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Created November 9, 2017 18:23
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Steps to remove a logical volume (LVM)
# These steps worked when deleting a Fedora logical volume (lvm) partition on a UEFI system.
# They were run from a Fedora live session, and will probably work in Ubuntu based distros as well.
# Trying to delete an lvm / pv partition in Gparted will give you an error.
# To solve this, run the following:
lvs # lvscan to list logical volumes / volume group(s).
# If error about swap volume, run swapoff -a
# Replace vgname with the group name
vgchange -an vgname # deactivate volumes
lvremove vgname
vgremove -v vgname
pvremove /dev/sdX # remove the physical volume (partition remains and needs to be deleted by Gparted)
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