal
* @returns {Optional<any>}
Optional.prototype.get = function (defaultVal) {
if (defaultVal === void 0) { defaultVal = Optional.absent; }
if (this.isAbsent()) {
return this.getClass().fromNullable(defaultVal).flatMap();
return this.getClass().fromNullable(this.value).flatMap();
Optional.prototype.toJson = function () {
return JSON.stringify(this.value);
* helper to override several implementations in a more fluent way
* by having a getClass operation we can avoid direct calls into the constructor or
* static methods and do not have to implement several methods which rely on the type
* of "this"
* @returns {Monadish.Optional}
Optional.prototype.getClass = function () {
return Optional;
/*helper method for getIf with array access aka <name>[<indexPos>]*/
Optional.prototype.arrayIndex = function (key) {
var start = key.indexOf("[");
var end = key.indexOf("]");
if (start >= 0 && end > 0 && start < end) {
return parseInt(key.substring(start + 1, end));
else {
return -1;
/*helper method for getIf with array access aka <name>[<indexPos>]*/
Optional.prototype.keyVal = function (key) {
var start = key.indexOf("[");
if (start >= 0) {
return key.substring(0, start);
else {
return key;
* additional syntactic sugar which is not part of the usual optional implementation
* but makes life easier, if you want to sacrifice typesafety and refactoring
* capabilities in typescript
Optional.prototype.getIfPresent = function (key) {
if (this.isAbsent()) {
return this.getClass().absent;
return this.getClass().fromNullable(this.value[key]).flatMap();
* elvis like typesafe functional save resolver
* a typesafe option for getIfPresent
* usage myOptional.resolve(value => value.subAttr.subAttr2).orElseLazy(....)
* if this is resolvable without any errors an Optional with the value is returned
* if not, then an Optional absent is returned, also if you return Optional absent
* it is flatmapped into absent
* @param resolver the resolver function, can throw any arbitrary errors, int the error case
* the resolution goes towards absent
Optional.prototype.resolve = function (resolver) {
if (this.isAbsent()) {
return Optional.absent;
try {
return Optional.fromNullable(resolver(this.value));
catch (e) {
return Optional.absent;
/*default value for absent*/
Optional.absent = Optional.fromNullable(null);
return Optional;
exports.Optional = Optional;
// --------------------- From here onwards we break out the sideffects free limits ------------
* ValueEmbedder is the writeable version
* of optional, it basically is a wrappber
* around a construct which has a state
* and can be written to.
* For the readonly version see Optional
var ValueEmbedder = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ValueEmbedder, _super);
function ValueEmbedder(rootElem, valueKey) {
if (valueKey === void 0) { valueKey = "value"; }
var _this =, rootElem) || this;
_this.key = valueKey;
return _this;
Object.defineProperty(ValueEmbedder.prototype, "value", {
get: function () {
return this._value ? this._value[this.key] : null;
set: function (newVal) {
if (!this._value) {
this._value[this.key] = newVal;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
ValueEmbedder.prototype.orElse = function (elseValue) {
var alternative = {};
alternative[this.key] = elseValue;
return this.isPresent() ? this : new ValueEmbedder(alternative, this.key);
ValueEmbedder.prototype.orElseLazy = function (func) {
if (this.isPresent()) {
return this;
else {
var alternative = {};
alternative[this.key] = func();
return new ValueEmbedder(alternative, this.key);
* helper to override several implementations in a more fluent way
* by having a getClass operation we can avoid direct calls into the constructor or
* static methods and do not have to implement several methods which rely on the type
* of "this"
* @returns {Monadish.Optional}
ValueEmbedder.prototype.getClass = function () {
return ValueEmbedder;
ValueEmbedder.fromNullable = function (value, valueKey) {
if (valueKey === void 0) { valueKey = "value"; }
return new ValueEmbedder(value, valueKey);
/*default value for absent*/
ValueEmbedder.absent = ValueEmbedder.fromNullable(null);
return ValueEmbedder;
exports.ValueEmbedder = ValueEmbedder;
* specialized value embedder
* for our Configuration
var ConfigEntry = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ConfigEntry, _super);
function ConfigEntry(rootElem, key, arrPos) {
var _this =, rootElem, key) || this;
_this.arrPos = (arrPos !== null && arrPos !== void 0 ? arrPos : -1);
return _this;
Object.defineProperty(ConfigEntry.prototype, "value", {
get: function () {
if (this.key == "" && this.arrPos >= 0) {
return this._value[this.arrPos];
else if (this.key && this.arrPos >= 0) {
return this._value[this.key][this.arrPos];
return this._value[this.key];
set: function (val) {
if (this.key == "" && this.arrPos >= 0) {
this._value[this.arrPos] = val;
else if (this.key && this.arrPos >= 0) {
this._value[this.key][this.arrPos] = val;
this._value[this.key] = val;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
/*default value for absent*/
ConfigEntry.absent = ConfigEntry.fromNullable(null);
return ConfigEntry;
* Config, basically an optional wrapper for a json structure
* (not sideeffect free, since we can alter the internal config state
* without generating a new config), not sure if we should make it sideffect free
* since this would swallow a lot of performane and ram
var Config = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(Config, _super);
function Config(root) {
return, root) || this;
Object.defineProperty(Config.prototype, "shallowCopy", {
get: function () {
return new Config(Stream_1.Stream.ofAssoc(this.value).collect(new SourcesCollectors_1.AssocArrayCollector()));
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(Config.prototype, "deepCopy", {
get: function () {
return new Config(objAssign({}, this.value));
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Config.fromNullable = function (value) {
return new Config(value);
* simple merge for the root configs
Config.prototype.shallowMerge = function (other, overwrite) {
if (overwrite === void 0) { overwrite = true; }
for (var key in other.value) {
if (overwrite || !(key in this.value)) {
this.assign(key).value = other.getIf(key).value;
Config.prototype.assign = function () {
var keys = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
keys[_i] = arguments[_i];
if (keys.length < 1) {
var currKey = this.keyVal(keys[keys.length - 1]);
var arrPos = this.arrayIndex(keys[keys.length - 1]);
var retVal = new ConfigEntry(keys.length == 1 ? this.value : this.getIf.apply(this, keys.slice(0, keys.length - 1)).value, currKey, arrPos);
return retVal;
Config.prototype.assignIf = function (condition) {
var keys = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
keys[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
return condition ? this.assign.apply(this, keys) : { value: null };
Config.prototype.getIf = function () {
var keys = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
keys[_i] = arguments[_i];
return this.getClass().fromNullable(_super.prototype.getIf.apply(this, keys).value);
Config.prototype.get = function (defaultVal) {
return this.getClass().fromNullable(, defaultVal).value);
//empties the current config entry
Config.prototype.delete = function (key) {
if (key in this.value) {
delete this.value[key];
return this;
Config.prototype.toJson = function () {
return JSON.stringify(this.value);
Config.prototype.getClass = function () {
return Config;
Config.prototype.setVal = function (val) {
this._value = val;
Config.prototype.buildPath = function (keys) {
var val = this;
var parentVal = this.getClass().fromNullable(null);
var parentPos = -1;
var alloc = function (arr, length) {
var length1 = arr.length;
var length2 = length1 + length;
for (var cnt = length1; cnt < length2; cnt++) {
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < keys.length; cnt++) {
var currKey = this.keyVal(keys[cnt]);
var arrPos = this.arrayIndex(keys[cnt]);
if (currKey === "" && arrPos >= 0) {
val.setVal((val.value instanceof Array) ? val.value : []);
alloc(val.value, arrPos + 1);
if (parentPos >= 0) {
parentVal.value[parentPos] = val.value;
parentVal = val;
parentPos = arrPos;
val = this.getClass().fromNullable(val.value[arrPos]);
var tempVal = val.getIf(currKey);
if (arrPos == -1) {
if (tempVal.isAbsent()) {
tempVal = this.getClass().fromNullable(val.value[currKey] = {});
else {
val = tempVal;
else {
var arr = (tempVal.value instanceof Array) ? tempVal.value : [];
alloc(arr, arrPos + 1);
val.value[currKey] = arr;
tempVal = this.getClass().fromNullable(arr[arrPos]);
parentVal = val;
parentPos = arrPos;
val = tempVal;
return this;
return Config;
exports.Config = Config;
/***/ }),
/* 7 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Promise_1 = __webpack_require__(8);
var Monad_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
* Lang helpers crossported from the apache myfaces project
var Lang;
(function (Lang) {
//should be in lang, but for now here to avoid recursive imports, not sure if typescript still has a problem with those
* helper function to savely resolve anything
* this is not an elvis operator, it resolves
* a value without exception in a tree and if
* it is not resolvable then an optional of
* a default value is restored or Optional.empty
* if none is given
* usage
* <code>
* let var: Optiona<string> = saveResolve(() => a.b.c.d.e, "foobaz")
* </code>
* @param resolverProducer a lambda which can produce the value
* @param defaultValue an optional default value if the producer failes to produce anything
* @returns an Optional of the produced value
function saveResolve(resolverProducer, defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue === void 0) { defaultValue = null; }
try {
var result = resolverProducer();
return Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable((result !== null && result !== void 0 ? result : defaultValue));
catch (e) {
return Monad_1.Optional.absent;
Lang.saveResolve = saveResolve;
function saveResolveLazy(resolverProducer, defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue === void 0) { defaultValue = null; }
try {
var result = resolverProducer();
return Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable((result !== null && result !== void 0 ? result : defaultValue()));
catch (e) {
return Monad_1.Optional.absent;
Lang.saveResolveLazy = saveResolveLazy;
* String to array function performs a string to array transformation
* @param {String} it the string which has to be changed into an array
* @param {RegExp} splitter our splitter reglar expression
* @return a trimmed array of the splitted string
function strToArray(it, splitter) {
if (splitter === void 0) { splitter = /\./gi; }
var ret = [];
it.split(splitter).forEach((function (element) {
return ret;
Lang.strToArray = strToArray;
* hyperfast trim
* crossported from dojo
function trim(str) {
str = str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '');
var ws = /\s/, i = str.length;
while (ws.test(str.charAt(--i))) {
//do nothing
return str.slice(0, i + 1);
Lang.trim = trim;
* generic object arrays like dom definitions to array conversion method which
* transforms any object to something array like
* @param obj
* @param offset
* @param pack
* @returns an array converted from the object
function objToArray(obj, offset, pack) {
if (offset === void 0) { offset = 0; }
if (pack === void 0) { pack = []; }
if (((obj !== null && obj !== void 0 ? obj : "__undefined__")) == "__undefined__") {
return (pack !== null && pack !== void 0 ? pack : null);
//since offset is numeric we cannot use the shortcut due to 0 being false
//special condition array delivered no offset no pack
if (obj instanceof Array && !offset && !pack)
return obj;
return pack.concat(, offset));
Lang.objToArray = objToArray;
* equalsIgnoreCase, case insensitive comparison of two strings
* @param source
* @param destination
function equalsIgnoreCase(source, destination) {
var finalSource = (source !== null && source !== void 0 ? source : "___no_value__");
var finalDest = (destination !== null && destination !== void 0 ? destination : "___no_value__");
//in any other case we do a strong string comparison
return finalSource.toLowerCase() === finalDest.toLowerCase();
Lang.equalsIgnoreCase = equalsIgnoreCase;
* Promise wrappers for timeout and interval
function timeout(timeout) {
var handler = null;
return new Promise_1.CancellablePromise(function (apply, reject) {
handler = setTimeout(function () { return apply(); }, timeout);
}, function () {
if (handler) {
handler = null;
Lang.timeout = timeout;
function interval(timeout) {
var handler = null;
return new Promise_1.CancellablePromise(function (apply, reject) {
handler = setInterval(function () {
}, timeout);
}, function () {
if (handler) {
handler = null;
Lang.interval = interval;
* runtime type assertion
* @param probe the probe to be tested for a type
* @param theType the type to be tested for
function assertType(probe, theType) {
return isString(theType) ? typeof probe == theType : probe instanceof theType;
Lang.assertType = assertType;
* Backported from dojo
* a failsafe string determination method
* (since in javascript String != "" typeof alone fails!)
