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Last active April 3, 2018 20:27
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Responsive Breakpoints Using Sass Maps
// Breakpoints
$breakpoints: (
'sm': 480px,
'sm+': 640px,
'md': 768px,
'md+': 1024px,
'lg': 1280px,
'lg+': 1440px,
'xl': 1600px,
'xl+': 1920px,
@function col-span($span, $cols: 12) {
$full-width: 100%;
@if not $span or type-of($span) != 'number' {
@return $full-width;
@return $full-width * ($span / $cols);
@mixin breakpoint($breakpoint) {
@if not variable-exists('breakpoints') or not map-has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {
@warn '`#{$breakpoint}` is not a valid breakpoint name.';
@else {
@media(min-width: map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint)) {
// Example usage:
.element {
width: col-span();
@include breakpoint('sm') {
width: col-span(6);
@include breakpoint('md') {
width: col-span(4);
@include breakpoint('lg+') {
width: col-span(3);
@include breakpoint('xl+') {
width: col-span(2);
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