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Created November 9, 2009 19:37
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lessphp for WordPress: filter for stylesheet URLs so that if there is a corresponding file with a .less extension and that file is newer than this .css file, then lessphp is invoked to rebuild the stylesheet: the theme comment header is preserved.
* Filter stylesheet URLs so that if there is a corresponding file with
* a .less extension and that file is newer than this .css file, then lessphp
* <> is invoked to rebuild the stylesheet: the
* comment header is preserved in the LESS output. Requires that lessphp be
* located in <TEMPLATEPATH/lessphp/> This filter may be invoked
* in header.php as follows:
* <link rel="stylesheet"
* href="<?php echo apply_filters('style_loader_src', get_stylesheet_uri(), null); ?>"
* type="text/css"
* media="screen" />
* Filter also includes filemtime() in query string so that far-future expires
* may be employed.
function less_filter_style_loader_src($src, $handle = null){
$parsedSrc = parse_url($src);
//Process this file if the src's host is the same as this host (or if it's not specified)
if(!@$parsedSrc['host'] || @$parsedSrc['host'] == parse_url(get_option('siteurl'), PHP_URL_HOST)){
//Get the paths to the .css and .less files
$cssPath = trailingslashit(ABSPATH) . $parsedSrc['path'];
$lessPath = preg_replace('/\.css$/i', '.less', $cssPath);
//Only process the file if a corresponding .less file exists and if the
// .css file does not or it is older than the .less file
if($lessPath && file_exists($lessPath) &&
(!file_exists($cssPath) || filemtime($lessPath) > filemtime($cssPath)) &&
include(TEMPLATEPATH . '/lessphp/')
try {
$lc = new lessc();
$lc->importDir = TEMPLATEPATH . '/';
$lessCode = file_get_contents($lessPath);
$cssCode = $lc->parse($lessCode);
//Get the comment header out of the source .less file to preserve it
$header = '';
if(preg_match('{(^(?:\s*/\*.+?\*/\s*)+)}s', $lessCode, $matches))
$header = $matches[1];
//Add a warning to the header to instruct people to not modify it
// directly since it is dynamically generated by lessphp.
$header .= "\n/*\n";
$header .= wordwrap("WARNING! This file is automatically generated from '" . basename($lessPath) . "' by lessphp."
. "To make modifications to the stylesheet, modify that file simply reload"
. "the page to be automatically regenerated by WordPress (requires that lessphp be available:", 80, "\n"); //\r\n
$header .= "\n*/\n";
//Write out new .css file
if(!@file_put_contents($cssPath, $header . $cssCode))
throw new Exception("Unable to write to " . basename($cssPath));
catch(Exception $e){
//Construct an error message to display in the page
$error = "<p style='color:red; padding:0.5em; border:solid 1px red; background:white; position:fixed; top:0; left:0;'>";
$error .= "<b><a href='' target='_blank'>lessphp</a> error in ";
$error .= "<a href='" . esc_attr(preg_replace('/.css$/', '.less', $src)) . "'>";
$error .= basename($lessPath) . "</a></b>: " . esc_attr($e->getMessage()) . "</p>";
"print " . var_export($error, true) . ";"
//Append the filemtime to the CSS file so that far-future expires can be set
$src = $parsedSrc['path'] . '?' . @filemtime($cssPath);
return $src;
add_filter('style_loader_src', 'less_filter_style_loader_src', 10, 2);
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