* @param it {|Object|} the object to be checked for being a string
* @return true in case of being a string false otherwise
function isString(it) {
// summary:
// Return true if it is a String
return !!arguments.length && it != null && (typeof it == "string" || it instanceof String); // Boolean
Lang.isString = isString;
function isFunc(it) {
return it instanceof Function || typeof it === "function";
Lang.isFunc = isFunc;
// code from
// license
function objAssign(target) {
var theArgs = [];
for (var _i = 1; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
theArgs[_i - 1] = arguments[_i];
if (target == null) { // TypeError if undefined or null
throw new TypeError('Cannot convert undefined or null to object');
var to = Object(target);
if (Object.assign) {
theArgs.forEach(function (item) { return Object.assign(to, item); });
return to;
theArgs.forEach(function (item) {
var nextSource = item;
if (nextSource != null) { // Skip over if undefined or null
for (var nextKey in nextSource) {
// Avoid bugs when hasOwnProperty is shadowed
if (, nextKey)) {
to[nextKey] = nextSource[nextKey];
return to;
Lang.objAssign = objAssign;
})(Lang = exports.Lang || (exports.Lang = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 8 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Monad_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
var PromiseStatus;
(function (PromiseStatus) {
PromiseStatus[PromiseStatus["PENDING"] = 0] = "PENDING";
PromiseStatus[PromiseStatus["FULLFILLED"] = 1] = "FULLFILLED";
PromiseStatus[PromiseStatus["REJECTED"] = 2] = "REJECTED";
})(PromiseStatus = exports.PromiseStatus || (exports.PromiseStatus = {}));
* a small (probably not 100% correct, although I tried to be correct as possible) Promise implementation
* for systems which do not have a promise implemented
* Note, although an internal state is kept, this is sideffect free since
* is value is a function to operate on, hence no real state is kept internally, except for the then
* and catch calling order
var Promise = /** @class */ (function () {
function Promise(executor) {
var _this = this;
this.status = PromiseStatus.PENDING;
this.allFuncs = [];
this.value = executor;
this.value(function (data) { return _this.resolve(data); }, function (data) { return _this.reject(data); });
Promise.all = function () {
var promises = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
promises[_i] = arguments[_i];
var promiseCnt = 0;
var myapply;
var myPromise = new Promise(function (apply, reject) {
myapply = apply;
var executor = function () {
if (promises.length == promiseCnt) {
executor.__last__ = true;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < promises.length; cnt++) {
return myPromise;
Promise.race = function () {
var promises = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
promises[_i] = arguments[_i];
var promiseCnt = 0;
var myapply;
var myreject;
var myPromise = new Promise(function (apply, reject) {
myapply = apply;
myreject = reject;
var thenexecutor = function () {
if (!!myapply) {
myapply = null;
myreject = null;
return null;
thenexecutor.__last__ = true;
var catchexeutor = function () {
if (!!myreject) {
myreject = null;
myapply = null;
return null;
catchexeutor.__last__ = true;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < promises.length; cnt++) {
return myPromise;
Promise.reject = function (reason) {
var retVal = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
//not really doable without a hack
if (reason instanceof Promise) {
reason.then(function (val) {
else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
return retVal;
Promise.resolve = function (reason) {
var retVal = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
//not really doable without a hack
if (reason instanceof Promise) {
reason.then(function (val) { return resolve(val); });
else {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 1);
return retVal;
Promise.prototype.then = function (executorFunc, catchfunc) {
this.allFuncs.push({ "then": executorFunc });
if (catchfunc) {
this.allFuncs.push({ "catch": catchfunc });
return this;
Promise.prototype.catch = function (executorFunc) {
this.allFuncs.push({ "catch": executorFunc });
return this;
Promise.prototype.finally = function (executorFunc) {
if (this.__reason__) {
this.allFuncs.push({ "finally": executorFunc });
return this;
Promise.prototype.resolve = function (val) {
while (this.allFuncs.length) {
if (!this.allFuncs[0].then) {
var fn = this.allFuncs.shift();
var funcResult = Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(fn.then(val));
if (funcResult.isPresent()) {
funcResult = funcResult.flatMap();
val = funcResult.value;
if (val instanceof Promise) {
//var func = (newVal: any) => {this.resolve(newVal)};
//func.__last__ = true;
else {
this.status = PromiseStatus.FULLFILLED;
Promise.prototype.reject = function (val) {
while (this.allFuncs.length) {
if (this.allFuncs[0].finally) {
var fn = this.allFuncs.shift();
if (fn.catch) {
var funcResult = Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(fn.catch(val));
if (funcResult.isPresent()) {
funcResult = funcResult.flatMap();
val = funcResult.value;
if (val instanceof Promise) {
//val.then((newVal: any) => {this.resolve(newVal)});
this.status = PromiseStatus.REJECTED;
else {
this.status = PromiseStatus.REJECTED;
Promise.prototype.appyFinally = function () {
while (this.allFuncs.length) {
var fn = this.allFuncs.shift();
if (fn.finally) {
Promise.prototype.spliceLastFuncs = function () {
var lastFuncs = [];
var rest = [];
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < this.allFuncs.length; cnt++) {
for (var key in this.allFuncs[cnt]) {
if (this.allFuncs[cnt][key].__last__) {
else {
this.allFuncs = rest.concat(lastFuncs);
Promise.prototype.transferIntoNewPromise = function (val) {
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < this.allFuncs.length; cnt++) {
for (var key in this.allFuncs[cnt]) {
return Promise;
exports.Promise = Promise;
* a cancellable promise
* a Promise with a cancel function, which can be cancellend any time
* this is useful for promises which use cancellable asynchronous operations
* note, even in a cancel state, the finally of the promise is executed, however
* subsequent thens are not anymore.
* The current then however is fished or a catch is called depending on how the outer
* operation reacts to a cancel order.
var CancellablePromise = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(CancellablePromise, _super);
* @param executor asynchronous callback operation which triggers the callback
* @param cancellator cancel operation, separate from the trigger operation
function CancellablePromise(executor, cancellator) {
var _this =, executor) || this;
_this.cancellator = function () {
_this.cancellator = cancellator;
return _this;
CancellablePromise.prototype.cancel = function () {
this.status = PromiseStatus.REJECTED;
//lets terminate it once and for all, the finally has been applied
this.allFuncs = [];
CancellablePromise.prototype.then = function (executorFunc, catchfunc) {
return, executorFunc, catchfunc);
CancellablePromise.prototype.catch = function (executorFunc) {
return, executorFunc);
CancellablePromise.prototype.finally = function (executorFunc) {
return, executorFunc);
return CancellablePromise;
exports.CancellablePromise = CancellablePromise;
/***/ }),
/* 9 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Stream_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
* implementation of iteratable on top of array
var ArrayStreamDataSource = /** @class */ (function () {
function ArrayStreamDataSource() {
var value = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
value[_i] = arguments[_i];
this.dataPos = -1;
this.value = value;
ArrayStreamDataSource.prototype.hasNext = function () {
return this.value.length - 1 > this.dataPos;
}; = function () {
return this.value[this.dataPos];
ArrayStreamDataSource.prototype.reset = function () {
this.dataPos = -1;
return ArrayStreamDataSource;
exports.ArrayStreamDataSource = ArrayStreamDataSource;
* an intermediate data source wich prefilters
* incoming stream data
* and lets only the data out which
* passes the filter function check
var FilteredStreamDatasource = /** @class */ (function () {
function FilteredStreamDatasource(filterFunc, parent) {
this.filteredNext = null;
this.filterFunc = filterFunc;
this.inputDataSource = parent;
* in order to filter we have to make a look ahead until the
* first next allowed element
* hence we prefetch the element and then
* serve it via next
FilteredStreamDatasource.prototype.hasNext = function () {
while (this.filteredNext == null && this.inputDataSource.hasNext()) {
var next =;
if (this.filterFunc(next)) {
this.filteredNext = next;
return true;
else {
this.filteredNext = null;
return this.filteredNext != null;
* serve the next element
*/ = function () {
var ret = this.filteredNext;
this.filteredNext = null;
//We have to call hasNext, to roll another
//prefetch in case someone runs next
//sequentially without calling hasNext
return ret;
FilteredStreamDatasource.prototype.reset = function () {
this.filteredNext = null;
return FilteredStreamDatasource;
exports.FilteredStreamDatasource = FilteredStreamDatasource;
* an intermediate datasource which maps the items from
* one into another
var MappedStreamDataSource = /** @class */ (function () {
function MappedStreamDataSource(mapFunc, parent) {
this.mapFunc = mapFunc;
this.inputDataSource = parent;
MappedStreamDataSource.prototype.hasNext = function () {
return this.inputDataSource.hasNext();
}; = function () {
return this.mapFunc(;
MappedStreamDataSource.prototype.reset = function () {
return MappedStreamDataSource;
exports.MappedStreamDataSource = MappedStreamDataSource;
* Same for flatmap to deal with element -> stream mappings
var FlatMapStreamDataSource = /** @class */ (function () {
function FlatMapStreamDataSource(func, parent) {
this.mapFunc = func;
this.inputDataSource = parent;
FlatMapStreamDataSource.prototype.hasNext = function () {
return this.resolveCurrentNext() || this.resolveNextNext();
FlatMapStreamDataSource.prototype.resolveCurrentNext = function () {
var next = false;
if (this.activeDataSource) {
next = this.activeDataSource.hasNext();
return next;
FlatMapStreamDataSource.prototype.resolveNextNext = function () {
var next = false;
while (!next && this.inputDataSource.hasNext()) {
var mapped = this.mapFunc(;
if (Array.isArray(mapped)) {
this.activeDataSource = new (ArrayStreamDataSource.bind.apply(ArrayStreamDataSource, __spreadArrays([void 0], mapped)))();
else {
this.activeDataSource = mapped;
next = this.activeDataSource.hasNext();
return next;
}; = function () {
FlatMapStreamDataSource.prototype.reset = function () {
return FlatMapStreamDataSource;
exports.FlatMapStreamDataSource = FlatMapStreamDataSource;
* For the time being we only need one collector
* a collector which collects a stream back into arrays
var ArrayCollector = /** @class */ (function () {
function ArrayCollector() { = [];
ArrayCollector.prototype.collect = function (element) {;
Object.defineProperty(ArrayCollector.prototype, "finalValue", {
get: function () {
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return ArrayCollector;
exports.ArrayCollector = ArrayCollector;
* collects an assoc stream back to an assoc array
var AssocArrayCollector = /** @class */ (function () {
function AssocArrayCollector() {
this.finalValue = {};
AssocArrayCollector.prototype.collect = function (element) {
var _a, _b;
this.finalValue[_a = element[0], (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : element)] = (_b = element[1], (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : true));
return AssocArrayCollector;
exports.AssocArrayCollector = AssocArrayCollector;
* Form data collector for key value pair streams
var FormDataCollector = /** @class */ (function () {
function FormDataCollector() {
this.finalValue = new FormData();
FormDataCollector.prototype.collect = function (element) {
this.finalValue.append(element.key, element.value);
return FormDataCollector;
exports.FormDataCollector = FormDataCollector;
* Form data collector for DomQuery streams
var QueryFormDataCollector = /** @class */ (function () {
function QueryFormDataCollector() {
this.finalValue = new FormData();
QueryFormDataCollector.prototype.collect = function (element) {
var toMerge = element.encodeFormElement();
if (toMerge.isPresent()) {
this.finalValue.append(, toMerge.get(;
return QueryFormDataCollector;
exports.QueryFormDataCollector = QueryFormDataCollector;
* Encoded String collector from dom query streams
var QueryFormStringCollector = /** @class */ (function () {
function QueryFormStringCollector() {
this.formData = [];
QueryFormStringCollector.prototype.collect = function (element) {
var toMerge = element.encodeFormElement();
if (toMerge.isPresent()) {
this.formData.push([, toMerge.get(]);
Object.defineProperty(QueryFormStringCollector.prototype, "finalValue", {
