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jbenet / current_utc_time.c
Created July 17, 2011 16:17
work around lack of clock_gettime in os x
author: jbenet
os x, compile with: gcc -o testo test.c
linux, compile with: gcc -o testo test.c -lrt
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
Kedrigern / Tree.hs
Last active March 27, 2024 00:43
Implementation of binary search tree in Haskell
{- Implementation of BST (binary search tree)
Script is absolutly free/libre, but with no guarantee.
Author: Ondrej Profant -}
import qualified Data.List
{- DEF data structure -}
data (Ord a, Eq a) => Tree a = Nil | Node (Tree a) a (Tree a)
deriving Show
tonious / avl.c
Created November 18, 2011 21:13
A quick AVL tree implementation in c.
#define _XOPEN_SOURCE 500 /* Enable certain library functions (strdup) on linux. See feature_test_macros(7) */
#include <time.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
struct avl_node_s {
class PostsController < ActionController::Base
def create
def update
brandonb927 /
Last active May 29, 2024 14:52
OSX for Hackers: Yosemite/El Capitan Edition. This script tries not to be *too* opinionated and any major changes to your system require a prompt. You've been warned.
# SOME COMMANDS WILL NOT WORK ON macOS (Sierra or newer)
# For Sierra or newer, see
# Alot of these configs have been taken from the various places
# on the web, most from here
ArnonEilat / queue.c
Last active December 2, 2021 00:02
Simple C implementation of queue. Usage example included.
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
/* a link in the queue, holds the info and point to the next Node*/
typedef struct {
int info;
kshenoy / vim_re.txt
Created April 11, 2013 21:59
Vim Regular Expression demonstrating use of look-ahead zero-width assertion to replace all the commas on a line that aren't a part of a quoted string
This uses positive look-ahead to check if there's a string ahead to substitute commas present outside quoted strings.
* "[^"]*"
Match a double-quoted string
robert-king /
Created May 28, 2013 03:51
Python Binary Index Tree (Fenwick tree) with range updates.
__author__ = 'robert'
Implementation inspired by Petr Mitrichev's blog post
Yoshiya Miyata's Quora answer
class Bit:
def __init__(self, n):
justinweiss / filterable.rb
Last active January 11, 2024 07:28
# Call scopes directly from your URL params:
# @products = Product.filter(params.slice(:status, :location, :starts_with))
module Filterable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
# Call the class methods with names based on the keys in <tt>filtering_params</tt>
# with their associated values. For example, "{ status: 'delayed' }" would call
quickshiftin /
Created February 21, 2014 07:25
Running GNU coreutils via Homebrew on your Mac? Here's a one-liner to get the manpages working!
# Short of learning how to actually configure OSX, here's a hacky way to use
# GNU manpages for programs that are GNU ones, and fallback to OSX manpages otherwise
alias man='_() { echo $1; man -M $(brew --prefix)/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnuman $1 1>/dev/null 2>&1; if [ "$?" -eq 0 ]; then man -M $(brew --prefix)/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnuman $1; else man $1; fi }; _'