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Created March 11, 2011 22:42
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Adding filtering to any class simply by having it extend the Filterable class.
// Builds off of Aspect-Oriented Design demo by Garrett Woodworth:
// <>
class Filters {
protected static $_filters = array();
* Register a new filter; note there could be an array index also provided
* to indicate where in the list order that a callback filter should be applied
public static function add($member, $callback) {
static::$_filters[$member][] = $callback;
* Run the method's return value by all of the filters in order of addition
public static function apply($value, $member, $object, $params){
foreach(self::$_filters[$member] as $callback){
$value = $callback($value, $member, $object, $params);
return $value;
* Remove a filter
public static function remove($member, $callback){
$i = array_search($callback, self::$_filters[$member]);
if($i !== false){
list($removed) = array_splice(self::$_filters, $i, 1);
return $removed;
return null;
* This is a wrapper class that gets inherited from to add filtering to any class method.
* Function argument filtering could be added here as well, as well as instance
* variable filtering.
class Filterable {
function __call($name, $args){
$_name = '_'.$name;
$return = call_user_func_array( array($this, $_name), $args );
$key = get_class($this)."::$name";
return Filters::apply($return, $key, $this, $args);
* Sample class that is filterable. Note that all filterable methods merely need
* to be prefixed by a single underscore, but then they are invoked without it.
class HelloWorld extends Filterable {
public function _greet($name){
return "Hello, $name!\n";
* Demo
$hello_world = new HelloWorld();
print $hello_world->greet("John");
//> Hello, John!
Filters::add('HelloWorld::greet', function($value){
return str_replace('Hello', 'Hola', $value);
print $hello_world->greet("John");
//> Hola, John!
Filters::add('HelloWorld::greet', function($value){
return str_replace('John', 'Johnny', $value);
print $hello_world->greet("John");
//> Hola, Johnny!
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