get: function () {
return Stream_1.Stream.of.apply(Stream_1.Stream, this.formData).map(function (keyVal) { return keyVal.join("="); })
.reduce(function (item1, item2) { return [item1, item2].join("&"); })
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return QueryFormStringCollector;
exports.QueryFormStringCollector = QueryFormStringCollector;
/***/ }),
/* 10 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* A small stream implementation
var Monad_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
var SourcesCollectors_1 = __webpack_require__(9);
* A simple typescript based reimplementation of streams
* This is the early eval version
* for a lazy eval version check, LazyStream, which is api compatible
* to this implementation, however with the benefit of being able
* to provide infinite data sources and generic data providers, the downside
* is, it might be a tad slower in some situations
var Stream = /** @class */ (function () {
function Stream() {
var value = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
value[_i] = arguments[_i];
this._limits = -1;
this.pos = -1;
this.value = value;
Stream.of = function () {
var data = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
data[_i] = arguments[_i];
return new (Stream.bind.apply(Stream, __spreadArrays([void 0], data)))();
Stream.ofAssoc = function (data) {
return this.of.apply(this, Object.keys(data)).map(function (key) { return [key, data[key]]; });
Stream.ofDataSource = function (dataSource) {
var value = [];
while (dataSource.hasNext()) {
return new (Stream.bind.apply(Stream, __spreadArrays([void 0], value)))();
Stream.prototype.limits = function (end) {
this._limits = end;
return this;
Stream.prototype.onElem = function (fn) {
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < this.value.length && (this._limits == -1 || cnt < this._limits); cnt++) {
if (fn(this.value[cnt], cnt) === false) {
return this;
Stream.prototype.each = function (fn) {
}; = function (fn) {
if (!fn) {
fn = function (inval) { return inval; };
var res = [];
this.each(function (item, cnt) {
return new (Stream.bind.apply(Stream, __spreadArrays([void 0], res)))();
* we need to implement it to fullfill the contract, although it is used only internally
* all values are flattened when accessed anyway, so there is no need to call this methiod
Stream.prototype.flatMap = function (fn) {
var ret = [];
this.each(function (item) {
var strmR = fn(item);
ret = Array.isArray(strmR) ? ret.concat(strmR) : ret.concat.apply(ret, strmR.value);
return Stream.of.apply(Stream, ret);
Stream.prototype.filter = function (fn) {
var res = [];
this.each(function (data) {
if (fn(data)) {
return new (Stream.bind.apply(Stream, __spreadArrays([void 0], res)))();
Stream.prototype.reduce = function (fn, startVal) {
if (startVal === void 0) { startVal = null; }
var offset = startVal != null ? 0 : 1;
var val1 = startVal != null ? startVal : this.value.length ? this.value[0] : null;
for (var cnt = offset; cnt < this.value.length && (this._limits == -1 || cnt < this._limits); cnt++) {
val1 = fn(val1, this.value[cnt]);
return Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(val1);
Stream.prototype.first = function () {
return this.value && this.value.length ? Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(this.value[0]) : Monad_1.Optional.absent;
Stream.prototype.last = function () {
//could be done via reduce, but is faster this way
var length = this._limits > 0 ? Math.min(this._limits, this.value.length) : this.value.length;
return Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(length ? this.value[length - 1] : null);
Stream.prototype.anyMatch = function (fn) {
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < this.value.length && (this._limits == -1 || cnt < this._limits); cnt++) {
if (fn(this.value[cnt])) {
return true;
return false;
Stream.prototype.allMatch = function (fn) {
if (!this.value.length) {
return false;
var matches = 0;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < this.value.length; cnt++) {
if (fn(this.value[cnt])) {
return matches == this.value.length;
Stream.prototype.noneMatch = function (fn) {
var matches = 0;
for (var cnt = 0; cnt < this.value.length; cnt++) {
if (!fn(this.value[cnt])) {
return matches == this.value.length;
Stream.prototype.sort = function (comparator) {
var newArr = this.value.slice().sort(comparator);
return Stream.of.apply(Stream, newArr);
Stream.prototype.collect = function (collector) {
this.each(function (data) { return collector.collect(data); });
return collector.finalValue;
//-- internally exposed methods needed for the interconnectivity
Stream.prototype.hasNext = function () {
var isLimitsReached = this._limits != -1 && this.pos >= this._limits - 1;
var isEndOfArray = this.pos >= this.value.length - 1;
return !(isLimitsReached || isEndOfArray);
}; = function () {
if (!this.hasNext()) {
return null;
return this.value[this.pos];
Stream.prototype.reset = function () {
this.pos = -1;
return Stream;
exports.Stream = Stream;
* Lazy implementation of a Stream
* The idea is to connect the intermediate
* streams as datasources like a linked list
* with reverse referencing and for special
* operations like filtering flatmapping
* have intermediate datasources in the list
* with specialized functions.
* Sort of a modified pipe valve pattern
* the streams are the pipes the intermediate
* data sources are the valves
* We then can use passed in functions to control
* the flow in the valves
* That way we can have a lazy evaluating stream
* So if an endpoint requests data
* a callback trace goes back the stream list
* which triggers an operation upwards
* which sends data down the drain which then is processed
* and filtered until one element hits the endpoint.
* That is repeated, until all elements are processed
* or an internal limit is hit.
var LazyStream = /** @class */ (function () {
function LazyStream(parent) {
this._limits = -1;
* needed to have the limits check working
* we need to keep track of the current position
* in the stream
this.pos = -1;
this.dataSource = parent;
LazyStream.of = function () {
var values = [];
for (var _i = 0; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
values[_i] = arguments[_i];
return new LazyStream(new (SourcesCollectors_1.ArrayStreamDataSource.bind.apply(SourcesCollectors_1.ArrayStreamDataSource, __spreadArrays([void 0], values)))());
LazyStream.ofAssoc = function (data) {
return this.of.apply(this, Object.keys(data)).map(function (key) { return [key, data[key]]; });
LazyStream.ofStreamDataSource = function (value) {
return new LazyStream(value);
LazyStream.prototype.hasNext = function () {
if (this.isOverLimits()) {
return false;
return this.dataSource.hasNext();
}; = function () {
var next =;
// @ts-ignore
return next;
LazyStream.prototype.reset = function () {
this.pos = 0;
this._limits = -1;
LazyStream.prototype.nextFilter = function (fn) {
if (this.hasNext()) {
var newVal =;
if (!fn(newVal)) {
return this.nextFilter(fn);
return newVal;
return null;
LazyStream.prototype.limits = function (max) {
this._limits = max;
return this;
//main stream methods
LazyStream.prototype.collect = function (collector) {
while (this.hasNext()) {
var t =;
return collector.finalValue;
LazyStream.prototype.onElem = function (fn) {
var _this = this;
return new LazyStream(new SourcesCollectors_1.MappedStreamDataSource(function (el) {
if (fn(el, _this.pos) === false) {
return el;
}, this));
LazyStream.prototype.filter = function (fn) {
return new LazyStream(new SourcesCollectors_1.FilteredStreamDatasource(fn, this));
}; = function (fn) {
return new LazyStream(new SourcesCollectors_1.MappedStreamDataSource(fn, this));
LazyStream.prototype.flatMap = function (fn) {
return new LazyStream(new SourcesCollectors_1.FlatMapStreamDataSource(fn, this));
LazyStream.prototype.each = function (fn) {
while (this.hasNext()) {
if (fn( === false) {
LazyStream.prototype.reduce = function (fn, startVal) {
if (startVal === void 0) { startVal = null; }
if (!this.hasNext()) {
return Monad_1.Optional.absent;
var value1 = null;
var value2 = null;
if (startVal != null) {
value1 = startVal;
value2 =;
else {
value1 =;
if (!this.hasNext()) {
return Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(value1);
value2 =;
value1 = fn(value1, value2);
while (this.hasNext()) {
value2 =;
value1 = fn(value1, value2);
return Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(value1);
LazyStream.prototype.last = function () {
if (!this.hasNext()) {
return Monad_1.Optional.absent;
return this.reduce(function (el1, el2) { return el2; });
LazyStream.prototype.first = function () {
if (!this.hasNext()) {
return Monad_1.Optional.absent;
return Monad_1.Optional.fromNullable(;
LazyStream.prototype.anyMatch = function (fn) {
while (this.hasNext()) {
if (fn( {
return true;
return false;
LazyStream.prototype.allMatch = function (fn) {
while (this.hasNext()) {
if (!fn( {
return false;
return true;
LazyStream.prototype.noneMatch = function (fn) {
while (this.hasNext()) {
if (fn( {
return false;
return true;
LazyStream.prototype.sort = function (comparator) {
var arr = this.collect(new SourcesCollectors_1.ArrayCollector());
arr = arr.sort(comparator);
return LazyStream.of.apply(LazyStream, arr);
Object.defineProperty(LazyStream.prototype, "value", {
get: function () {
return this.collect(new SourcesCollectors_1.ArrayCollector());
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
LazyStream.prototype.stop = function () {
this.pos = this._limits + 1000000000;
LazyStream.prototype.isOverLimits = function () {
return this._limits != -1 && this.pos >= this._limits - 1;
return LazyStream;
exports.LazyStream = LazyStream;
/***/ }),
/* 11 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
var isString = Lang_1.Lang.isString;
* xml query as specialized case for DomQuery
var XMLQuery = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(XMLQuery, _super);
function XMLQuery(rootNode, docType) {
if (docType === void 0) { docType = "text/xml"; }
var _this = this;
var createIe11DomQueryShim = function () {
//at the time if wroting ie11 is the only relevant browser
//left withut any DomQuery support
var parser = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM");
parser.async = false;
//we shim th dom parser from ie in
return {
parseFromString: function (text, contentType) {
return parser.loadXML(text);
var parseXML = function (xml) {
if (xml == null) {
return null;
var domParser = Lang_1.Lang.saveResolveLazy(function () { return new window.DOMParser(); }, function () { return createIe11DomQueryShim(); }).value;
return domParser.parseFromString(xml, docType);
if (isString(rootNode)) {
_this =, parseXML(rootNode)) || this;
else {
_this =, rootNode) || this;
return _this;
XMLQuery.prototype.isXMLParserError = function () {
return this.querySelectorAll("parsererror").isPresent();
XMLQuery.prototype.toString = function () {
var ret = [];
this.eachElem(function (node) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
var serialized = (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a = window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.XMLSerializer) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.constructor()) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.serializeToString(node), (_d !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : (_e = node) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.xml));
if (!!serialized) {
return ret.join("");
XMLQuery.prototype.parserErrorText = function (joinstr) {
return this.querySelectorAll("parsererror").textContent(joinstr);
XMLQuery.parseXML = function (txt) {
return new XMLQuery(txt);
XMLQuery.parseHTML = function (txt) {
return new XMLQuery(txt, "text/html");
XMLQuery.fromString = function (txt, parseType) {
if (parseType === void 0) { parseType = "text/xml"; }
return new XMLQuery(txt, parseType);
return XMLQuery;
exports.XMLQuery = XMLQuery;
exports.XQ = XMLQuery;
/***/ }),
/* 12 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Const;
(function (Const) {
/*internal identifiers for options*/
Const.IDENT_ALL = "@all";
Const.IDENT_NONE = "@none";
Const.IDENT_THIS = "@this";
Const.IDENT_FORM = "@form";
* [export const] constants
Const.P_PARTIAL_SOURCE = "javax.faces.source";
Const.PARTIAL_ID = "partialId";
Const.P_VIEWSTATE = "javax.faces.ViewState";
Const.P_VIEWROOT = "javax.faces.ViewRoot";
Const.P_VIEWHEAD = "javax.faces.ViewHead";
Const.P_VIEWBODY = "javax.faces.ViewBody";
Const.P_CLIENTWINDOW = "javax.faces.ClientWindow";
Const.P_AJAX = "javax.faces.partial.ajax";
Const.P_EXECUTE = "javax.faces.partial.execute";
Const.P_RENDER = "javax.faces.partial.render";
Const.P_EVT = "javax.faces.partial.event";
Const.P_CLIENT_WINDOW = "javax.faces.ClientWindow";
Const.P_RESET_VALUES = "javax.faces.partial.resetValues";
Const.P_WIN_ID = "javax.faces.WindowId";
Const.P_WINDOW_ID = "javax.faces.windowId";
