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Last active June 2, 2020 06:13
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[OBSOLETE] Temporary AMP compatibility shim for Gist embedding in Jetpack (until PR #10053 is merged). For use with the AMP plugin.
* Plugin Name: Jetpack amp-gist
* Description: Temporary AMP compatibility shim for Gist embedding in Jetpack (until <a href="">PR #10053</a> is merged). For use with the <a href="">AMP plugin</a>.
* Plugin URI:
* Version: 0.1
* Author: Weston Ruter
* Author URI:
namespace AMP;
use Jetpack;
use Jetpack_AMP_Support;
* GitHub's Gist site supports oEmbed but their oembed provider only
* returns raw HTML (no styling) and the first little bit of the code.
* Their JavaScript-based embed method is a lot better, so that's what we're using.
// AMP overrides. This is the only part that is modified from
add_action( 'template_redirect', function() {
if ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() && class_exists( 'Jetpack_AMP_Support' ) ) {
wp_embed_register_handler( 'github-gist', '#https?://gist\.github\.com/([a-zA-Z0-9/]+)(\#file\-[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+)?#', __NAMESPACE__ . '\github_gist_embed_handler' );
add_shortcode( 'gist', __NAMESPACE__ . '\github_gist_shortcode' );
} );
* Handle gist embeds.
* @since 2.8.0
* @global \WP_Embed $wp_embed
* @param array $matches Results after parsing the URL using the regex in wp_embed_register_handler().
* @param array $attr Embed attributes.
* @param string $url The original URL that was matched by the regex.
* @param array $rawattr The original unmodified attributes.
* @return string The embed HTML.
function github_gist_embed_handler( $matches, $attr, $url, $rawattr ) {
// Let the shortcode callback do all the work
return github_gist_shortcode( $matches, $url );
* Callback for gist shortcode.
* @since 2.8.0
* @param array $atts Attributes found in the shortcode.
* @param string $content Content enclosed by the shortcode.
* @return string The gist HTML.
function github_gist_shortcode( $atts, $content = '' ) {
if ( empty( $atts[0] ) && empty( $content ) ) {
return '<!-- Missing Gist ID -->';
$id = ( ! empty( $content ) ) ? $content : $atts[0];
// Parse a URL
if ( ! is_numeric( $id ) ) {
$id = preg_replace( '#https?://[a-zA-Z0-9]+)#', '$1', $id );
if ( ! $id ) {
return '<!-- Invalid Gist ID -->';
if ( Jetpack_AMP_Support::is_amp_request() ) {
* According to <>:
* > Note: You must find the height of the gist by inspecting it with your browser (e.g., Chrome Developer Tools).
* However, this does not seem to be the case any longer. The actual height of the content does get set in the
* page after loading. So this is just the initial height.
* See <>.
$height = 240;
$parsed_url = wp_parse_url( $id );
// Strip Github user name.
$id = preg_replace( '#^.*/(?=[a-z0-9]+)#', '', $parsed_url['path'] );
$file = null;
if ( ! empty( $parsed_url['query'] ) ) {
$query_args = wp_parse_args( $parsed_url['query'] );
if ( isset( $query_args['file'] ) ) {
$file = $query_args['file'];
if ( ! $file && ! empty( $parsed_url['fragment'] ) && preg_match( '#^file-(.+)#', $parsed_url['fragment'], $matches ) ) {
$file = $matches[1];
// Make best guess of file for fragment that was slugified.
$file = preg_replace( '/-(\w+)/', '.$1', $file );
$amp_tag = sprintf(
'<amp-gist layout="fixed-height" data-gistid="%s" height="%s"',
esc_attr( basename( $id, '.json' ) ),
esc_attr( $height )
if ( ! empty( $file ) ) {
$amp_tag .= sprintf( ' data-file="%s"', esc_attr( $file ) );
$amp_tag .= '></amp-gist>';
return $amp_tag;
Jetpack::get_file_url_for_environment( '_inc/build/shortcodes/js/gist.min.js', 'modules/shortcodes/js/gist.js' ),
array( 'jquery' ),
if ( false !== strpos( $id, '#file-' ) ) {
// URL points to a specific file in the gist
$id = str_replace( '#file-', '.json?file=', $id );
$id = preg_replace( '/\-(?!.*\-)/', '.', $id );
} else {
$file = ( ! empty( $atts['file'] ) ) ? '?file=' . urlencode( $atts['file'] ) : '';
// URL points to the entire gist
$id .= ".json$file";
// inline style to prevent the bottom margin to the embed that themes like TwentyTen, et al., add to tables
$return = '<style>.gist table { margin-bottom: 0; }</style><div class="gist-oembed" data-gist="' . esc_attr( $id ) . '"></div>';
if ( isset( $_POST[ 'type' ] ) && 'embed' === $_POST[ 'type' ] &&
isset( $_POST[ 'action' ] ) && 'parse-embed' === $_POST['action'] ) {
return github_gist_simple_embed( $id );
return $return;
* Use script tag to load shortcode in editor.
* @since 3.9.0
* @param string $id The ID of the gist.
* @return string
function github_gist_simple_embed( $id ) {
$id = str_replace( 'json', 'js', $id );
return '<script type="text/javascript" src="' . $id . '"></script>';
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