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Last active February 11, 2024 15:51
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❯ llmweb \
 --context $(oak typescript definitions \
        /home/manuel/code/ttc/ttc/theme/app/react/pages/ProductPage/ProductPage.styled.ts \
        --with-body --name FlexWrapper | temporizer) \
 --context /home/manuel/code/ttc/ttc/theme/app/css/shared/notices.css \
 --context /home/manuel/code/ttc/ttc/theme/app/react/components/Notices/Notices.styled.tsx \
 --context $(oak typescript types \
         /home/manuel/code/ttc/ttc/theme/app/react/store/api/types.ts \
         --type Notice | temporizer) \
"Implement NoticesStyled and NoticeStyled to represent WC notices, using the CSS for the legacy woocommerce-* 
 way of doing things to write the actual emotion styled css"

To implement NoticesStyled and NoticeStyled using Emotion styled components in a way that is consistent with the legacy CSS classes provided for WooCommerce notices, you would need to translate the CSS rules into styled components. Below is an example of how you might do this:

// Notices.styled.tsx
import styled from '@emotion/styled';
import { css } from '@emotion/react';

// Define CSS variables as JS for use within the styled components
const colors = {
  colorHeart: '#ff0000', // Replace with actual CSS variable value
  colorPageBackground: '#ffffff', // Replace with actual CSS variable value
  colorCTA: '#00ff00', // Replace with actual CSS variable value

// Shared styles for notices
const noticeStyles = css`
  border-radius: 4px;
  color: ${colors.colorPageBackground};
  list-style: none;
  padding: 1rem;
  text-align: center;

export const NoticesStyled = styled.div`
  line-height: 1.2;
  margin: 0 auto;

  @media (min-width: 768px) { /* Assuming --tablet is 768px */
    max-width: 655px;

  @media (min-width: 1024px) { /* Assuming --desktop is 1024px */
    max-width: 720px;

export const NoticeStyled = styled.div<{ type: 'success' | 'error' | 'notice' }>`
  background: ${({ type }) =>
    type === 'error'
      ? `rgb(${colors.colorHeart})`
      : type === 'success'
      ? `rgb(${colors.colorCTA})`
      : 'transparent'};
  margin: ${({ type }) => (type === 'success' ? '1rem auto' : '0')};

  @media (min-width: 768px) { /* Assuming --tablet is 768px */
    ${({ type }) => type === 'success' && 'margin: 1rem auto;'}

In the above code:

  • We've created a colors object to hold the color values that would typically be defined as CSS variables. You would replace the placeholder hex values with the actual values from your CSS variables.
  • We've defined a noticeStyles constant using the css helper from Emotion to share common styles between different notice types.
  • The NoticesStyled component is styled to match the .woocommerce-notices-wrapper rules.
  • The NoticeStyled component takes a type prop to determine the background color and margin based on the type of notice. It uses the shared noticeStyles and applies additional styles conditionally based on the notice type.
  • Media queries are used to apply styles at different breakpoints, matching the provided legacy CSS.

Please note that the media query breakpoints (--tablet and --desktop) should be replaced with actual pixel values or use a JavaScript object or function similar to breakpoints from the provided FlexWrapper styled component if you have one defined in your project.

Also, ensure that the colors object is correctly populated with the values from your CSS variables or theme settings. If you're using CSS variables directly in your project, you can reference them within the styled components using var(--variable-name).

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[user]: Now adapt the following code to use the styled classed you created : export type Props = { notices: Notice[] } export const Notices: FC = ({ notices }) => { return (notices || []).map((notice, index) => { return {notice.message} }) }

[assistant]: To adapt the given code to use the styled components NoticesStyled and NoticeStyled that we created earlier, we need to make a few adjustments. First, we need to import the styled components and then use them in the JSX. Also, we need to ensure that the StyledNoticeIcon and StyledNoticeText components are either defined or imported if they exist. Here's the adapted code:

import React, { FC } from 'react';
import { NoticesStyled, NoticeStyled } from './Notices.styled';

// Assuming StyledNoticeIcon and StyledNoticeText are defined elsewhere and imported
import StyledNoticeIcon from './StyledNoticeIcon';
import StyledNoticeText from './StyledNoticeText';

export type Notice = {
  type: 'success' | 'error' | 'notice';
  message: string;
  data: any | null;

export type Props = {
  notices: Notice[];

export const Notices: FC<Props> = ({ notices }) => {
  return (
      {, index) => (
        <NoticeStyled key={index} type={notice.type}>
          <StyledNoticeIcon type={notice.type} />

In this code:

  • We import NoticesStyled and NoticeStyled from Notices.styled.tsx.
  • We map over the notices array and for each notice, we render a NoticeStyled component with a key prop for React's list rendering optimization and a type prop to determine the styling based on the notice type.
  • Inside each NoticeStyled component, we render a StyledNoticeIcon and StyledNoticeText. The StyledNoticeIcon component also receives a type prop to potentially vary the icon based on the notice type.
  • We assume that StyledNoticeIcon and StyledNoticeText are components that are defined elsewhere and are responsible for rendering the icon and text of the notice, respectively.

Please make sure that StyledNoticeIcon and StyledNoticeText are correctly imported from their respective files if they are separate components. If they are not yet implemented, you would need to define them or adjust the code accordingly.

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