/* message types */
Const.ERROR = "error";
Const.EVENT = "event";
Const.ON_ERROR = "onerror";
Const.ON_EVENT = "onevent";
/* event emitting stages */
Const.BEGIN = "begin";
Const.COMPLETE = "complete";
Const.SUCCESS = "success";
Const.SOURCE = "source";
Const.STATUS = "status";
Const.ERROR_NAME = "error-name";
Const.ERROR_MESSAGE = "error-message";
Const.RESPONSE_TEXT = "responseText";
Const.RESPONSE_XML = "responseXML";
/*ajax errors spec 14.4.2*/
Const.HTTPERROR = "httpError";
Const.EMPTY_RESPONSE = "emptyResponse";
Const.MALFORMEDXML = "malformedXML";
Const.SERVER_ERROR = "serverError";
Const.CLIENT_ERROR = "clientError";
Const.TIMEOUT_EVENT = "timeout";
Const.CTX_PARAM_MF_INTERNAL = "_mfInternal";
Const.CTX_PARAM_SRC_FRM_ID = "_mfSourceFormId";
Const.CTX_PARAM_SRC_CTL_ID = "_mfSourceControlId";
Const.CTX_PARAM_TR_TYPE = "_mfTransportType";
Const.CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR = "passThrgh";
Const.CTX_PARAM_DELAY = "delay";
Const.CTX_PARAM_TIMEOUT = "timeout";
Const.CTX_PARAM_RST = "resetValues";
Const.CTX_PARAM_EXECUTE = "execute";
Const.STAGE_DEVELOPMENT = "Development";
Const.CONTENT_TYPE = "Content-Type";
Const.HEAD_FACES_REQ = "Faces-Request";
Const.REQ_ACCEPT = "Accept";
Const.VAL_AJAX = "partial/ajax";
Const.ENCODED_URL = "javax.faces.encodedURL";
Const.STATE_EVT_BEGIN = "begin"; //TODO remove this
Const.STATE_EVT_COMPLETE = "complete"; //TODO remove this
Const.URL_ENCODED = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
Const.MULTIPART = "multipart/form-data";
Const.NO_TIMEOUT = 0;
Const.STD_ACCEPT = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8";
Const.TAG_HEAD = "head";
Const.TAG_FORM = "form";
Const.TAG_BODY = "body";
Const.TAG_BEFORE = "before";
Const.TAG_AFTER = "after";
Const.TAG_ATTR = "attribute";
Const.SEL_VIEWSTATE_ELEM = "[name='" + Const.P_VIEWSTATE + "']";
Const.SEL_RESPONSE_XML = "responseXML";
Const.PHASE_PROCESS_RESPONSE = "processResponse";
Const.ERR_NO_PARTIAL_RESPONSE = "Partial response not set";
Const.ATTR_URL = "url";
Const.ATTR_NAME = "name";
Const.ATTR_VALUE = "value";
Const.ATTR_ID = "id";
/*partial response types*/
Const.RESP_PARTIAL = "partial-response";
Const.RESP_TYPE_ERROR = "error";
Const.RESP_TYPE_REDIRECT = "redirect";
Const.RESP_TYPE_CHANGES = "changes";
/*partial commands*/
Const.CMD_CHANGES = "changes";
Const.CMD_UPDATE = "update";
Const.CMD_DELETE = "delete";
Const.CMD_INSERT = "insert";
Const.CMD_EVAL = "eval";
Const.CMD_ERROR = "error";
Const.CMD_ATTRIBUTES = "attributes";
Const.CMD_EXTENSION = "extension";
Const.CMD_REDIRECT = "redirect";
/*other constants*/
Const.UPDATE_FORMS = "_updateForms";
Const.UPDATE_ELEMS = "_updateElems";
Const.MYFACES = "myfaces";
Const.SEL_SCRIPTS_STYLES = "script, style, link";
Const.MF_NONE = "__mf_none__";
Const.REASON_EXPIRED = "Expired";
Const.APPLIED_VST = "appliedViewState";
Const.HTML_VIEWSTATE = ["<input type='hidden'", "id='", Const.P_VIEWSTATE, "' name='", Const.P_VIEWSTATE, "' value='' />"].join("");
Const.EMPTY_FUNC = Object.freeze(function () { });
Const.EMPTY_STR = "";
Const.EMPTY_MAP = Object.freeze({});
})(Const = exports.Const || (exports.Const = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 13 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var AjaxImpl_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
var Assertions_1 = __webpack_require__(14);
var ErrorData_1 = __webpack_require__(17);
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
var trim = monadish_1.Lang.trim;
var getLocalOrGlobalConfig = Lang_1.ExtLang.getLocalOrGlobalConfig;
var TAG_HEAD = Const_1.Const.TAG_HEAD;
var TAG_BODY = Const_1.Const.TAG_BODY;
var TAG_FORM = Const_1.Const.TAG_FORM;
var SOURCE = Const_1.Const.SOURCE;
var ERROR_NAME = Const_1.Const.ERROR_NAME;
var ON_ERROR = Const_1.Const.ON_ERROR;
var TAG_BEFORE = Const_1.Const.TAG_BEFORE;
var TAG_AFTER = Const_1.Const.TAG_AFTER;
var P_VIEWSTATE = Const_1.Const.P_VIEWSTATE;
var ATTR_URL = Const_1.Const.ATTR_URL;
var EMPTY_FUNC = Const_1.Const.EMPTY_FUNC;
var TAG_ATTR = Const_1.Const.TAG_ATTR;
var ATTR_NAME = Const_1.Const.ATTR_NAME;
var ATTR_VALUE = Const_1.Const.ATTR_VALUE;
var APPLIED_VST = Const_1.Const.APPLIED_VST;
var ATTR_ID = Const_1.Const.ATTR_ID;
var ImplTypes_1 = __webpack_require__(19);
var EventData_1 = __webpack_require__(18);
var SUCCESS = Const_1.Const.SUCCESS;
var ON_EVENT = Const_1.Const.ON_EVENT;
* Response processor
* Each XML tag is either a node or a leaf
* or both
* the processor provides a set of operations
* which are executed on a single leaf node per operation
* and present the core functionality of our response
var ResponseProcessor = /** @class */ (function () {
function ResponseProcessor(request, externalContext, internalContext) {
this.request = request;
this.externalContext = externalContext;
this.internalContext = internalContext;
ResponseProcessor.prototype.replaceHead = function (shadowDocument) {
var shadowHead = shadowDocument.querySelectorAll(TAG_HEAD);
if (!shadowHead.isPresent()) {
var shadowInnerHTML = shadowHead.html().value;
var oldHead = DomQuery_1.DQ.querySelectorAll(TAG_HEAD);
//delete all to avoid script and style overlays
* replaces the body in the expected manner
* which means the entire body content is refreshed
* however also the body attributes must be transferred
* keeping event handlers etc... in place
* @param shadowDocument .. an incoming shadow document hosting the new nodes
ResponseProcessor.prototype.replaceBody = function (shadowDocument) {
var shadowBody = shadowDocument.querySelectorAll(TAG_BODY);
if (!shadowBody.isPresent()) {
var shadowInnerHTML = shadowBody.html().value;
var resultingBody = DomQuery_1.DQ.querySelectorAll(TAG_BODY).html(shadowInnerHTML);
var updateForms = resultingBody.querySelectorAll(TAG_FORM);
this.storeForPostProcessing(updateForms, resultingBody);
* Leaf Tag eval... process whatever is in the evals cdata block
* @param node the node to eval
ResponseProcessor.prototype.eval = function (node) {
* processes an incoming error from the response
* which is hosted under the &lt;error&gt; tag
* @param request the current request
* @param context the context object
* @param node the node in the xml hosting the error message
ResponseProcessor.prototype.error = function (node) {
* <error>
* <error-name>String</error-name>
* <error-message><![CDATA[message]]></error-message>
* <error>
var mergedErrorData = new monadish_1.Config({});
mergedErrorData.assign(SOURCE).value = this.externalContext.getIf(P_PARTIAL_SOURCE).get(0).value;
mergedErrorData.assign(ERROR_NAME).value = node.getIf(ERROR_NAME).textContent("");
mergedErrorData.assign(ERROR_MESSAGE).value = node.getIf(ERROR_MESSAGE).cDATAAsString;
var hasResponseXML = this.internalContext.get(RESPONSE_XML).isPresent();
mergedErrorData.assignIf(hasResponseXML, RESPONSE_XML).value = this.internalContext.getIf(RESPONSE_XML).value.get(0).value;
var errorData = ErrorData_1.ErrorData.fromServerError(mergedErrorData);
* process the redirect operation
* @param node
ResponseProcessor.prototype.redirect = function (node) {
var redirectUrl = trim(node.attr(ATTR_URL).value);
if (redirectUrl != "") {
window.location.href = redirectUrl;
* processes the update operation and updates the node with the cdata block
* @param context
* @param internalContext
* @param node
* @param cdataBlock
ResponseProcessor.prototype.update = function (node, cdataBlock) {
var _a;
var result = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(, false, false);
var sourceForm = (_a = result) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.parents(TAG_FORM).orElse(result.byTagName(TAG_FORM, true));
if (sourceForm) {
this.storeForPostProcessing(sourceForm, result);
ResponseProcessor.prototype.delete = function (node) {
* attributes leaf tag... process the attributes
* @param node
ResponseProcessor.prototype.attributes = function (node) {
var elem = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(;
node.byTagName(TAG_ATTR).each(function (item) {
elem.attr(item.attr(ATTR_NAME).value).value = item.attr(ATTR_VALUE).value;
* @param shadownResponse
ResponseProcessor.prototype.replaceViewRoot = function (shadowDocument) {
* insert handling, either before or after
* @param node
ResponseProcessor.prototype.insert = function (node) {
//let insertId =; //not used atm
var before = node.attr(TAG_BEFORE);
var after = node.attr(TAG_AFTER);
var insertNodes = DomQuery_1.DQ.fromMarkup(node.cDATAAsString);
if (before.isPresent()) {
var res = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(before.value).insertBefore(insertNodes);
if (after.isPresent()) {
var domQuery = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(after.value);
ResponseProcessor.prototype.insertWithSubtags = function (node) {
var _this = this;
var before = node.querySelectorAll(TAG_BEFORE);
var after = node.querySelectorAll(TAG_AFTER);
before.each(function (item) {
var insertId = item.attr(ATTR_ID);
var insertNodes = DomQuery_1.DQ.fromMarkup(item.cDATAAsString);
if (insertId.isPresent()) {
after.each(function (item) {
var insertId = item.attr(ATTR_ID);
var insertNodes = DomQuery_1.DQ.fromMarkup(item.cDATAAsString);
if (insertId.isPresent()) {
* process the viewState update, update the affected
* forms with their respective new viewstate values
ResponseProcessor.prototype.processViewState = function (node) {
if (this.isViewStateNode(node)) {
var viewStateValue = node.textContent();
this.internalContext.assign(APPLIED_VST, = new ImplTypes_1.ViewState(, viewStateValue);
return true;
return false;
ResponseProcessor.prototype.globalEval = function () {
var updateElems = new (DomQuery_1.DQ.bind.apply(DomQuery_1.DQ, __spreadArrays([void 0], this.internalContext.getIf(UPDATE_ELEMS).value)))();
ResponseProcessor.prototype.fixViewStates = function () {
var _this = this;
.each(function (item) {
var key = item[0];
var value = item[1];
var nameSpace = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(value.nameSpace).orElse(document.body);
var affectedForms = nameSpace.byTagName(TAG_FORM);
var affectedForms2 = nameSpace.filter(function (item) { return item.tagName.orElse("").value.toLowerCase() == TAG_FORM; });
_this.appendViewStateToForms(new monadish_1.DomQuery(affectedForms, affectedForms2), value.value);
ResponseProcessor.prototype.done = function () {
var eventData = EventData_1.EventData.createFromRequest(this.request.value, this.externalContext, SUCCESS);
//because some frameworks might decorate them over the context in the response
var eventHandler = this.externalContext.getIf(ON_EVENT).orElse(this.internalContext.getIf(ON_EVENT).value).orElse(EMPTY_FUNC).value;
AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.sendEvent(eventData, eventHandler);
ResponseProcessor.prototype.isAllFormResolution = function (context) {
return getLocalOrGlobalConfig(context, "no_portlet_env", false);
ResponseProcessor.prototype.appendViewStateToForms = function (forms, viewState) {
var _this = this;
forms.each(function (form) {
var viewStateElems = form.querySelectorAll(SEL_VIEWSTATE_ELEM)
.orElseLazy(function () { return _this.newViewStateElement(form); });
viewStateElems.attr("value").value = viewState;
* Helper to Create a new JSF ViewState Element
* @param parent, the parent node to attach the viewstate element to
* (usually a form node)
ResponseProcessor.prototype.newViewStateElement = function (parent) {
var newViewState = DomQuery_1.DQ.fromMarkup(HTML_VIEWSTATE);
return newViewState;
* Stores certain aspects of the dom for later post processing
* @param updateForms the update forms which should receive standardized internal jsf data
* @param toBeEvaled the resulting elements which should be evaled
ResponseProcessor.prototype.storeForPostProcessing = function (updateForms, toBeEvaled) {
ResponseProcessor.prototype.storeForUpdate = function (updateForms) {
ResponseProcessor.prototype.storeForEval = function (toBeEvaled) {
ResponseProcessor.prototype.isViewStateNode = function (node) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h, _j, _k;
var separatorchar = window.jsf.separatorchar;
return "undefined" != typeof ((_b = (_a = node) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.value) && (((_d = (_c = node) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.value) == P_VIEWSTATE ||
((_g = (_f = (_e = node) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.value) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g.indexOf([separatorchar, P_VIEWSTATE].join(""))) != -1 ||
((_k = (_j = (_h = node) === null || _h === void 0 ? void 0 : === null || _j === void 0 ? void 0 : _j.value) === null || _k === void 0 ? void 0 : _k.indexOf([P_VIEWSTATE, separatorchar].join(""))) != -1);
return ResponseProcessor;
exports.ResponseProcessor = ResponseProcessor;
/***/ }),
/* 14 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
var getMessage = Lang_1.ExtLang.getMessage;
var makeException = Lang_1.ExtLang.makeException;
* a set of internal code assertions
