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Created October 1, 2019 13:11
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  • Save westonwatson/d47893c5f1b05ba13954520c80fd3dca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Hacker News OUTLINE.COM links
//Run this code after page load
window.onload = function() {
//target story link container(s)
function(nodeObj, objIndex) {
var parentNode = nodeObj.parentNode;
//make a copy of the story link
var cloneNode = nodeObj.cloneNode(true);
var hrefString = nodeObj.href;
//create the link
hrefString = '' + hrefString;
//set href and open in new tab
cloneNode.href = hrefString; = '_blank';
//leave a copy of the original link
nodeObj.innerHTML = ' [DIRECT LINK]';
//append the outline link/copy