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Last active December 31, 2015 03:19
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use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.011;
use Test::More;
use Data::Dumper;
my $m = CIF::Protocol::Message->new({
version => '0.00000001',
Token => 1234,
mtype => 'reply',
stype => Ox::OxType::StypeType::stype_type_ext_value(),
ext_stype => 'test s',
ctype => 'ping',
Response => Ox::ResponseType->new({
rtype => Ox::ResponseType::RtypeType::rtype_type_ping(),
Data => ['1234','12345'],
$m = $m->encode();
warn Dumper($m);
$m = CIF::Protocol::Message->decode($m);
warn Dumper($m);
ok(ref($m) eq 'CIF::Protocol::Message');
ok($m->get_stype() == Ox::OxType::StypeType::stype_type_ext_value());
package CIF::Protocol::Message;
use strict;
use warnings;
use namespace::autoclean;
# moose
use Moose;
use MooseX::FollowPBP;
use MooseX::SlurpyConstructor;
use MooseX::NonMoose;
# local stuff
use CIF::Protocol::Type;
has 'version' => (
is => 'ro',
default => '0.00000001',
has 'Token' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
has 'mtype' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'CIF::Protocol::Type::Mtype',
coerce => 1,
has 'stype' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'CIF::Protocol::Type::Stype',
coerce => 1,
has 'ctype' => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'CIF::Protocol::Type::Ctype',
coerce => 1,
has [qw/ext_mtype ext_stype ext_ctype/] => (
is => 'rw',
isa => 'Str',
has 'Response' => (
is => 'ro',
isa => 'CIF::Protocol::Type::Response',
sub encode {
my $self = shift;
return Ox::OxType->encode($self);
sub decode {
my $class = shift;
my $str = shift;
return bless(Ox::OxType->decode($str),$class);
sub BUILD {
my $self = shift;
#warn ::Dumper($self);
package Ox;
message ListClientsResponseType {
repeated string client = 1;
repeated int32 connectTimestamp = 2;
message PingResponseType {
optional double ts = 1;
optional int32 pingseq = 2;
message ListThreadsResponseType {
repeated string id = 1;
repeated string user = 2;
repeated string host = 3;
repeated string command = 4;
repeated int32 runtime = 5;
repeated string state = 6;
repeated string info = 7;
message StatsResponseType {
enum stype_type {
stype_type_router = 1;
stype_type_db = 2;
stype_type_ext_value = 3;
optional stype_type stype = 1;
optional string ext_stype = 2;
optional string stats = 3;
message ResponseType {
enum rtype_type {
rtype_type_ping = 1;
rtype_type_listclients = 2;
rtype_type_stats = 3;
rtype_type_query = 4;
rtype_type_token = 5;
rtype_type_ext_value = 99;
optional rtype_type rtype = 1;
optional string ext_rtype = 2;
repeated bytes Data = 99;
message OxType {
enum stype_type {
stype_type_success = 1;
stype_type_failed = 2;
stype_type_unauthorized = 3;
stype_type_duplicate = 4;
stype_type_ext_value = 99;
enum mtype_type {
mtype_type_command = 1;
mtype_type_reply = 2;
mtype_type_ext_value = 99;
enum ctype_type {
ctype_type_register = 1;
ctype_type_unregister = 2;
ctype_type_ipublish = 3;
ctype_type_listclients = 4;
ctype_type_shutdown = 5;
ctype_type_stats = 6;
ctype_type_ping = 7;
ctype_type_pause = 8;
ctype_type_resume = 9;
ctype_type_restart = 10;
ctype_type_thread_list = 300;
ctype_type_ext_value = 900;
optional double version = 1 [ default = 0.000001 ]; // 0.00.00-alpha.1
optional mtype_type mtype = 2;
optional string ext_mtype = 3;
optional stype_type stype = 4;
optional string ext_stype = 5;
optional ctype_type ctype = 6;
optional string ext_ctype = 7;
optional string Token = 8;
repeated ResponseType Response = 9;
extensions 100 to 199;
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