* which raise an error
var Assertions;
(function (Assertions) {
function assertRequestIntegrity(options, elem) {
/*assert if the onerror is set and once if it is set it must be of type function*/
/*assert if the onevent is set and once if it is set it must be of type function*/
//improve the error messages if an empty elem is passed
assert(elem.isPresent(), getMessage("ERR_MUST_BE_PROVIDED1", "{0}: source must be provided or exist", "source element id"), "jsf.ajax.request", "ArgNotSet");
Assertions.assertRequestIntegrity = assertRequestIntegrity;
function assertUrlExists(node) {
if (node.attr(Const_1.Const.ATTR_URL).isAbsent()) {
throw Assertions.raiseError(new Error(), getMessage("ERR_RED_URL", null, "_Ajaxthis.processRedirect"), "processRedirect");
Assertions.assertUrlExists = assertUrlExists;
* checks the xml for various issues which can occur
* and prevent a proper processing
function assertValidXMLResponse(responseXML) {
assert(!responseXML.isAbsent(), Const_1.Const.EMPTY_RESPONSE, Const_1.Const.PHASE_PROCESS_RESPONSE);
assert(!responseXML.isXMLParserError(), responseXML.parserErrorText(""), Const_1.Const.PHASE_PROCESS_RESPONSE);
assert(responseXML.querySelectorAll(Const_1.Const.RESP_PARTIAL).isPresent(), Const_1.Const.ERR_NO_PARTIAL_RESPONSE, Const_1.Const.PHASE_PROCESS_RESPONSE);
Assertions.assertValidXMLResponse = assertValidXMLResponse;
* internal helper which raises an error in the
* format we need for further processing
* @param message the message
* @param title the title of the error (optional)
* @param name the name of the error (optional)
function raiseError(error, message, caller, title, name) {
var finalTitle = (title !== null && title !== void 0 ? title : Const_1.Const.MALFORMEDXML);
var finalName = (name !== null && name !== void 0 ? name : Const_1.Const.MALFORMEDXML);
var finalMessage = (message !== null && message !== void 0 ? message : "");
//TODO clean up the messy makeException, this is a perfect case for encapsulation and sane defaults
return makeException(error, finalTitle, finalName, "Response", caller || ((arguments.caller) ? arguments.caller.toString() : "_raiseError"), finalMessage);
Assertions.raiseError = raiseError;
* using the new typescript 3.7 compiler assertion functionality to improve compiler hinting
* we are not fully there yet, but soon
function assert(value, msg, caller, title) {
if (msg === void 0) { msg = ""; }
if (caller === void 0) { caller = ""; }
if (title === void 0) { title = "Assertion Error"; }
if (!value) {
throw Assertions.raiseError(new Error(), msg, caller, title);
Assertions.assert = assert;
function assertType(value, theType, msg, caller, title) {
if (msg === void 0) { msg = ""; }
if (caller === void 0) { caller = ""; }
if (title === void 0) { title = "Type Assertion Error"; }
if ((!!value) && !monadish_1.Lang.assertType(value, theType)) {
throw Assertions.raiseError(new Error(), msg, caller, title);
Assertions.assertType = assertType;
function assertFunction(value, msg, caller, title) {
if (msg === void 0) { msg = ""; }
if (caller === void 0) { caller = ""; }
if (title === void 0) { title = "Assertion Error"; }
assertType(value, "function", msg, caller, title);
Assertions.assertFunction = assertFunction;
})(Assertions = exports.Assertions || (exports.Assertions = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 15 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
* todo replace singleton with module definition
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(7);
var Messages_1 = __webpack_require__(16);
var Promise_1 = __webpack_require__(8);
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var ExtLang;
(function (ExtLang) {
var installedLocale;
var nameSpace = "impl/util/Lang/";
* instead of Polyfills we rely on class
* producers
* @constructor
function getPromise() {
return (Promise !== null && Promise !== void 0 ? Promise : Promise_1.CancellablePromise);
ExtLang.getPromise = getPromise;
function getLanguage() {
//TODO global config override
var _a, _b, _c;
var language = (_b = (_a = navigator.languages) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[0], (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (_c = navigator) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.language));
language = language.split("-")[0];
return language;
ExtLang.getLanguage = getLanguage;
//should be in lang, but for now here to avoid recursive imports, not sure if typescript still has a problem with those
* helper function to savely resolve anything
* this is not an elvis operator, it resolves
* a value without exception in a tree and if
* it is not resolvable then an optional of
* a default value is restored or Optional.empty
* if none is given
* usage
* <code>
* let var: Optional<string> = saveResolve(() => a.b.c.d.e, "foobaz")
* </code>
* @param resolverProducer a lambda which can produce the value
* @param defaultValue an optional default value if the producer failes to produce anything
* @returns an Optional of the produced value
function failSaveResolve(resolverProducer, defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue === void 0) { defaultValue = null; }
return Lang_1.Lang.saveResolve(resolverProducer, defaultValue);
ExtLang.failSaveResolve = failSaveResolve;
function failSaveExecute(resolverProducer, defaultValue) {
if (defaultValue === void 0) { defaultValue = null; }
Lang_1.Lang.saveResolve(resolverProducer, defaultValue);
ExtLang.failSaveExecute = failSaveExecute;
* returns a given localized message upon a given key
* basic java log like templating functionality is included
* @param {String} key the key for the message
* @param {String} defaultMessage optional default message if none was found
* Additionally you can pass additional arguments, which are used
* in the same way java log templates use the params
* @param templateParams the param list to be filled in
function getMessage(key, defaultMessage) {
var templateParams = [];
for (var _i = 2; _i < arguments.length; _i++) {
templateParams[_i - 2] = arguments[_i];
var _a, _b;
installedLocale = (installedLocale !== null && installedLocale !== void 0 ? installedLocale : new Messages_1.Messages());
var msg = (_b = (_a = installedLocale[key], (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : defaultMessage)), (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : key + " - undefined message"));
monadish_1.Stream.of.apply(monadish_1.Stream, templateParams).each(function (param, cnt) {
msg = msg.replace(new RegExp(["\\{", cnt, "\\}"].join(""), "g"), param);
return msg;
ExtLang.getMessage = getMessage;
* transforms a key value pair into a string
* @param key the key
* @param val the value
* @param delimiter the delimiter
function keyValToStr(key, val, delimiter) {
if (delimiter === void 0) { delimiter = "\n"; }
return [key, val].join(delimiter);
ExtLang.keyValToStr = keyValToStr;
* determines the correct event depending
* on the browsers state
* @param evt incoming event object (note not all browsers
* have this)
* @return an event object no matter what is incoming
function getEvent(evt) {
var _a, _b;
return _b = (evt !== null && evt !== void 0 ? evt : (_a = window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.event), (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : {});
ExtLang.getEvent = getEvent;
* cross port from the dojo lib
* browser save event resolution
* @param evt the event object
* (with a fallback for ie events if none is present)
function getEventTarget(evt) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e;
//ie6 and 7 fallback
evt = getEvent(evt);
* evt source is defined in the jsf events
* seems like some component authors use our code
* so we add it here see also
* not entirely a bug but makes sense to add this
* behavior. I dont use it that way but nevertheless it
* does not break anything so why not
* */
var t = (_d = (_b = (_a = evt) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.srcElement, (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : (_c = evt) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 :, (_d !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : (_e = evt) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.source));
while ((t) && (t.nodeType != 1)) {
t = t.parentNode;
return t;
ExtLang.getEventTarget = getEventTarget;
* creates an exeption with additional internal parameters
* for extra information
* @param {String} title the exception title
* @param {String} name the exception name
* @param {String} callerCls the caller class
* @param {String} callFunc the caller function
* @param {String} message the message for the exception
function makeException(error, title, name, callerCls, callFunc, message) {
var _a;
return new Error((_a = message + ((callerCls !== null && callerCls !== void 0 ? callerCls : nameSpace)) + callFunc, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ("" + arguments.caller.toString()))));
ExtLang.makeException = makeException;
* fetches a global config entry
* @param {String} configName the name of the configuration entry
* @param {Object} defaultValue
* @return either the config entry or if none is given the default value
function getGlobalConfig(configName, defaultValue) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
* note we could use exists but this is an heavy operation, since the config name usually
* given this function here is called very often
* is a single entry without . in between we can do the lighter shortcut
return _d = (_c = (_b = (_a = window) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.myfaces) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.config) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[configName], (_d !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : defaultValue);
ExtLang.getGlobalConfig = getGlobalConfig;
* gets the local or global options with local ones having higher priority
* if no local or global one was found then the default value is given back
* @param {String} configName the name of the configuration entry
* @param {String} localOptions the local options root for the configuration myfaces as default marker is added implicitely
* @param {Object} defaultValue
* @return either the config entry or if none is given the default value
function getLocalOrGlobalConfig(localOptions, configName, defaultValue) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d, _e, _f, _g, _h;
return _h = (_d = (_c = (_b = (_a = localOptions.value) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.myfaces) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.config) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c[configName], (_d !== null && _d !== void 0 ? _d : (_g = (_f = (_e = window) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.myfaces) === null || _f === void 0 ? void 0 : _f.config) === null || _g === void 0 ? void 0 : _g[configName])), (_h !== null && _h !== void 0 ? _h : defaultValue);
ExtLang.getLocalOrGlobalConfig = getLocalOrGlobalConfig;
* fetches the form in an unprecise manner depending
* on an element or event target
* @param elem
* @param event
function getForm(elem, event) {
var FORM = "form";
var queryElem = new DomQuery_1.DQ(elem);
var eventTarget = new DomQuery_1.DQ(ExtLang.getEventTarget(event));
if (queryElem.isTag(FORM)) {
return queryElem;
//html 5 for handling
if (queryElem.attr(FORM).isPresent()) {
var formId = queryElem.attr(FORM).value;
var foundForm = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(formId);
if (foundForm.isPresent()) {
return foundForm;
var form = queryElem.parents(FORM)
.orElseLazy(function () { return queryElem.byTagName(FORM, true); })
.orElseLazy(function () { return eventTarget.parents(FORM); })
.orElseLazy(function () { return eventTarget.byTagName(FORM); })
return form;
ExtLang.getForm = getForm;
function assertFormExists(form) {
if (form.isAbsent()) {
throw makeException(new Error(), null, null, "Impl", "getForm", getMessage("ERR_FORM"));
})(ExtLang = exports.ExtLang || (exports.ExtLang = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 16 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Messages = /** @class */ (function () {
function Messages() {
this.MSG_TEST = "Testmessage";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_DEV_MODE = "Note, this message is only sent, because project stage is development and no " +
"other error listeners are registered.";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_AFFECTED_CLASS = "Affected Class=";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_AFFECTED_METHOD = "Affected Method=";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_ERROR_NAME = "Error Name=";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_ERROR_MESSAGE = "Error Message=";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_SERVER_ERROR_NAME = "Server Error Name=";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_ERROR_DESC = "Error Description=";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_ERROR_NO = "Error Number=";
