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Created May 9, 2019 00:16
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A hunting log recorded entirely using Siri/iPhone dictation in the Notes app

Should’ve brought ear plugs. Hit the trail at 6:20. A lot of hunters at Cowboy Camp. Maybe not a lot, three or four I should say. I was very anxious and spooked by them but they turned out to just be regular hunters (I had thought they look shifty at first). Didn't miss having hot coffee or a hot breakfast or even a solid breakfast.

Went down the wrong trail, Cache Creek Ridge Trail, and had to cut over to Judge Davis trail.

20ga is a dream to carry. I have good reception on the ridges.

Two gun shots at 7:45.

Losing a lot of elevation which means it's going to be a tough hike back so I should allocate time accordingly.

Got to the river bed around 9 AM. Found what appears to be bear tracks and saw a bald eagle. It's really foggy at the lower elevation down by the creek.

At 9:20 talked to some hunters who are camping down by the creek. They had not started hunting yet and had planned to cross the creek but we're not able to because it was flowing too fast. They said they plan to try and cross the creek later in the afternoon.

Hiked up on a hill above the creek and stopped to take a break at a 9:45. Had to air out my socks because they were so wet from the dew. It has warmed up quite a bit and most of the fog has burned off.

Changes for tomorrow: skip long-sleeve undershirt, add extra socks, add first aid kit.

Took a two hour break, resumed hiking at 11:45.

Bushwhacking was hell. Never take a shortcut unless it’s at least three times shorter. Just because the spot looks blank on the map doesn’t mean it’s not filled with bushes. Finally got back to Judge Davis Trail at 1 PM. It is hot and I’m tired.

Talked to some nice hikers that I ran into on the trail around 1:15 PM.

Stopped for lunch and to air out my feet at 1:45. Resumed hiking at 2:15.

Got back to the parking lot at around 3 o’clock. Talked to a couple of other hunters who saw nothing (but other hunters). Going to go check out Lynch Canyon and then head to Clearlake.

The High Bridge Trail and the Brody Canyon Trail both look like they would be difficult to cross the creek in the morning.

Got to the motel at 5 PM.

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