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Last active May 24, 2019 11:53
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Creates a new bash script file in the current working directory. This is meant for #WSL users as it kind of solves the CR [Carriage Return (\r)] and LF [Linefeed (\n)] issue in Windows, since the file will be created in the Linux environment, and not Windows.
# Title : csf
# Date : 17.05.2019
# Author : WessCoby <>
# Version : 1.0.0
# Description : Short for 'Create Script File' [A simple bash script creator]
# Creates a new bash script file in the current working directory.
# This kind of solves the CR [Carriage Return (\r)] and LF [Linefeed (\n)] issue in Windows,
# since the file will be created in a Unix environment, and not Windows.
# Therefore, after creating the script file, just open it in your editor and start writing your script
# Options : Specify file name [you can choose to add a bash extension]
### Prompt for file name
prompt() {
read -r -p "File name(s) [Space or comma separated]: " file;
echo "$file";
### Create a script file with argument as name,
### set execute permissions
### and add brief documentation
createScriptFile() {
if [[ ! -e "$PWD/$1" ]];
touch "$PWD/$1" # Create file
chmod u+x ${1} # Modify the file's permission
# Adding some content to the newly created file
printf "%s\n\n" "#!/bin/bash" > ${1} # shebang!
# A brief documentation
printf "#: Title: %s\n" "$1" | cat >> $1
printf "#: Date: %s\n" "$(date)" | cat >> $1
printf "#: Author: %s\n" "[Your name]" | cat >> $1
printf "#: Version: %s\n" "1.0.0" | cat >> $1
printf "#: Description: %s\n\n" "[A brief description of your script's functionality]" | cat >> $1
printf "# Begin Scripting " | cat >> $1
### If no argument is passed when script is invoked
if [[ $# == 0 ]];
# Prompt for file name(s) and save input in array (names)
IFS=', ' read -r -a names <<< $(prompt)
for name in "${names[@]}"
createScriptFile ${name};
exit 0;
elif [[ $# == 1 ]]; # if script is invoked with 1 argument
createScriptFile $1
exit 0;
else # if 2 or more arguments
IFS=', ' read -r -a filenames <<< $@
for file in "${filenames[@]}"
createScriptFile "$file";
exit 0;
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  • Create a bin directory in your home directory [ ~/bin ], if you don't already have it and export it to your PATH
  • Save this script in the newly created bin directory. [ ~/bin/csf ]
    • You can copy and paste the code in the file or use wget.
  • Make sure the script has executable permission. If not, set it using chmod u+x csf
  • Creating script files with csf is easy.
    • csf filename creates a single script file
    • csf filename1 filename2 filename3 creates multiple files in the current working directory
    • csf will prompt user to enter file name(s).

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