/** @constant */
this.MSG_ERROR_LINENO = "Error Line Number=";
/*Errors and messages*/
/** @constant */
this.ERR_FORM = "Sourceform could not be determined, either because element is not attached to a form or we have multiple forms with named elements of the same identifier or name, stopping the ajax processing";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_VIEWSTATE = "jsf.viewState= param value not of type form!";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_TRANSPORT = "Transport type {0} does not exist";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_EVT_PASS = "an event must be passed down (either a an event object null or undefined) ";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_CONSTRUCT = "Parts of the response couldn't be retrieved when constructing the event data= {0} ";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_MALFORMEDXML = "The server response could not be parsed, the server has returned with a response which is not xml !";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_SOURCE_FUNC = "source cannot be a function (probably source and event were not defined or set to null";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_EV_OR_UNKNOWN = "An event object or unknown must be passed as second parameter";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_SOURCE_NOSTR = "source cannot be a string";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_SOURCE_DEF_NULL = "source must be defined or null";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_MUST_STRING = "{0}: {1} namespace must be of type String";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_REF_OR_ID = "{0}: {1} a reference node or identifier must be provided";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PARAM_GENERIC = "{0}: parameter {1} must be of type {2}";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PARAM_STR = "{0}: {1} param must be of type string";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PARAM_STR_RE = "{0}: {1} param must be of type string or a regular expression";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PARAM_MIXMAPS = "{0}: both a source as well as a destination map must be provided";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_MUST_BE_PROVIDED = "{0}: an {1} and a {2} must be provided";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_MUST_BE_PROVIDED1 = "{0}: {1} must be set";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_REPLACE_EL = "replaceElements called while evalNodes is not an array";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE = "{0}: The response cannot be null or empty!";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_ITEM_ID_NOTFOUND = "{0}: item with identifier {1} could not be found";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PPR_IDREQ = "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, id must be present";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID = "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, before id or after id must be present";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_1 = "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, before node of id {1} does not exist in document";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PPR_INSERTBEFID_2 = "{0}: Error in PPR Insert, after node of id {1} does not exist in document";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PPR_DELID = "{0}: Error in delete, id not in xml markup";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_PPR_UNKNOWNCID = "{0}: Unknown Html-Component-ID= {1}";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_NO_VIEWROOTATTR = "{0}: Changing of ViewRoot attributes is not supported";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_NO_HEADATTR = "{0}: Changing of Head attributes is not supported";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_RED_URL = "{0}: Redirect without url";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_REQ_FAILED_UNKNOWN = "Request failed with unknown status";
/** @constant */
this.ERR_REQU_FAILED = "Request failed with status {0} and reason {1}";
/** @constant */
return Messages;
exports.Messages = Messages;
/***/ }),
/* 17 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var EventData_1 = __webpack_require__(18);
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
var getMessage = Lang_1.ExtLang.getMessage;
var SOURCE = Const_1.Const.SOURCE;
var ERROR_NAME = Const_1.Const.ERROR_NAME;
var STATUS = Const_1.Const.STATUS;
var ErrorType;
(function (ErrorType) {
ErrorType["SERVER_ERROR"] = "serverError";
ErrorType["HTTP_ERROR"] = "httpError";
ErrorType["CLIENT_ERROR"] = "clientErrror";
ErrorType["TIMEOUT"] = "timeout";
})(ErrorType = exports.ErrorType || (exports.ErrorType = {}));
* the spec has a problem of having the error
* object somewhat underspecified, there is no clear
* description of the required contents.
* I want to streamline it with mojarra here
* hence we are going to move
* everything into the same attributes,
* I will add deprecated myfaces backwards compatibility attributes as well
var ErrorData = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ErrorData, _super);
function ErrorData(source, errorName, errorMessage, responseText, responseXML, responseCode, status, type) {
if (responseText === void 0) { responseText = null; }
if (responseXML === void 0) { responseXML = null; }
if (responseCode === void 0) { responseCode = "200"; }
if (status === void 0) { status = "UNKNOWN"; }
if (type === void 0) { type = ErrorType.CLIENT_ERROR; }
var _this = || this;
_this.type = "error";
_this.source = source;
_this.type = "error";
_this.errorName = errorName;
_this.message = _this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
_this.responseCode = responseCode;
_this.responseText = responseText;
_this.status = status;
_this.typeDetails = type;
if (type == ErrorType.SERVER_ERROR) {
_this.serverErrorName = _this.errorName;
_this.serverErrorMessage = _this.errorMessage;
return _this;
ErrorData.fromClient = function (e) {
return new ErrorData("client",, e.message, e.stack);
ErrorData.fromHttpConnection = function (source, name, message, responseText, responseCode) {
return new ErrorData(source, name, message, responseText, responseCode, null, "UNKNOWN", ErrorType.HTTP_ERROR);
ErrorData.fromGeneric = function (context, errorCode, errorType) {
var getMsg = this.getMsg;
var source = getMsg(context, SOURCE);
var errorName = getMsg(context, ERROR_NAME);
var errorMessage = getMsg(context, ERROR_MESSAGE);
var status = getMsg(context, STATUS);
var responseText = getMsg(context, RESPONSE_TEXT);
var responseXML = getMsg(context, RESPONSE_XML);
return new ErrorData(source, name, errorMessage, responseText, responseXML, errorCode + "", status, ErrorType.SERVER_ERROR);
ErrorData.getMsg = function (context, param) {
return getMessage(context.getIf(param).orElse(UNKNOWN).value);
ErrorData.fromServerError = function (context) {
return this.fromGeneric(context, -1, ErrorType.SERVER_ERROR);
return ErrorData;
exports.ErrorData = ErrorData;
/***/ }),
/* 18 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
var getMessage = Lang_1.ExtLang.getMessage;
var EVENT = Const_1.Const.EVENT;
var BEGIN = Const_1.Const.BEGIN;
var SOURCE = Const_1.Const.SOURCE;
var EventData = /** @class */ (function () {
function EventData() {
EventData.createFromRequest = function (request, context, /*event name*/ name) {
var _a, _b, _c, _d;
var eventData = new EventData();
var UNKNOWN = getMessage("UNKNOWN");
eventData.type = EVENT;
eventData.status = name;
var sourceId = context.getIf(SOURCE)
.orElse(context.getIf(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR, P_PARTIAL_SOURCE).value).value;
if (sourceId) {
eventData.source = monadish_1.DQ.byId(sourceId).first().value.value;
if (name !== BEGIN) {
eventData.responseCode = (_b = (_a = request) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.status) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.toString();
eventData.responseText = (_c = request) === null || _c === void 0 ? void 0 : _c.responseText;
eventData.responseXML = (_d = request) === null || _d === void 0 ? void 0 : _d.responseXML;
return eventData;
return EventData;
exports.EventData = EventData;
/***/ }),
/* 19 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var P_VIEWSTATE = Const_1.Const.P_VIEWSTATE;
* a helper class to isolate the
* view state data processing
var ViewState = /** @class */ (function () {
function ViewState(id, value) { = id;
this.value = value;
var viewStatePos = id.indexOf(P_VIEWSTATE);
this.nameSpace = viewStatePos > 0 ? id.substr(0, viewStatePos - 1) : "";
Object.defineProperty(ViewState.prototype, "hasNameSpace", {
get: function () {
var _a, _b;
return !!(_b = (_a = this) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.nameSpace, (_b !== null && _b !== void 0 ? _b : "")).length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return ViewState;
exports.ViewState = ViewState;
/***/ }),
/* 20 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var Assertions_1 = __webpack_require__(14);
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
var TAG_FORM = Const_1.Const.TAG_FORM;
var SOURCE = Const_1.Const.SOURCE;
* Resolver for various aspects of the response data
* stateless because it might be called from various
* parts of the response classes
var ResonseDataResolver;
(function (ResonseDataResolver) {
* fetches the response XML
* as XML Query object
* @param request the request hosting the responseXML
* Throws an error in case of non existent or wrong xml data
function resolveResponseXML(request) {
var ret = new monadish_1.XMLQuery(request.getIf(SEL_RESPONSE_XML).value);
return ret;
ResonseDataResolver.resolveResponseXML = resolveResponseXML;
* Splits the incoming passthrough context apart
* in an internal and an external nomalized context
* the internal one is just for our internal processing
* @param context the root context as associative array
function resolveContexts(context) {
* we split the context apart into the external one and
* some internal values
var externalContext = monadish_1.Config.fromNullable(context);
var internalContext = externalContext.getIf(CTX_PARAM_MF_INTERNAL);
if (!internalContext.isPresent()) {
internalContext = monadish_1.Config.fromNullable({});
* prepare storage for some deferred operations
internalContext.assign(UPDATE_FORMS).value = [];
internalContext.assign(UPDATE_ELEMS).value = [];
return { externalContext: externalContext, internalContext: internalContext };
ResonseDataResolver.resolveContexts = resolveContexts;
* fetches the source element out of our conexts
* @param context the external context which shpuld host the source id
* @param internalContext internal passthrough fall back
function resolveSourceElement(context, internalContext) {
var elemId = resolveSourceElementId(context, internalContext);
var elem = DomQuery_1.DQ.byId(elemId.value);
return elem;
ResonseDataResolver.resolveSourceElement = resolveSourceElement;
* fetches the source form if it still exists
* also embedded forms and parent forms are taken into consideration
* as fallbacks
* @param internalContext
* @param elem
function resolveSourceForm(internalContext, elem) {
var sourceFormId = internalContext.getIf(CTX_PARAM_SRC_FRM_ID);
var sourceForm = new DomQuery_1.DQ(sourceFormId.isPresent() ? document.forms[sourceFormId.value] : null);
sourceForm = sourceForm.orElse(elem.parents(TAG_FORM))
return sourceForm;
ResonseDataResolver.resolveSourceForm = resolveSourceForm;
function resolveSourceElementId(context, internalContext) {
//?internal context?? used to be external one
return internalContext.getIf(CTX_PARAM_SRC_CTL_ID)
.orElseLazy(function () { return context.getIf(SOURCE, "id").value; });
})(ResonseDataResolver = exports.ResonseDataResolver || (exports.ResonseDataResolver = {}));
/***/ }),
/* 21 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var AjaxImpl_1 = __webpack_require__(1);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var XhrFormData_1 = __webpack_require__(22);
var ErrorData_1 = __webpack_require__(17);
var EventData_1 = __webpack_require__(18);
var Lang_1 = __webpack_require__(15);
var failSaveExecute = Lang_1.ExtLang.failSaveExecute;
var getPromise = Lang_1.ExtLang.getPromise;
var COMPLETE = Const_1.Const.COMPLETE;
var NO_TIMEOUT = Const_1.Const.NO_TIMEOUT;
var REQ_TYPE_POST = Const_1.Const.REQ_TYPE_POST;
var URL_ENCODED = Const_1.Const.URL_ENCODED;
var ON_EVENT = Const_1.Const.ON_EVENT;
var ON_ERROR = Const_1.Const.ON_ERROR;
var MULTIPART = Const_1.Const.MULTIPART;
var VAL_AJAX = Const_1.Const.VAL_AJAX;
var REQ_ACCEPT = Const_1.Const.REQ_ACCEPT;
var STD_ACCEPT = Const_1.Const.STD_ACCEPT;
var REQ_TYPE_GET = Const_1.Const.REQ_TYPE_GET;
var ENCODED_URL = Const_1.Const.ENCODED_URL;
var BEGIN = Const_1.Const.BEGIN;
