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Last active December 8, 2022 15:32
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A command line tool for syncing with DigitalOcean Spaces or Amazon S3

I'm using this in the context of .gitignore'ing Assets from a Statamic site.

DigitalOcean Spaces with s3cmd

Install & configure

s3cmd setup

  • Install s3cmd to interact with Spaces
  • from root: sudo apt install s3cmd
  • from root: s3cmd --configure (this will initate a config wizard)
  • Accesss Key and Secret Key:
    • Digitalocean > API > Spaces access keys
    • Name token with server name (ie: example-prod-1)
    • Access Key: XXX...XXXX
    • Secret Key: XXX...XXXX
  • Default Region: ams3
  • S3 Endpoint:
  • DNS-style bucket+hostname:port template for accessing a bucket:
  • Encryption password: (something-random-_-save-it-somewhere)
  • Path to GPG program: (select default) /usr/bin/gpg
  • Use HTTPS protocol: (select default) True
  • HTTP Proxy server name:
  • HTTP Proxy server port: 0
  • Select Yes to test connection and save configuration

Scripts & hooks

Sync Up:

s3cmd sync -r --skip-existing --verbose --delete-removed public/assets/ s3://example-assets-01/assets/

Sync down:

s3cmd sync -r --skip-existing --verbose --delete-removed s3://example-assets-01/assets/ public/assets/

# If RemoteDisconnected error appears, add --no-check-md5 to command
# ie:

Create backup:

~ cron to run once a week?

s3cmd put -r public/assets/ s3://example-assets-01/backup-`date +%F\-%a`/ --expiry-days=30

Git post-commit hook

  • Create .git/hooks/post-commit with contents of:
git pull --rebase

git push

npm ci

npm run build


  • Set permissions on the hook: chmod +x .git/hooks/post-commit

Git post-merge hook

  • Create .git/hooks/post-merge with contents of:
composer install

npm ci

npm run build

  • Set permissions on the hook: chmod +x .git/hooks/post-commit
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