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Last active August 19, 2018 04:59
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import logging
from random import choice
from typing import Dict, List, Set
from import Card
from .player import Other
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
merge_cards = lambda my, community: my + community
def analysis_cards(all: List[Card]) -> Dict[int, Set[int]]:
cards = dict()
for card in all:
if card.suit.value in cards.keys():
cards[card.suit.value] = {card.rank.value}
return cards
all_rank_index = {
'same': {
'different': {
hold_rank_index = {
'same': {
1: [{14, 13}],
2: [{14, 12}, {14, 11}, {13, 12}],
3: [{14, 10}, {13, 11}, {12, 11}, {11, 10}],
4: [{13, 10}, {12, 10}, {11, 9}, {10, 9}, {9, 8}],
5: [{14, n} for n in range(2, 10)] + [{12, 9}, {10, 8}, {9, 7}, {8, 7}, {7, 6}],
6: [{13, 9}, {11, 8}, {8, 6}, {7, 5}, {5, 4}],
7: [{13, n} for n in range(2, 9)] + [{12, 8}, {10, 7}, {6, 4}, {5, 3}, {4, 3}],
8: [{11, 7}, {9, 6}, {8, 5}, {7, 4}, {4, 2}, {3, 2}],
'different': {
1: [(14, 14), (13, 13), (12, 12), (11, 11)],
2: [(10, 10), (14, 13)],
3: [(9, 9), (14, 12), (14, 12)],
4: [(8, 8), (14, 11), (13, 12)],
5: [(7, 7), (13, 11), (12, 11), (11, 10)],
6: [(6, 6), (5, 5), (14, 10), (13, 10), (12, 10)],
7: [(4, 4), (3, 3), (2, 2), (11, 9), (10, 9), (9, 8)],
8: [(12, 9), (11, 8), (10, 8), (8, 7), (7, 6), (6, 5), (5, 4)],
def hold_rank(cards: dict):
if len(cards.keys()) == 1:
same_cards = list(cards.values())[0]
indexes = hold_rank_index['same']
for rank, indxs in zip(indexes.keys(), indexes.values()):
for i in indxs:
if same_cards == i:
return rank
# 다른 카드
c1, c2 = [list(i)[0] for i in cards.values()]
indexes = hold_rank_index['same']
for rank, indxs in zip(indexes.keys(), indexes.values()):
for i in indxs:
if (c1, c2) == i or (c2, c1) == i:
return rank
# 내가 가진 패의 등급
def check_round(community):
c = len(community)
if c == 0:
return 1
elif c == 3:
return 2
elif c == 4:
return 3
return 4
def racord_rank():
result = {}
while True:
in_rank = yield result
if result.get(str(in_rank)):
result[str(in_rank)] += 1
result[str(in_rank)] = 1
status_same = {
1: [{10, 11, 12, 13, 14}],
2: [{3, 4, 5, 6, 7}],
5: [{2, 5, 6, 8, 11}],
status_different = {
3: [[{n}, {n}, {n}, {n}] for n in range(2, 10)],
7: [[{n}, {n}, {n}, ] for n in range(2, 15)],
def check_in(diff, cards):
for k, v in zip(cards.keys(), cards.values()):
if diff <= v:
return True, k
return False, None
def check_status(cards):
for v in cards.values():
for rank, sames in zip(status_same.keys(), status_same.values()):
for same in sames:
if same in v:
return rank
for rank, differents in zip(status_different.keys(), status_different.values()):
for diff in differents:
already = []
if len(cards.keys()) >= len(diff):
check = diff.copy()
for d in diff:
result, i = check_in(d, cards)
if result and i not in already:
if len(check) == 0:
print('랭크', rank)
return rank
racord = racord_rank()
def process(my_chips: int, my_cards: List[Card], bet_players: List[Other], betting_players: List[Other],
community_cards: List[Card], min_bet_amt: int, max_bet_amt: int, total_bet_amt: int):
all_in = min(my_chips, max_bet_amt)
rounds = check_round(community_cards)
my = analysis_cards(my_cards)
if my_chips >= min_bet_amt:
my_rank = hold_rank(my)
all_cards = analysis_cards(merge_cards(my_cards, community_cards))
status = check_status(all_cards)
if status is not None and status == 1:
return all_in
if (status is None or my_rank is None) and min_bet_amt >= 40:
return choice([0, min_bet_amt, min_bet_amt, min_bet_amt])
if rounds == 1:
return min_bet_amt
elif rounds == 2:
if my_rank is not None:
if status is not None and status <= 2:
chips = sorted([p.chips for p in betting_players] + [my_chips], reverse=True)
i = chips.index(my_chips)
if i <= 2:
return max(all_in / 2, min_bet_amt)
elif my_rank <= 2:
return max(int(max_bet_amt / 4), min_bet_amt)
elif my_rank <= 4:
return max(int(max_bet_amt / 8), min_bet_amt)
return min_bet_amt
return min_bet_amt
elif rounds == 3:
if (status is not None and status <= 5) or (my_rank is not None and my_rank <= 3):
chips = sorted([p.chips for p in betting_players] + [my_chips], reverse=True)
if chips.index(my_chips) <= 2:
return max(all_in / 2, min_bet_amt)
return min_bet_amt
if status is not None:
if status <= 2:
return max(min_bet_amt, all_in / 2)
return min_bet_amt
return 0
def bet(*args, **kwargs) -> int:
result = process(*args, **kwargs)
except Exception as e:
return result
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