var ERROR = Const_1.Const.ERROR;
var EMPTY_FUNC = Const_1.Const.EMPTY_FUNC;
var XhrRequest = /** @class */ (function () {
* Reqired Parameters
* @param source the issuing element
* @param sourceForm the form which is related to the issuing element
* @param requestContext the request context with allö pass through values
* Optional Parameters
* @param partialIdsArray an optional restricting partial ids array for encoding
* @param timeout optional xhr timeout
* @param ajaxType optional request type, default "POST"
* @param contentType optional content type, default "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
* @param xhrObject optional xhr object which must fullfill the XMLHTTPRequest api, default XMLHttpRequest
function XhrRequest(source, sourceForm, requestContext, internalContext, partialIdsArray, timeout, ajaxType, contentType, xhrObject) {
if (partialIdsArray === void 0) { partialIdsArray = []; }
if (timeout === void 0) { timeout = NO_TIMEOUT; }
if (ajaxType === void 0) { ajaxType = REQ_TYPE_POST; }
if (contentType === void 0) { contentType = URL_ENCODED; }
if (xhrObject === void 0) { xhrObject = new XMLHttpRequest(); }
this.source = source;
this.sourceForm = sourceForm;
this.requestContext = requestContext;
this.internalContext = internalContext;
this.partialIdsArray = partialIdsArray;
this.timeout = timeout;
this.ajaxType = ajaxType;
this.contentType = contentType;
this.xhrObject = xhrObject;
this.stopProgress = false;
XhrRequest.prototype.start = function () {
var _this = this;
var fsExec = failSaveExecute;
var xhrObject = this.xhrObject;
try {
var viewState = jsf.getViewState(this.sourceForm.getAsElem(0).value);
var formData = new XhrFormData_1.XhrFormData(viewState);
this.contentType = formData.isMultipartRequest ? MULTIPART : this.contentType;
//next step the pass through parameters are merged in for post params
var requestContext = this.requestContext;
var passThroughParams = requestContext.getIf(CTX_PARAM_PASS_THR);
this.responseContext = passThroughParams.deepCopy;
//we have to shift the internal passthroughs around to build up our response context
var responseContext = this.responseContext;
responseContext.assign(CTX_PARAM_MF_INTERNAL).value = this.internalContext.value;
//per spec the onevent and onerrors must be passed through to the response
responseContext.assign(ON_EVENT).value = requestContext.getIf(ON_EVENT).value;
responseContext.assign(ON_ERROR).value = requestContext.getIf(ON_ERROR).value;, this.resolveFinalUrl(formData), true);
//adding timeout
this.timeout ? xhrObject.timeout = this.timeout : null;
//a bug in the xhr stub library prevents the setRequestHeader to be properly executed on fake xhr objects
//normal browsers should resolve this
//tests can quietly fail on this one
fsExec(function () { return xhrObject.setRequestHeader(CONTENT_TYPE, _this.contentType + "; charset=utf-8"); });
fsExec(function () { return xhrObject.setRequestHeader(HEAD_FACES_REQ, VAL_AJAX); });
//probably not needed anymore, will test this
//some webkit based mobile browsers do not follow the w3c spec of
// setting the accept headers automatically
fsExec(function () { return xhrObject.setRequestHeader(REQ_ACCEPT, STD_ACCEPT); });
catch (e) {
return this;
XhrRequest.prototype.cancel = function () {
try {
catch (e) {
Object.defineProperty(XhrRequest.prototype, "$promise", {
* Promise bindings
* We have to delegate a few calls to our promise
* to make the callback from the outside and inside work with our
* xhr promise
get: function () {
var _this = this;
if (!this.xhrPromise) {
this.xhrPromise = new (getPromise())(function (resolve, reject) {
//to allow callback into xhr over promises
//we have to register the callbacks
_this.registerXhrCallbacks(resolve, reject);
return this.xhrPromise;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
XhrRequest.prototype.catch = function (func) {
return this;
XhrRequest.prototype.finally = function (func) {
//no ie11 support we probably are going to revert to shims for that one
return this;
XhrRequest.prototype.then = function (func) {
return this;
* attaches the internal event and processing
* callback within the promise to our xhr object
* @param resolve
* @param reject
XhrRequest.prototype.registerXhrCallbacks = function (resolve, reject) {
var _this = this;
var xhrObject = this.xhrObject;
xhrObject.onabort = function () {
_this.onAbort(resolve, reject);
xhrObject.ontimeout = function () {
_this.onTimeout(resolve, reject);
xhrObject.onload = function () {
_this.onSuccess(_this.xhrObject, resolve, reject);
xhrObject.onloadend = function () {
_this.onDone(_this.xhrObject, resolve, reject);
xhrObject.onerror = function (errorData) {
_this.onError(errorData, resolve, reject);
* xhr processing callbacks
* Those methods are the callbacks called by
* the xhr object depending on its own state
XhrRequest.prototype.onAbort = function (resolve, reject) {
XhrRequest.prototype.onTimeout = function (resolve, reject) {
XhrRequest.prototype.onSuccess = function (data, resolve, reject) {
var _a, _b, _c;
//malforms always result in empty response xml
if (!((_b = (_a = this) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.xhrObject) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.responseXML)) {
jsf.ajax.response(this.xhrObject, (_c = this.responseContext.value, (_c !== null && _c !== void 0 ? _c : {})));
XhrRequest.prototype.handleMalFormedXML = function (resolve) {
var _a;
this.stopProgress = true;
var errorData = {
type: ERROR,
responseCode: 200,
responseText: (_a = this.xhrObject) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.responseText,
source: {
try {
finally {
//non blocking non clearing
XhrRequest.prototype.onDone = function (data, resolve, reject) {
if (this.stopProgress) {
XhrRequest.prototype.onError = function (errorData, resolve, reject) {
* other helpers
XhrRequest.prototype.sendEvent = function (evtType) {
var eventData = EventData_1.EventData.createFromRequest(this.xhrObject, this.requestContext, evtType);
try {
//user code error, we might cover
//this in onError but also we cannot swallow it
//we need to resolve the local handlers lazyly,
//because some frameworks might decorate them over the context in the response
var eventHandler = this.resolveHandlerFunc(ON_EVENT);
AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.sendEvent(eventData, eventHandler);
catch (e) {
throw e;
XhrRequest.prototype.handleError = function (exception) {
var errorData = ErrorData_1.ErrorData.fromClient(exception);
var eventHandler = this.resolveHandlerFunc(ON_ERROR);
AjaxImpl_1.Implementation.sendError(errorData, eventHandler);
* resolves the event handlers lazly
* so that if some decoration happens in between we can deal with it
* @param funcName
XhrRequest.prototype.resolveHandlerFunc = function (funcName) {
return this.responseContext.getIf(funcName)
XhrRequest.prototype.resolveTargetUrl = function (srcFormElement) {
return (typeof srcFormElement.elements[ENCODED_URL] == 'undefined') ?
srcFormElement.action :
XhrRequest.prototype.sendRequest = function (formData) {
var isPost = this.ajaxType != REQ_TYPE_GET;
if (formData.isMultipartRequest) {
this.xhrObject.send((isPost) ? formData.toFormData() : null);
else {
this.xhrObject.send((isPost) ? formData.toString() : null);
XhrRequest.prototype.resolveFinalUrl = function (formData) {
var targetUrl = this.resolveTargetUrl(this.sourceForm.getAsElem(0).value);
return targetUrl + (this.ajaxType == REQ_TYPE_GET ? "?" + formData.toString() : "");
return XhrRequest;
exports.XhrRequest = XhrRequest;
/***/ }),
/* 22 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
/* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
* this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
* The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
var __spreadArrays = (this && this.__spreadArrays) || function () {
for (var s = 0, i = 0, il = arguments.length; i < il; i++) s += arguments[i].length;
for (var r = Array(s), k = 0, i = 0; i < il; i++)
for (var a = arguments[i], j = 0, jl = a.length; j < jl; j++, k++)
r[k] = a[j];
return r;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var monadish_1 = __webpack_require__(4);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var Stream_1 = __webpack_require__(10);
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
var isString = monadish_1.Lang.isString;
var P_VIEWSTATE = Const_1.Const.P_VIEWSTATE;
* we simplify now compared to the old form handling
* given that we have a configuration in place we can recycle that
* for the entire parameter generation
* then we have two fallbacks one for the non multipart case
* the other one for the multipart case
* From outside we work on a single form configuration
* which we can use like any other config
* TODO make this code smaller we might have
* enough leverage in the streams collectors
* api just to do that.
var XhrFormData = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(XhrFormData, _super);
* by the time we hit this code, datasource alöready must be of type form
* @param dataSource either a form as domquery object or an encoded url string
* @param partialIdsArray partial ids to collect
function XhrFormData(dataSource, partialIdsArray) {
var _this =, {}) || this;
_this.dataSource = dataSource;
_this.partialIdsArray = partialIdsArray;
//a call to getViewState before must pass the encoded line
//a call from getViewState passes the form element as datasource
//so we have two call points
if (isString(dataSource)) {
else {
return _this;
XhrFormData.prototype.handleFormSource = function () {
//encode and append the issuing item if not a partial ids array of ids is passed
* Spec. 13.3.1
* Collect and encode input elements.
* Additionally the hidden element javax.faces.ViewState
* Enhancement partial page submit
this.encodeSubmittableFields(this, this.dataSource, this.partialIdsArray);
if (this.getIf(P_VIEWSTATE).isPresent()) {
XhrFormData.prototype.handleStringSource = function () {
XhrFormData.prototype.applyViewState = function (form) {
var _this = this;
.ifPresentLazy(function (elem) {
var value = elem.inputValue.value;
_this.assignIf(!!value, Const_1.Const.P_VIEWSTATE).value = value;
XhrFormData.prototype.mergeEncodedString = function (encoded) {
var _this = this;
var splittedEntries = encoded.split(/\&/gi);
Stream_1.Stream.of.apply(Stream_1.Stream, splittedEntries).map(function (line) { return line.split(/\=/gi); })
.each(function (keyVal) {
_this.assign(keyVal[0]).value = keyVal[1] || null;
// noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols
* @returns a Form data representation
XhrFormData.prototype.toFormData = function () {
var ret = new FormData();
for (var key in this.value) {
if (this.value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret.append(key, this.value[key]);
return ret;
* returns an encoded string representation of our xhr form data
* @param defaultStr optional default value if nothing is there to encode
XhrFormData.prototype.toString = function (defaultStr) {
if (defaultStr === void 0) { defaultStr = ""; }
if (this.isAbsent()) {
return defaultStr;
var entries = [];
for (var key in this.value) {
if (this.value.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
//key value already encoded so no need to reencode them again
entries.push(key + "=" + this.value[key]);
return entries.join("&");
* determines fields to submit
* @param {Object} targetBuf - the target form buffer receiving the data
* @param {Node} parentItem - form element item is nested in
* @param {Array} partialIds - ids fo PPS
XhrFormData.prototype.encodeSubmittableFields = function (targetBuf, parentItem, partialIds) {
var toEncode = null;
if (this.partialIdsArray && this.partialIdsArray.length) {
//in case of our myfaces reduced ppr we only
//only submit the partials
//TODO maybe also the window id and other defaults lets see
//this is not a spec case anyway
this._value = {};
toEncode = new (DomQuery_1.DQ.bind.apply(DomQuery_1.DQ, __spreadArrays([void 0], this.partialIdsArray)))();
else {
if (parentItem.isAbsent())
throw "NO_PARITEM";
toEncode = parentItem;
//lets encode the form elements
this.shallowMerge(toEncode.querySelectorAll("input, checkbox, select, textarea").encodeFormElement());
Object.defineProperty(XhrFormData.prototype, "isMultipartRequest", {
get: function () {
return this.dataSource instanceof DomQuery_1.DQ && this.dataSource.querySelectorAll("input[type='file']").isPresent();
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
return XhrFormData;
exports.XhrFormData = XhrFormData;
/***/ }),
/* 23 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
* Asynchronous queue which starts to work
* through the callbacks until the queue is empty
* Every callback must be of async runnable
* which is sort of an extended promise which has
* added a decicated cancel and start point
* This interface can be used as wrapper contract
* for normal promises if needed.
var AsynchronouseQueue = /** @class */ (function () {
function AsynchronouseQueue() {
this.runnableQueue = [];
Object.defineProperty(AsynchronouseQueue.prototype, "isEmpty", {
get: function () {
return !this.runnableQueue.length;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
* enequeues an element and starts the
* asynchronous work loop if not already running
* @param element the element to be queued and processed
* @param delay possible delay after our usual process or drop if something newer is incoming algorithm
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.enqueue = function (element, delay) {
var _this = this;
if (delay === void 0) { delay = 0; }
if (this.delayTimeout) {
this.delayTimeout = null;
if (delay) {
this.delayTimeout = setTimeout(function () {
else {
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.dequeue = function () {
return this.runnableQueue.shift();
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.cleanup = function () {
this.currentlyRunning = null;
this.runnableQueue.length = 0;
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.appendElement = function (element) {
//only if the first element is added we start with a trigger
//otherwise a process already is running and not finished yet at that
if (!this.currentlyRunning) {
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.runEntry = function () {
var _this = this;
if (this.isEmpty) {
this.currentlyRunning = null;
this.currentlyRunning = this.dequeue();
.catch(function (e) {
//in case of an error we always clean up the remaining calls
//to allow a clean recovery of the application
throw e;
//the idea is to trigger the next over an event to reduce
//the number of recursive calls (stacks might be limited
//compared to ram)
//naturally give we have a DOM, the DOM is the natural event dispatch system
//which we can use, to decouple the calls from a recursive stack call
//(the browser engine will take care of that)
function () { return _this.callForNextElementToProcess(); }).start();
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.cancel = function () {
try {
if (this.currentlyRunning) {
finally {
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.callForNextElementToProcess = function () {
AsynchronouseQueue.prototype.processNextElement = function () {
this.currentlyRunning = null;
if (!this.isEmpty) {
AsynchronouseQueue.EVT_NEXT = "__mf_queue_next__";
return AsynchronouseQueue;
exports.AsynchronouseQueue = AsynchronouseQueue;
/***/ }),
/* 24 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {
var extendStatics = function (d, b) {
extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||
({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||
function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (b.hasOwnProperty(p)) d[p] = b[p]; };
return extendStatics(d, b);
return function (d, b) {
extendStatics(d, b);
function __() { this.constructor = d; }
d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
var Monad_1 = __webpack_require__(6);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
var DomQuery_1 = __webpack_require__(5);
* Extension which adds implementation specific
* meta data to our dom qury
* Usage
* el = new ExtDQ(oldReference)
* nonce = el.nonce
* windowId = el.getWindowId
var ExtDomquery = /** @class */ (function (_super) {
__extends(ExtDomquery, _super);
function ExtDomquery() {
return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;
Object.defineProperty(ExtDomquery, "windowId", {
get: function () {
return new ExtDomquery(document.body).windowId;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(ExtDomquery, "nonce", {
get: function () {
return new ExtDomquery(document.body).nonce;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(ExtDomquery.prototype, "windowId", {
get: function () {
var fetchWindowIdFromURL = function () {
var href = window.location.href;
var windowId = "windowId";
var regex = new RegExp("[\\?&]" + windowId + "=([^&#\\;]*)");
var results = regex.exec(href);
//initial trial over the url and a regexp
if (results != null)
return results[1];
return null;
//byId ($)
if (this.value.isPresent()) {
var result = this.querySelectorAll("form input[name='" + Const_1.Const.P_WIN_ID + "']");
if (result.length > 0) {
throw Error("Multiple different windowIds found in document");
return (result.isPresent()) ? result.getAsElem(0).value.value : fetchWindowIdFromURL();
else {
return fetchWindowIdFromURL();
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
Object.defineProperty(ExtDomquery.prototype, "nonce", {
determines the jsfjs nonce and adds them to the namespace
* this is done once and only lazily
get: function () {
//already processed
var myfacesConfig = new Monad_1.Config(window.myfaces);
var nonce = myfacesConfig.assign("config", "cspMeta", "nonce");
if (nonce.value) {
return nonce.value;
var curScript = new DomQuery_1.DQ(document.currentScript);
//since our baseline atm is ie11 we cannot use document.currentScript globally
if (curScript.attr("nonce").value != null) {
//fastpath for modern browsers
return curScript.attr("nonce").value;
var nonceScript = DomQuery_1.DQ.querySelectorAll("script[src], link[src]").lazyStream
.filter(function (item) { return item.attr("nonce").value != null && item.attr("src") != null; })
.map((function (item) { return !item.attr("src").value.match(/jsf\.js\?ln\=javax\.faces/gi); }))
if (nonceScript.isPresent()) {
nonce.value = DomQuery_1.DomQuery.byId(nonceScript.value).attr("nonce").value;
return nonce.value;
enumerable: true,
configurable: true
ExtDomquery.searchJsfJsFor = function (item) {
return new ExtDomquery(document).searchJsfJsFor(item);
ExtDomquery.prototype.searchJsfJsFor = function (rexp) {
//perfect application for lazy stream
return DomQuery_1.DQ.querySelectorAll("script").lazyStream
.filter(function (item) {
var _a;
return (_a = item.attr("src").value, (_a !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : "")).search(/\/javax\.faces\.resource.*\/jsf\.js.*separator/) != -1;
}).map(function (item) {
var result = item.attr("src").value.match(rexp);
return decodeURIComponent(result[1]);
ExtDomquery.prototype.globalEval = function (code, nonce) {
return, code, (nonce !== null && nonce !== void 0 ? nonce : this.nonce));
return ExtDomquery;
exports.ExtDomquery = ExtDomquery;
exports.ExtDQ = DomQuery_1.DQ;
/***/ }),
/* 25 */
/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {
"use strict";
* Typescript port of the jsf.push part in the myfaces implementation
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
//TODO still work in progress
//this is a 1:1 port for the time being
var Jsf_1 = __webpack_require__(0);
var Const_1 = __webpack_require__(12);
* Implementation class for the push functionality
var PushImpl;
(function (PushImpl) {
var URL_PROTOCOL = window.location.protocol.replace("http", "ws") + "//";
//we expose the member variables for testing purposes
//they are not directly touched outside of tests
/* socket map by token */
PushImpl.sockets = {};
/* component attributes by clientId */
PushImpl.components = {};
/* client ids by token (share websocket connection) */
PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens = {};
//needed for testing
function reset() {
PushImpl.sockets = {};
PushImpl.components = {};
PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens = {};
PushImpl.reset = reset;
* Api implementations, exposed functions
* @param {function} onopen The function to be invoked when the web socket is opened.
* @param {function} onmessage The function to be invoked when a message is received.
* @param {function} onclose The function to be invoked when the web socket is closed.
* @param {boolean} autoconnect Whether or not to immediately open the socket. Defaults to <code>false</code>.
function init(socketClientId, uri, channel, onopen, onmessage, onclose, behaviorScripts, autoconnect) {
onclose = resolveFunction(onclose);
if (!window.WebSocket) { // IE6-9.
onclose(-1, channel);
var channelToken = uri.substr(uri.indexOf('?') + 1);
if (!PushImpl.components[socketClientId]) {
PushImpl.components[socketClientId] = {
'channelToken': channelToken,
'onopen': resolveFunction(onopen),
'onmessage': resolveFunction(onmessage),
'onclose': onclose,
'behaviors': behaviorScripts,
'autoconnect': autoconnect
if (!PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[channelToken]) {
PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[channelToken] = [];
if (!PushImpl.sockets[channelToken]) {
PushImpl.sockets[channelToken] = new Socket(channelToken, getBaseURL(uri), channel);
if (autoconnect) {;
PushImpl.init = init;
function open(socketClientId) {
var _a, _b;
getSocket((_b = (_a = PushImpl.components) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[socketClientId]) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 : _b.channelToken).open();
} = open;
function close(socketClientId) {
var _a;
getSocket((_a = PushImpl.components) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a[socketClientId].channelToken).close();
PushImpl.close = close;
// Private helper classes
// Private classes functions ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Creates a reconnecting web socket. When the web socket successfully connects on first attempt, then it will
* automatically reconnect on timeout with cumulative intervals of 500ms with a maximum of 25 attempts (~3 minutes).
* The <code>onclose</code> function will be called with the error code of the last attempt.
* @constructor
* @param {string} channelToken the channel token associated with this websocket connection
* @param {string} url The URL of the web socket
* @param {string} channel The name of the web socket channel.
var Socket = /** @class */ (function () {
function Socket(channelToken, url, channel) {
this.channelToken = channelToken;
this.url = url; = channel;
this.reconnectAttempts = 0;
} = function () {
if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState == 1) {
this.socket = new WebSocket(this.url);
Socket.prototype.onopen = function (event) {
if (!this.reconnectAttempts) {
var clientIds = PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[this.channelToken];
for (var i = clientIds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var socketClientId = clientIds[i];
this.reconnectAttempts = 0;
Socket.prototype.onmmessage = function (event) {
var message = JSON.parse(;
for (var i = PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[this.channelToken].length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var socketClientId = PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[this.channelToken][i];
if (document.getElementById(socketClientId)) {
try {
PushImpl.components[socketClientId]['onmessage'](message,, event);
catch (e) {
var behaviors = PushImpl.components[socketClientId]['behaviors'];
var functions = behaviors[message];
if (functions && functions.length) {
for (var j = 0; j < functions.length; j++) {
try {
catch (e) {
else {
PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[this.channelToken].splice(i, 1);
if (PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[this.channelToken].length == 0) {
//tag dissapeared
Socket.prototype.onclose = function (event) {
var _a, _b;
if (!this.socket
|| (event.code == 1000 && event.reason == REASON_EXPIRED)
|| (event.code == 1008)
|| (!this.reconnectAttempts)
|| (this.reconnectAttempts >= MAX_RECONNECT_ATTEMPTS)) {
var clientIds = PushImpl.clientIdsByTokens[this.channelToken];
for (var i = clientIds.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
var socketClientId = clientIds[i];
PushImpl.components[socketClientId]['onclose']((_a = event) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.code, (_b = this) === null || _b === void 0 ? void 0 :, event);
else {
setTimeout(, RECONNECT_INTERVAL * this.reconnectAttempts++);
Socket.prototype.close = function () {
if (this.socket) {
var s = this.socket;
this.socket = null;
* bind the callbacks to the socket callbacks
Socket.prototype.bindCallbacks = function () {
var _this = this;
this.socket.onopen = function (event) { return _this.onopen(event); };
this.socket.onmessage = function (event) { return _this.onmmessage(event); };
this.socket.onclose = function (event) { return _this.onclose(event); };
return Socket;
// Private static functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function getBaseURL(url) {
if (url.indexOf("://") < 0) {
var base = window.location.hostname + ":" + window.location.port;
return URL_PROTOCOL + base + url;
else {
return url;
* Get socket associated with given channelToken.
* @param {string} channelToken The name of the web socket channelToken.
* @return {Socket} Socket associated with given channelToken.
* @throws {Error} When channelToken is unknown, you may need to initialize
* it first via <code>init()</code> function.
function getSocket(channelToken) {
var socket = PushImpl.sockets[channelToken];
if (socket) {
return socket;
else {
throw new Error("Unknown channelToken: " + channelToken);
function resolveFunction(fn) {
if (fn === void 0) { fn = function () {
}; }
return ((typeof fn !== "function") && (fn = window[fn]), fn);
})(PushImpl = exports.PushImpl || (exports.PushImpl = {}));
/***/ })
/******/ ])));
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